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October 2007 California Association of Community College Registrars and Admissions Officers and California Community Colleges System Office Sacramento.

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Presentation on theme: "October 2007 California Association of Community College Registrars and Admissions Officers and California Community Colleges System Office Sacramento."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 2007 California Association of Community College Registrars and Admissions Officers and California Community Colleges System Office Sacramento Burbank October 29, 2007 November 2, 2007 Title 5 Regulation Changes

2 October 2007 CCCCO System Office California Community Colleges 9:00 AM - 9:30 AMRegistration 9:30 AM – 9:40 AMWelcome and Introduction – Sue & Chuen 9:40 AM - 10:00 AMOverview of Changes & Process – Linda 10:00 AM - 10:45 AMTitle 5 – Part 1 (Adopted Changes) – Linda, LeBaron & Ralph 10:45 AM - 11:15 AMImpact on Attendance Accounting & Reporting - Elias 11:15 AM - 12:00 PMQuestion & Answer: Panel- Elias, LeBaron, Linda & Ralph 12:00 PM - 1:30 PMLunch on your own 1:30 PM – 2:00 PMTitle 5 - Part 2 (Proposed Changes) – LeBaron 2:00 PM – 3:00 PMInput – Panel Title 5 Regulation Changes Workshop Sponsors: CACCRAO & CCCCO Sacramento Convention Center, October 29th, 2007 Burbank Holiday Inn, November 2nd, 2007

3 October 2007 Title 5 Workshop Facilitators: Judy Young, Chabot College, JYoung@ChabotCollege.EduJYoung@ChabotCollege.Edu Sue Vaughn, Bakersfield College, SVaughn@BakersfieldCollege.EduSVaughn@BakersfieldCollege.Edu Chuen Chan, System Office, CChan@Cccco.EduCChan@Cccco.Edu Presenters: Carole Bogue-Feinour, Academic Affairs, CBFeinour@Cccco.EduCBFeinour@Cccco.Edu Elias Regalado, Fiscal Services, ERegalad@cccco.EduERegalad@cccco.Edu LeBaron Woodyard, Academic Affairs, LWoodyar@Cccco.EduLWoodyar@Cccco.Edu Linda Michalowski, Student Services, LMichalo@Cccco.EduLMichalo@Cccco.Edu Ralph Black, Legal Affairs, RBlack@Cccco.EduRBlack@Cccco.Edu

4 October 2007 §55000.5. Handbook; Monitoring and Review of Approved Courses and Programs. Effect of Regulation

5 October 2007 §55002.5. Credit Hour. One credit hour—minimum 48 hours lecture, study, or laboratory work (semester)

6 October 2007 § 55007. Multiple and Overlapping Enrollments. May not permit enrollment in two or more sections of same credit course during the same term (unless one ends before the other begins). May not permit enrollment in overlapping courses without appropriate mechanism in district’s attendance accounting procedure.

7 October 2007 §55022. Pass-No Pass Options. CR and NC changed to P and NP Fall 2009 §55024 Withdrawal “W” shall not be assigned if student withdrew due to discriminatory treatment or retaliation. Placed procedure in college catalog. §55025 Grade Changes Provision for another faculty member to substitute for the instructor -- Not available --Discrimination complaint

8 October 2007 §55040. District Policy for Course Repetition. Two repetitions to alleviate substandard grade Third repetition—petition §55041. Course Repetition Absent Substandard Academic Work. Recency requirement for prerequisite §55042. Course Repetition in Activity Courses. Visual or performing arts in music, fine arts, theater, dance part of a sequence of transfer courses not subject to this provision ESL/basic skills—not “activity” courses

9 October 2007 §55062. Types of Courses Appropriate to the Associate Degree. English composition not more than one level below the first transfer level composition course ESL which teaches composition—not considered English composition in this subdivision

10 October 2007 § 55063. Minimum Requirements for the Associate Degree. (a) Requirements for a major or area of emphasis. (1) At least 18 semester or 27 quarter units of study must be taken –in a single discipline or related disciplines, as listed in the community colleges "Taxonomy of Programs," or –in an area of emphasis involving lower division coursework which prepares students for a field of study or for a specific major at UC or CSU

11 October 2007 Certificate of Achievement may not be given any other designation 18+ semester units / 27 + quarter units (and 12 to 18 units) degree-applicable credit coursework requires System Office approval may be listed on a student transcript symbolizes successful completion of patterns of learning experiences designed to develop certain capabilities that may be oriented to career or general education Shorter credit certificates (a.k.a. “low-unit” certificates) less than 18 semester (27 quarter) units do not require System Office approval may not be referred to as –certificate of achievement –certificate of completion –certificate of competency may not be listed on student transcript § 55070. Credit Certificates.

12 October 2007 § 55100. Course Approval. Reiterates that all credit courses must be approved by –college curriculum committee –district governing board Delegates authority to locally approve stand-alone credit courses for five years (2007-2012) District certifies that all faculty and staff involved in curriculum approval have completed training Courses must be modified & re-approved if they were previously denied by the System Office

13 October 2007 §55151. Career Development and College Preparation Courses Eligible for Enhanced Funding. 1.A course eligible for enhanced funding must be part of a sequence of courses/program directed at either: a.Certificate of Completion leading to improved employability or job opportunities. Certificate awarded must include name of certificate, the date awarded, be identified by TOP Code number and program discipline, identify goals of the program, and list courses completed by students. b.Certificate of Competency in a recognized career field articulated with degree applicable coursework, completion of an associate degree or transfer to a baccalaureate institution (Note: may be tied to non-degree applicable coursework that leads to degree applicable program.) Certificate awarded must include name of certificate, the date awarded, be identified by TOP Code number and program discipline, and list relevant competencies achieved by the student.

14 October 2007 §58161.5 Apportionment for Re-enrollment after Withdrawal. § 58161. Apportionment for Course Repetition.

15 October 2007 1. § 55024. Withdrawal. Not addressed in Part 1 Limit students to no more than 4 “W’s” Credit courses only

16 October 2007 2. § 55064. Acceptance of Noncredit Courses. Old provision Section is being sunset on July 1, 2009

17 October 2007 3. § 55154. Adult High School Diploma Programs. Requirements for the diploma Five broad categories Does not include the CAHSEE Specifies the relationship of hours of instruction to high school credits

18 October 2007 4. § 55253. College Credit and Repetition. Limits the total of credit units in work experience

19 October 2007 5.§ 55254. Student Qualifications. Establishes eligibility requirements for work experience Part 1 revision overlooked reference to alternate and parallel plans, this revision corrects it

20 October 2007 6. § 55255. District Services. Describes services districts provide in support of work experience

21 October 2007 7. § 55502. Definitions. Definitions related to the matriculation process Modify subdivision (c) to clarify a test used solely for resolving a prerequisite challenge

22 October 2007 8. § 55521. Prohibited Practices. Recognize change in Education Code section 76002 to permit colleges to use an assessment conducted in accordance with the Board's matriculation regulations

23 October 2007 9. § 55523. Counseling and Advisement. Eliminates a cross-reference to subdivision (h) of section 55502 which is being deleted

24 October 2007 10. § 55532. Exemptions. Language is added to specify that a district may not exempt students from the matriculation program solely because they are enrolled exclusively in noncredit courses

25 October 2007 11. § 58106. Limitations on Enrollment. Generally prohibits limiting enrollment based on evaluation of a student’s ability Amendment to this section would permit the use of such factors if they were part of a selection procedure expressly authorized by statute

26 October 2007 12. § 58160. Noncredit Course Funding. List the categories that can be claimed for apportionment Eliminates transition language related to claiming enhanced apportionment

27 October 2007 13. § 58161.7. Recommendations Regarding Repetition of Noncredit Courses and Related Issues. Commissions a study of certain issues related to repetition of noncredit courses Research based Report by January 2009 Regulations by June 2009

28 October 2007 14. § 58509. Authority of Chancellor To Waive Provisions To Accommodate Students Impacted by Wildfires. Amended to correctly cross-reference new section 55024 which deals with withdrawal policies

29 October 2007 15. Article 9. Reporting Procedures Article is being repealed

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