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2014 Training Manual Training Manual 1.

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1 2014 Training Manual Training Manual 1

2 Presentation This presentation has been compiled to assist you with registrations for the College of Law Qualifications.

3 Objectives Curriculum advice Registrations
Exemptions (excluding Ad hoc) Transitional arrangements not included in the Curriculums brochure.

4 General Take note of compulsory modules – students will not graduate if there are outstanding compulsory modules. Know your curriculums. NO exemptions to be done in regions. NO FI audits to be done on F788 in regions. All urgent enquiries from regions must be directed via Ms Malebo’s office.

5 Alternative pathways DIPLOMAS
Compulsory modules as per requirements not satisfied (choose only one language) ENN1511 & ENN103F AFK1502 & AFK1503 Electives per Qualification (choose 2 from the following) 98218 Corrections Management PEN1501 PEN1502 PEN1503 PUB1501 SCK1501 98220 Policing POL1501 POL1502 OVM1501 OVM1502 INS1502 98221 Security Management SEP1501 SEP1502 SEP1503 SEP1505 MNG1502 98750 Law ILW1501 CRW1501 PVL1501 PAR1501 BWE1501

6 Diplomas 4 new Diplomas were introduced in 2012
Familiarise yourselves with the rules of these qualifications Diploma in Corrections Management – 98218 Diploma in Security Management – 98221 Diploma in Law – 98750 Diploma in Policing – 98220 Exemptions for Basic Training Certificate is applicable

7 ND: Correctional Services Management (NDCSM – OLD)
Students have until the end of 2015 to complete. Students who do not complete this curriculum of the National Diploma by the end of 2015, will be allowed to register for the revised Diploma in Corrections Management. Where applicable, relevant credits will be granted towards the National Diploma in Correctional Services Management. Exemptions are not automatically granted, students should apply for exemptions using the DSAR04 form.

8 ND: Correctional Services Management (NDCRS)
Students have until the end of 2014 to complete. Students who do not complete the old curriculum of this National Diploma (NDCRS) by the end of 2014, will be allowed to register for the revised Diploma in Corrections Management (98218). Where applicable, relevant credits will be granted towards the revised National Diploma in Correctional Services Management.

9 ND: Correctional Services Management (NDCSM – OLD)
(Transitional Arrangements) OLD CODE NEW CODE CSA111A PEN1036 CSA121B PEN1025 CSA211A PEN2601 CSA221B PEN2602 CSA311A PEN2603 CSA321B PEN3706 TCL1M1B ILW1501 TCL1M2B SCL1501 CRS2M1C FUR2601 CRS2M2C PEN2607 CSM1M1W / MNG1M14 MNG1502 CSM1M2W / MNG1M25 MNG1602 CSM2M1R + CSM2M2R MNG241Y/MND MND2602 CSM3M1Q + CSM3M2Q MNG381K/PEN PEN3708 EUPPRAC EUP1501

10 ND: Policing (OLD) Students who do not complete the old curriculum of the National Diploma by the end of 2013, will be allowed to register for the new Diploma in Policing (98220). Where applicable, relevant credits will be granted.

11 ND: Policing (NEW) Students have until the end of 2014 to complete.
Students who do not complete this curriculum of the National Diploma by the end of 2014, will be allowed to register for the Diploma in Policing (98220). Where applicable, relevant credits will be granted towards the Diploma in Policing.

12 ND: Policing Exemptions from subjects that were passed more than ten years ago in pursuance of a qualification that has not been completed as yet, are not granted automatically. A curriculum vitae (CV) setting out to what extent the applicant has remained in touch with policing should accompany the application for such exemptions.

13 ND: Policing (NDPLC) Exemptions
Credits will be given for the following modules if the first phase of Basic Training at the SAPS Training Colleges passed since A certified copy of the certificate or letter signed by the commander of the college must be submitted together with the application for credits(examples on the next slides). OVM1501 OVM1502 POL1501 POL1502

14 National Diploma: Policing
Certificates Please take note of the different certificates students may have. Note that only the Basic Training certificate and the SESSETA certificates and the SESSETA academic record are recognised for exemptions.

15 Ndip: Policing (Certificates)
Yes Exemption

16 Ndip: Policing (Certificates)
Yes Exemption

17 Ndip: Policing (Certificates)
No Exemption

18 ND: Policing (NDPLC) Transitional Arrangements OLD CODE NEW CODE
LPL1M1P CRW1501 LPL1M2P CMP2601 LPL201P CRW2602/CRW2603 LPL301P EVI3701 HMR131Z FUR2601 MLL1M1P / MNG1M14 MNG1502 MLL1M2P / MNG1M25 MNG1602 MLL201P MNG241Y or MND2601 +MND2602 MLL301P MNG381K or MND3701 +MND3702 MLL401P MNG301A + MNG302B or MNG3701+MNG3702

19 ND: Security Risk Management
NDSCR (NEW) runs concurrently with the revised Diploma in Security Management (98221) and phases out in 2015. No new registrations for NDSCR (New). Note that MAC1501 is an elective for the diploma which is an admission requirement should students want to go on with the BTech(pipeline students) Where applicable, relevant credits will be granted towards the New Curriculum.

20 ND: Security Risk Management (Prior to 2010) Transitional Arrangements
OLD CODE NEW CODE SEP111A SEP1501 SEP141D SEP1502 SEP131C SEP1503 SEP151E SEP1505 SEP1504 SJD1501 SEP281H SEP2601 SEP381H SEP2602 SEP221B SEP2603 SEP361S SEP SEP3702

21 Alternative pathways Degrees
Compulsory modules as per requirements not satisfied (choose only one language) ENN1511 & ENN103F AFK1502 & AFK1503 Electives per Qualification (choose 2 from the following) 98680 LLB ILW1501 PVL1501 FAC1503 FLS1501 FLS1502 98681 Criminology CMY1501 CMY1502 CMY1503 ENN1504 98683 Police Science POL1501 POL1502 OVM1501 OVM1502 INS1502

22 LLB (98680) Students who are currently registered under the old code have until 2015 to complete. From 2016 students will be transferred to the new qualification code Where applicable, relevant credits will be granted towards the new LLB qualification. All new students must register under the new code. The qualification has 35 compulsory modules and 5 elective modules from 2012. 1 compulsory research module has been introduced from 2012 (HMLLB80). Students who did not pass all the required electives will have to register for HMLLB80 instead of an elective module. If a student has already passed a short dissertation such student must NOT do the new research module.( i.e.LCP420, LCP4820,LML420,LML4820,LPL420,LPL4820) All rules, new and old, which apply under the new LLB code are also equally applicable to the old code.

23 LLB (03492)Transitional arrangements-compulsory modules
OLD CODE NEW CODE ILW1036/ILW ILW1501 SCL1014 SCL1501 FLS101V FLS1501 FLS102W FLS1502 PVL101Q PVL1501 PVL203V PVL2601 PVL202U PVL2602 PVL303Y PVL3701 PVL301W PVL3702 PVL302X PVL3703 PVL3043 PVL3704 CIP201G CIP2601 CIP301K CIP3701 CMP301A CMP3701 CRW201X CRW2602 OLD CODE NEW CODE CRW201X CRW2602 CSL201M CSL2601 FUR201F FUR2601 IND203X/IND /IND IND2601 MRL203L MRL2601 MRL301M MRL3701 MRL303P MRL3702 EVI301A EVI3701 ADL201M ADL2601 SCL1502 ENN106J

24 NB. Please note the critical LLB transitional arrangements as stated in the Curriculums : College of Law brochure Students have until 2015 to complete this qualification. From 2016 students will be transferred to Bachelor of Laws (98680). TRANSITIONAL ARRANGEMENTS Students who have, between , passed accepted language modules in Afrikaans and English will retain credit towards the completion of the LLB and need not register for the Skills Course for Law Students (SCL1501). Students who have passed only one language module must register for the Skills Course for Law Students (SCL1501). Students who have passed ILW1014 and ILW1025 as well as IND101/IND201V and IND102/IND202W must not register for FAC1503. Students who passed only IND101/ IND201V or IND102/ IND202W prior to 2008 as well as students who passed IND203X prior to 2011 retain credit for the module and must not register for IND2601 but must register for FAC1503. Students who passed LCR401R and/or LCR402S may not register for LCR4806. Students who passed LPL413C may not register for either LPL4804 or LPL4805.

25 LLB- transitional arrangements
Students who have passed both ILW1014 and ILW1025 retain credit for these modules and may not register for ILW1501. Students who have passed only one of ILW1014 or ILW1025 retain credit for the module passed and must register for FAC1503 and not for ILW1501. Students who have passed EVI1024 or EVI302B retain credit and may not register for EVI3702. Students who have passed EVI2016 retain credit for that module and must not register for EVI3702. Students who have passed CRW101U retain credit for that module and must not register for CRW2601 or EUP1501. Students who have passed ENN106J will retain credit for it and do not have to register for SCL1502

26 LLB -transitional arrangements
Students who have passed MRL302N retain credit for that module and must not register for MRL4801. The LLB degree comprises FORTY MODULES which include thirty five (35) compulsory and five (5) elective modules. Some curriculum changes came into operation in 2008 and New compulsory modules were included in the curriculum, namely EUP1501, FAC1503, PVL3704 and LJU4802. Students who have already progressed quite far with their curriculum may find that this means that they have to do more than thirty five compulsory modules. Therefore they will have to do fewer than 5 electives, because only 40 modules are required to complete the qualification. Credits will be given for all modules already passed (e.g. credit will be given for both IND201V and IND202W which have now been replaced by IND2601).

27 BA Police Science (98683) Note that a revised Degree is introduced in 2013. Note the different streams to follow with the elective modules.

28 BA Criminology (03425 – CRI) Students have until the end of 2017 to complete this Degree Students who do not complete this curriculum by the end of 2017, will be allowed to register for the new BA Criminology (98681). Where applicable, relevant credits will be granted towards the new curriculum

29 BA Criminology (98681) Please note the rules under this qualification
Note the different streams to follow with the elective modules

30 Postgraduate Diploma In Law
(HIV and AIDS) (98757) No new registrations as the qualification will be phased out in 2017. This qualification is offered online and students must have access to computers and online networks .

31 Honours Degrees Regions can register Honours degrees.
Ensure that the admission requirements are met.

32 Honours BA – Criminology (98682)
Admission requirements An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree in the relevant discipline or a discipline closely associated with it, with 60% or more. A student, who does not have an average of 60% or more, may make a submission to the relevant College to allow such a student admission. Students must provide a written motivation of not more than 3 pages requesting admission to the college. The college will take into account the relevant experience, work or otherwise, of the student, the language capabilities of the student, any other factor deemed necessary by the college.

33 BA Honours in Corrections Management(98655)
Admission requirements An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree in the relevant discipline or a discipline closely associated with it, with 60% or more. A student, who does not have an average of 60% or more, may make a submission to the relevant College to allow such a student admission. Students must provide a written motivation of not more than 3 pages requesting admission to the college. The college will take into account the relevant experience, work or otherwise, of the student, the language capabilities of the student, any other factor deemed necessary by the college.

34 BA Honours in Corrections Management(98655)
Note the 2 new modules PEN4804 & PEN4805 The two modules (KRPNL36 and KRPNL48) has been replaced by (PEN4804 and CMY4805) form However, pipeline students who have already passed these modules must get recognition for them and cannot register for the replacement modules. Pipeline students who have registered in 2012 for these modules (KRPNL36 and/or KRPNL48) but do not pass the exams in January 2013, should be given a last supplementary examination opportunity in June 2013. Pipeline students who have passed only one of the two modules ( KRPNL36 or KRPNL48), should be allowed to register for any one of the two replacing modules (PEN4804 and CMY4805). All new student (from 2013) should register for the 'new' modules. No registrations for KRPNL36 and KRPNL48 will be allowed from 2013.

35 BTech: Forensic Investigation (BTFIN)
Students registering for this qualification must be in possession of a National Diploma: Policing or equivalent qualification in Criminal Justice Field. E.g. Criminology, Security Risk Management, Correctional Science Management. Uncertainties with regards to equivalent qualifications should be referred to Ms Malebo in Pretoria.

36 BTech: Policing (BTPLC)
Admission requirements National Diploma in Policing or equivalent qualification in the field of Criminal Justice (e.g. Criminology, Security Risk Management, Correctional Science Management, etc). Uncertainties with regards to equivalent qualifications should be referred to the chair of the department. Note the admission requirements

37 BTech: Security Risk Management (BTSEC)
Admission requirements This qualification is offered until 2017 for repeaters only. National Diploma in Security Management or equivalent qualification in the field of Criminal Justice (e.g. Criminology, Correctional Services Management, Policing, Forensic Investigation etc) or in the field of Social and/or Psychological Sciences, Education and Law. Please ensure that student do MAC1501. Full explanation on the bridging course is set out in the Curriculums : College of Law brochure.

38 Advanced Diploma in Security Management (98235)
Note the new Advanced Diploma that is being introduced in 2014 Admission requirements Diploma in Security Management

39 Advanced Diploma in Security Management (98235)
Rules: Accessing the Advanced Diploma in Security Management with other qualifications: Students with the following qualifications: Diploma in Policing, Police Administration, Corrections Management or Safety Management; or BTech: Policing, Forensic Investigation, Corrections Management or Safety Management; or BA: Criminology or Criminal Justice, can access the Advanced Diploma in Security Management by means of RPL and/or completing the following selected top-up modules (register them for non-degree purposes – NDP) from the Diploma in Security Management (Qualification code: 98221): Applied Security Risk Management (SEP3701); Integrated Security Risk Project Management (SEP3702); Security Risk Control Measures III (SEP3704); Corporate Investigation III (SEP3703); Security Technology & Information Security III (SEP3705). Such students also need to ensure their compliance with the pre-requisites for registering in the Advanced Diploma in Security Management of the management modules: MNG301A (Strategic Planning IIIA) and MNG301B (Strategic Implementation IIIB).

40 BTech: Correctional Services Management (BTCOR)
National Diploma in Correctional Services Management or equivalent qualification in the field of Criminal Justice (e.g. Criminology, Security Risk Management, Policing etc) or in the field of Social and/or Psychological Sciences, Education and Law. Please note that the co-requisites for AST441D is MNG3701; these modules should be registered together. Admission requirements

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