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University of Kent The Journey Starts Here… Dr Laura Machin Lancaster University.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Kent The Journey Starts Here… Dr Laura Machin Lancaster University."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Kent The Journey Starts Here… Dr Laura Machin Lancaster University

2  Combined working with studying  Wanted University experience  Restrictions  Qualifications  Wary of University-life  Visited Canterbury campus – never looked back! Why University? Why Kent?

3  Why I wanted to be an Ambassador  Presentation skills  Confidence  Work experience  Try out possible career avenues  Let everyone know how wonderful Uni life was My Time as a Kent Ambassador

4  What I did as an Ambassador  Attended recruitment events around the country  Spoke at schools about my experiences of Uni life  Widening participation summer schools  Campus tours  UCAS clearing hotline  Mentor to school students My Time as a Kent Ambassador

5  What it was like to be the first Kent Ambassador  Pride  Excitement  Friendships My Time as a Kent Ambassador

6  Travel to new unis = moved institutions with each degree I have taken  Engaging with new people, initiating relationships = post doc researcher  My passion for widening participation = Medical School with a strong widening participation agenda, heavily involved in the admissions process  Confidence and presentation skills = lecturing What I’ve taken from being a Kent Ambassador

7  Make use of your known contacts  Tailor your cv to job, person, industry etc  Seek out opportunities or create your own  Make a professional profile and keep it up to date  Be ‘job application’ ready  Networking is a lifelong activity! Networking

8  Don’t underestimate yourself – there are enough people in this world to put you down and you don’t need another enemy to stand in your way  Value what you bring to the table  Know your strengths  Get regular updates on job opportunities…what would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars”

9  Work out what you love and hate about your current role/position, then think about alternative careers that might incorporate those strengths and passions  Be strategic – have an idea what you want e.g. researching, permanent contract, living together, location  Be open to new opportunities…say ‘yes’  Be prepared to be selfish…say ‘no’ “Choice comes in two flavours: You can decide what you want to do and then go out and find it, or you can notice what you are already doing, and choose that”

10  Avoid viewing a role as the end-goal, see it as the entry ticket to the next step/goal  Do the jobs that no one else wants to do and turn them into a speciality  Make what you do count  Be prepared to step up and take on additional responsibility without being asked  Try to establish an identity – think about what you want to be known for  Get a mentor  Surround yourself by good people (listen, watch and learn)  Use extra-curricular activities as a way to demonstrate, practice and gain new skills and abilities  Seek out training opportunities “First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do”

11 “Nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful individuals with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Perseverance and determination alone are omnipotent”

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