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A Presentation to Early Childhood Educators Spring 2010 The Academic Senate + You.

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Presentation on theme: "A Presentation to Early Childhood Educators Spring 2010 The Academic Senate + You."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Presentation to Early Childhood Educators Spring 2010 The Academic Senate + You

2 What is the Academic Senate? The “10 +1” Title 5, section53200 (c) 1.curriculum, including establishing prerequisites & certificate requirements 3.grading policies 4.educational program development 5.standards and polices regarding student preparation and success

3 governance structures, as related to faculty roles 7.faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes, including self-study and annual reports 8.policies for faculty professional development activities 9.processes for program review 10.processes for institutional planning and budget development 11.other academic and professional matters as are mutually agreed upon between the governing board and the academic senate

4 At the state level Academic Senate for the California Community Colleges Executive Committee Four officers---President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer---and 10 regional representatives to serve the local senates and... YOU.

5 What does the ASCCC do for you? Resolutions, voted upon at the two annual plenary sessions dictate the actions and positions of the ASCCC Publications (Papers, Rostrum articles) Do you want to know more about Program Review? Tips about college budgets? Being a department chair? Networking with other faculty at our events Professional development activities, including the Curriculum, Accreditation, and SLOs Institutes Articulation Projects C-ID Course Identification Numbering System SB 70 State Career Pathways IMPAC Intersegmental Major Preparation Articulated Curriculum

6 At the local level College academic senates: All faculty might be included on the senate (“senate of the whole”---usually at the smaller colleges) Each area/division/department might elect representatives to serve on the senate. It is a recommendation of the ASCCC to urge “local senates to seriously consider the importance of part-time faculty involvement in governance.” Multi-college districts might also have a district senate. Appointment of faculty members to college committees, task forces, or other groups dealing with academic and professional matters (after consultation with CEO/designee)

7 How your local senate can benefit you When the senate makes recommendations about faculty hiring, budgets, etc, they can speak to the need for ECE programs and services your students need. When you serve on your senate and other governance committees, you gain the “big picture” perspective of the college.

8 How you can help your local senate Discussions about the college’s curricular offerings overall (ECE connects with areas such as nutrition, psychology, music, dance, art, biology) As a program with certificates, degrees and transfer curriculum (ECE is both a transfer and CTE program) Your knowledge of pedagogy Your understanding of lifespan development

9 Education Code Minimum Qualifications and Equivalency, section 87359 (b) Hiring Criteria, section 87360 (b) Tenure Evaluation Procedures, section 87610.1, “The faculty’s exclusive representative shall consult with the academic senate prior to engaging in collective bargaining regarding those procedures.” Evaluation Procedures, section 87663 (f), bargaining unit shall consult with Senate Faculty Service Areas, section 87743.2, bargaining unit shall consult with Senate

10 We encourage you to: Serve on your local senate and its committees Serve on your curriculum committee Consider participating on state-level committees, including Occupational Education Transfer Educational Policies Curriculum etc... Complete a nomination to serve form

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