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CS110: Computers and the Internet Encryption and Certificates.

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Presentation on theme: "CS110: Computers and the Internet Encryption and Certificates."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS110: Computers and the Internet Encryption and Certificates

2 Encryption and security

3 Ciphers Encryption terminology: – plaintext: message to be sent, in readable form – ciphertext: message in coded form, unreadable without a key – encrypt: turn plaintext into ciphertext – decrypt: turn ciphertext back into plaintext – cryptanalysis: cracking a code without the required special information – cryptography: study of codes and code-breaking

4 Caesar Codes The idea behind Caesar Codes is letter substitution. One strategy uses rotation.

5 Substitution codes are easy to break XLI UYMGO FVSAR JSB NYQTW SZIV XLI PEDC HSK TLE UYMGO FVSAR JSB NYQTW SZIV TLE PEDC HSK T=X  R=4 Method: frequency analysis

6 Implementing Caesar Ciphers using the ASCII table encoded_char = (plaintext_char + rotation_amount) % 128; Plaintext: By sea Ciphertext: F} wie

7 Vigenere Cipher: multiple Caesar ciphers. A Vigenere Cipher use multiple Caesar ciphers. Using a Vigenere Cipher to encrypt a message: – Select a keyword (e.g. CAT) – Convert the letters of the keyword to a sequence of rotations, each in the range from 0 to 25 (e.g. "CAT" is converted to the rotation sequence 2-0-19) – Use the sequence of rotations to encode successive letters of the message, repeatedly cycling through the rotations (e.g. 2-0-19-2-0-19-2-0-19...)

8 Ecoding using the Vigenere Cipher

9 Try it yourself Key word: CODECODECODECO Plaintext: ATTACK AT DAWN Ciphertext:CHWEEY EV GEYB Because a Vigenere cipher uses more than one substitution alphabet, it's one of a bunch of ciphers known as polyalphabetic. It was unbreakable for 300 years!

10 Enigma

11 Private Key Encryption Key distribution problem: finding a secure way of sending a private key in order to have a secure way for communicating

12 Public Key Encryption 1976, Diffie-Hellman key exchange: deriving a shared private key over an insecure channel. 1977, RSA method (Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman): the first practical implementation of public key encryption. Main ideas of public key encryption: – Instead of one key, you have two: one to encrypt and a different one to decrypt – The encryption key can be public – Knowing the encryption key doesn't help you figure out the decryption key

13 Public Key Encryption

14 Secure Communication

15 Is your information secure? Someone can hack into the server The server may not be trustworthy Someone can pretend to be you Someone may look over your shoulder when you type

16 Using public key for digital signatures – Call of the attack, it’s a trap! Signed Alice – Go on with the attack, it’s all clear! Signed Alice Problem: How does Bob know what is the identity of the sender? Solution: Alice will encrypt the message with her private key. – Anyone could decrypt using Alice’s public key but she is the only one that could encrypt.

17 Spoofing

18 Spoofing (2)

19 Certificates and Signing Authorities

20 Whom do you trust? Verified website: Unknown signer:

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