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Health Information Exchange Local Implementation Cross Regional Exchange Supporting and Extending the PCEHR IHE Supporters 2013 Interoperability Showcase.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Information Exchange Local Implementation Cross Regional Exchange Supporting and Extending the PCEHR IHE Supporters 2013 Interoperability Showcase."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Information Exchange Local Implementation Cross Regional Exchange Supporting and Extending the PCEHR IHE Supporters 2013 Interoperability Showcase

2 Patient journey cancer/mental health supported by Health Information Exchange. Working demonstration of interoperability: Application-to-Application Within two zones (hospital network and adjacent region) IHE Showcases are worldwide events IHE builds standard connectivity profiles Uses accepted standards such as DICOM, HL7, IEEE, Oasis - webservices Focus on Cross Enterprise Document Exchange (XDS) – the engine of the Australian PCEHR What you will see today

3 Two Health Information Exchange Communities

4 Many IT systems Secure Web Services

5 The Cast Supporter

6 Step 2: Radiology CT brain is conducted and reported. Images and report are sent to the local Health Information Exchange Step 3: Mental Health Team Patient’s parents phone crisis line and information lookup occurs. Team creates a mental health care plan Interoperability 2013 Showcase Tour Guide – Mental Health The Showcase is a real life demonstration of how patient care can be improved with effective communication as our patient seeks care in different parts of the “healthcare system”. One of the audience will become the patient and together we track both the care and the information flows. The seven vendors involved have products in the Australian market to support HEALTH INFORMATION EXCHANGE on top of their core functions. Vendors are using the IHE Cross Enterprise Document Share (XDS.b) profile of standards, which is also the underpinning of the Australian eHealth Record (AKA Personally Controlled Electronic Healthcare Record (PCEHR). Local Health Exchange has the potential to add value to the PCEHR. Step 1: GP 23 y.o. male with history of mental health problems. Headache and recent onset of confusion and rash Step 5. Emergency Department Acute psychotic episode, taken to ED by parents. Lookup of patient information, treat and provide discharge summary Step 7: Infrastructure: How does it work? Look inside a standard document and image exchanges and how such a system could link to the Australian PCEHR Step 6: Hospital Radiology MRI scan taken, with lookup of prior images from community radiology. Step 4: Dermatologist – tele-health Views rash and looks up recent drug use as a drug reaction is suspected. Phone advice. RegistryRepository Identity Manager Cross Community Access REGIONALREGIONAL HOSPITALHOSPITAL Sponsored by” INFRASTRUCTURE

7 Interoperability 2013 Showcase Tour Guide – CANCER CARE The Showcase is a real life demonstration of how patient care can be improved with effective communication as our patient seeks care in different parts of the “healthcare system”. One of the audience will become the patient and together we track both the care and the information flows. The seven vendors involved have products in the Australian market to support HEALTH INFORMATION EXCHANGE on top of their core functions. Vendors are using the IHE Cross Enterprise Document Share (XDS.b) profile of standards, which is also the underpinning of the Australian eHealth Record (AKA Personally Controlled Electronic Healthcare Record (PCEHR). Local Health Exchange has the potential to add value to the PCEHR. Step1. Emergency Department 69 y.o. female undergoing chemotherapy for Breast Cancer. Presents unwell with cough and fever. CXR ordered. Step 7: Infrastructure: How does it work? Look inside a standard document and image exchanges and how such a system could link to the Australian PCEHR Step 2: Hospital Radiology CXR taken and reported with access to prior image from community radiology RegistryRepository Identity Manager Cross Community Access HOSPITALHOSPITAL Sponsored by” INFRASTRUCTURE Step 4: Radiology CT brain is conducted and reported. Images and report are sent to the local Health Information Exchange Step 5: Cancer Team Review images and ED visit report and Oncology report. Create a care plan Step 3: Oncology Consults community oncologist who produces a patient summary. Patient has rash and photo taken. CT scan ordered O Step 6: Dermatologist – tele-health View rash and look up recent drug use as a drug reaction is suspected. Phone advice. REGIONALREGIONAL

8 Finish with an overview of how it works Secure Web Services

9 IHE Australia Bernie Crowe Yvonne Crowe Vince McCauley Peter MacIsaac Ellen Lindop Radlogix Mat Hudson GE Healthcare Chris Lindop Geoff May Robin Friedrich Kenn Hansen Intersystems HealthShare/TrakCare Andy Robb Mat Spielman HTR –Xi Xin Li –Adriene Volcz Mach7 –Thomas Vargocsky –Geoff Dike DCA –Tim Burne –Mark Finlay Mohawk College –Justin Fyfe Participants: The participants

10 +2013+handout+about+participants download QR Reader XDS profile – documents XDS profile - images Further information:

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