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1 Anatomy Review Skin –Thick –Cellular –2 layers.

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1 1 Anatomy Review Skin –Thick –Cellular –2 layers

2 2 Mucus Membranes Structure –Simple epithelium Defenses

3 3 Eyes Protective structures Molecules – Lysozyme, Ig A

4 4 Bacterial Skin Disease — Staphylococcal Minor Infections Folliculitis (Pimples) –Invasion of hair follicles –Eye infection - ______ –Multiple follicles – _______________ –Many carriers –Low bacterial counts needed to infect wounds Scalded Skin Syndrome –Exfoliative exotoxins –Infants most affected –Outer skin layers shed –High fever –Septicemia and shock may occur Impetigo of Newborn –Crusting vesicles on skin surface –Antimicrobial lotions needed

5 5 Bacterial Skin Disease — Streptococcal Scarlet Fever –Bacteriophage toxin causes rash –Strep. throat often also seen –Complications – glomerulonephritis and rheumatic fever –Many carriers Erysipelas –St. Anthony’s fire –Historically high mortality, not so now –Red raised rubbery lesion –Focal spread may occur Septicemia Pneumonia Endocarditis Abscesses

6 6 Bacterial Skin Disease — Nonspecific Pyoderma/ Impetigo –Strep./Staph./ Corynebacterium –Childhood infection –Skin depigmentation may occur –Penicillin treats most infections

7 7 Gram negative skin pathogens Pseudomonas aeruginosa –Common in pools and improperly chlorinated hot tubs –Dermatitis –Ear infections –Severe respiratory infections in burn victims Also Serratia marcescens

8 8 Viral Skin Diseases Rubella German measles –Systemic with skin rash, joint pain –Mild but can cause birth defects Stillbirth Deafness, heart and liver problems Measles –Lymphatic tissue affected –Rash and fever develop, cough and conjunctivitis –Middle ear infections and URT infections may occur –Respiratory route of transmission Chickenpox/ Shingles –Varicella zoster virus (VZS) –Respiratory route of infection –Systemic symptoms accompanied by vesicular rash –May be fatal in adults but childhood vaccination programs provide 20 years immunity –Recurrences in elderly patients cause a painful disease – shingles –Latent virus, shingle vaccine is newly available

9 9 Other Viral Pox diseases Smallpox –Eradicated –Virus reserves exist –? Bioterrorism Cowpox –Milder disease –Similar lesions –Led to vaccine for smallpox Monkeypox –Similar to smallpox virus –? Species barrier? –Vaccination precaution in endemic areas

10 10 Viral Skin Diseases — Warts Human Papilloma virus (HPV) –Affects skin and mucus membranes –May require excision –Link between some strains and cervical cancer –Gardasil

11 11 Fungal Skin Diseases Ringworm –Tinea cruris –Tinea capitis/barbae –Tinea pedis/unguium –Very contagious –Secondary bacterial infections may occur –OTC medications available

12 12 Subcutaneous mycoses Sporotrichosis –____________________ is pathogen –Gardeners, farmers –Transmitted from animals or humans –Ulceration and inflammation at puncture site –KI treats subcutaneous lesions

13 13 Opportunistic Mycoses Candidiasis Oral or vaginal infections common May cause systemic infections in immunocompromised (AIDS)

14 14 Bacterial Eye Diseases Neonatal Ophthalmia Neisseria gonorrheae –Tx via birth canal –Routine antibiotics or silver nitrate has greatly reduced incidence of blindness Chlamydia trachomatis –Leading cause of preventable blindness worldwide –500 million affected –S.W. Native Americans only at risk group in U.S.A. –Flies are a vector

15 15 Viral Eye Diseases Adenovirus (Shipyard Eye) –Virus carried in dust –Cornea may be cloudy for up to 2 years –Sometimes nosocomial Herpes Keratoconjunctivitis –Complication for cold sore sufferers –Leading cause of non-retinal blindness in U.S.A.

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