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Performance Analysis of AODV and SAODV Routing Protocols in Ad-Hoc Mesh Networks- A Simulation Study Sangeeta Ghangam Division of Computing Studies, Arizona.

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Analysis of AODV and SAODV Routing Protocols in Ad-Hoc Mesh Networks- A Simulation Study Sangeeta Ghangam Division of Computing Studies, Arizona."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Analysis of AODV and SAODV Routing Protocols in Ad-Hoc Mesh Networks- A Simulation Study
Sangeeta Ghangam Division of Computing Studies, Arizona State University July 30, 2007 Advisor: Prof. Bruce Millard 1

2 Introduction to Mesh Networks
Wireless Mesh Networks(WMNs) have a 3-tier architecture where different protocols work in tandem Infrastructure, client and hybrid WMN’s WMN’s have several applications Metro area coverage, Military applications Disaster recovery, Intelligent transportation systems Examples: MIT’s RoofNet- An experimental WMN Tempe, Gilbert, Chandler, and Philadelphia – city WMN 2

3 Wireless Mesh Network A Survey of Wireless Mesh Networks, IEEE Radio Communications, pp S23—S30, Sept 2005 3

4 WMN’s & Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET’s)
WMN’s diversify the capabilities of MANET’s IEEE ’s Extend Service Set (ESS) mesh networking task group is working on a routing protocol for WMN based on AODV(Ad-hoc On demand Distance Vector) BelAir, Tropos, Strix Systems, Cisco etc. have WMN products using routing protocols based on AODV 4

5 Why AODV? A reactive protocol which finds routes on demand
Low overhead and adjusts to dynamic environment Provides loop free routes with the use of sequence #’s Has both unicasting & multicasting capability Works in 3 modes Route discovery Route maintenance Local connectivity management Reverse Path Setup Forward Path Setup C.E.Perkins, E.M.Royer, “Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing”, Proc. of ACM, 2002 5

6 AODV AODV works in a implicit ‘trust your neighbor’ mode
Two main security requirements Node Authentication Message Integrity Secure AODV (SAODV) adds an extension to different AODV packet formats to incorporate digital signature for protecting the non-mutable information and hash chains to protect the mutable information(hop count) 6

7 OPNET: The Simulation Environment
Provides an OOP approach to network design Has a hierarchical modeling architecture similar to the structure of communication networks Provides ease of use via a GUI or the flexibility to create custom models via programming interface Integrated post simulation analysis tools 7

8 Designing the SAODV Model
SAODV model in OPNET follows from the pre-existing AODV model Implements the hash chain functionality New data structures for packet formats New functions to implement the revised packet creation, memory allocation & de-allocation etc. has been created A cryptoSys API toolkit, which implements a random number generator & MD5 hash algorithm, from DiManagement services ( is use 8

9 The Hash Chain Mechanism
Creation(RREQ (Route REQuest)and RREP(Route REPly)): Set Max-hop-count = TTL (time to live) Generate a Random Number ( seed) Calculate Top-hash = h max _hop_count ( seed) Set Hash = seed Send: Type, Length Hash- function, Max-hop-count, Top-hash& Hash fields with the original AODV RREQ and RREP Verification: Top_hash== h (max_hop_count – hop_count) (Hash) Account for the additional hop h( Hash) 9

10 Network Model for Comparisons in OPNET
Server IP backbone Gateway1 Gateway2 R R R R BSS1 BSS2 BSS3 BSS4 10

11 Simulation Parameters
Values Room Size 4000m x 4000m Mobile Nodes 2 in each BSS Mobility Random Waypoint Speed - 2m/s to 7 m/s Start: Uniform( 0, 100)s Pause: Uniform(50, 100)s Mac Layer Wired Links: 100 Base T Wireless Links: IEEE 11Mbps Routing Protocols Wired Links: OSPF Wireless Links: AODV/SAODV Application Traffic Start End Request Response Request/hr Bursty Uniform(100,110)s Poisson (9000) Poisson (4000) Poisson (8000) Poisson (80) Simulation Time 200 minutes Metrics Throughput (bits/sec) Route discovery time(sec) Delay (sec) Routing traffic sent ( bits/sec) Routing traffic received ( bits/sec) Load (bits/sec) 11

12 Throughput (bits/sec)
Throughput & Delay SAODV SAODV Throughput (bits/sec) AODV AODV Delay (sec) Time Time SAODV has a higher delay and throughput for a similar sized network even with less number of nodes creating application traffic. 12

13 Load & Route Discovery Time
SAODV AODV AODV SAODV Route discovery time (sec) Load (bits/sec) Time Time SAODV and AODV have comparable route discovery time. SAODV though imposes a higher load on the network than AODV. 13

14 Routing Traffic Received (bits/sec) Routing Traffic Sent (bits/sec)
Routing Traffic Received & Sent SAODV SAODV AODV Routing Traffic Received (bits/sec) AODV Routing Traffic Sent (bits/sec) Time Time SAODV is bandwidth intensive compared to AODV as it has a higher amount of control traffic. 14

15 Route Discovery Time (/sec) Route Discovery Time (/sec)
Scalability of AODV and SAODV AODV SAODV 50 nodes 50 nodes Route Discovery Time (/sec) Route Discovery Time (/sec) 30 nodes 15 nodes 30 nodes 15 nodes Time Time The Route Discovery time more than doubles, as the number of nodes increases for AODV and SAODV. 15

16 Summary & Conclusions Summary:
SAODV model created in OPNET and compared against the existing AODV model. Different sized networks designed for comparing and analyzing the protocols. Conclusions: Both SAODV and AODV show comparable results up to a mid-sized network of about 30 nodes with some mobile nodes. AODV performs well over different network architectures and is well suited for mesh networks. SAODV only works well in a single tier and hence cannot be used without modifications for mesh networks. 16

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