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The student perspective in the EHEA The European Students’ Union Bert Vandenkendelaere Chairperson Istanbul, 15 th of June 2011 back to basics !

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Presentation on theme: "The student perspective in the EHEA The European Students’ Union Bert Vandenkendelaere Chairperson Istanbul, 15 th of June 2011 back to basics !"— Presentation transcript:

1 the student perspective in the EHEA The European Students’ Union Bert Vandenkendelaere Chairperson Istanbul, 15 th of June 2011 back to basics !


3 A long story short 1989: Wall falls and WESIB becomes 1999: The Bologna Process starts and ESIB creates content committees ▫Information exchange to more advocacy 2007: ESIB is renamed into ESU 2009: The Bologna Process celebrated its 10th anniversary 2012: 3oth anniversary of WESIB/ESIB/ESU

4 30 years of ESU From an informal gathering of 7 unions with no budget and no mandate… … to a strong union defending students’ rights, with 17 elected representatives, 7 secretariat members and 45 member unions from 38 countries… … with a fixed seat around the table in all Bologna-gatherings

5 The voice of more than 11 million European students… 45 members = National Unions of Students 38 countries No member union from Turkey Last Country study visit in 2007

6 In cooperation with (and thanks to…)

7 ESU’s contribution Bologna With Student Eyes, monitoring the progress from a student perspective. Policy input and discussions in BFUG and national level. Concrete initiatives on action lines, for example Student-Centered Learning project.


9 Student-centered research The heart of the research for BWSE and BAFL is based on students' views as reflected by their respective National Student Unions (NUSes) But also taking national stocktaking reports and other data sources into account From this data, conclusions are derived and recommendations and suggestions for future policy lines put together


11 Bologna at the Finish Line … ? Finish line was not 2010 Bologna “à la carte” implementation caused negative effects, inequality and confusion Not enough information on why and how Bologna  Lisbon? Focus on attractive parts (attractiveness/mobility/ECTS/cycles) Focus on financial input from the market Focus on Global attractiveness Focus on Social Dimension?

12 back to basics !

13 for all High quality Higher Education student-centred with student participation with academic freedom in a society where education is both a public good and a public responsibility an opportunity to be mobile

14 in a society where education is both a public good and a public responsibility for all

15 in a society where education is both a public good and a public responsibility for all The social dimension, an ambition made of paper? Tuition fees are raised Merit-based access doesn’t necessarily equal participative equity Recognition of informal/NF learning Tuition fee fleeing begins…

16 in a society where education is both a public good and a public responsibility for all

17 High quality Higher Education student-centred with student participation with academic freedom in a society where education is both a public good and a public responsibility an opportunity to be mobile

18 student-centred

19 “Student-Centred Learning represents both a mindset and a culture within a given higher education institution and is a learning approach which is broadly related to, and supported by, constructivist theories of learning. It is characterised by innovative methods of teaching which aim to promote learning in communication with teachers and other learners and which take students seriously as active participants in their own learning, fostering transferable skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking and reflective thinking.”

20 Requires empowering individual learners and approaches to teaching and learning, Effective support and guidance structures and a curriculum focused more clearly on the learner in all three cycles. But still very large regional differences Not enough student consultation on curricula development Removing obstacles such as inflexible hours, lack of choice on curricula or learning methods, use of only conventional teaching methods urgently needed Give the teacher time to teach! student-centred

21 an opportunity to be mobile


23 ECTS and Learning Outcomes: still work to do! Credit and accumulation system, that should be applied consistently One of the best-implemented tools? Needs to be properly linked to student workload and learning outcomes. Superficial implementation without this link is still a main challenge with the Bologna Process in some countries Use of learning outcomes for recognition! Recognition remains a main barrier to mobility


25 an opportunity to be mobile for all


27 with student participation !

28 ESU’s Priorities for the next decade Not allowing for further confusion regarding the main goals and tools of the Bologna Process. Holistic, in-depth and financially supported continued implementation of all Bologna action lines, with a special focus on the social dimension, mobility and student-centred learning.

29 ESU’s Priorities for the next decade Inter-governmental solidarity to overcome the ill-effects of the 'two-speed' Bologna implementation, rather than an excessive focus on the individual promotion of national higher education systems. Full student participation in all decision-making structures at national, regional and institutional levels.

30 ESU’s Priorities for the next decade Completing the Bologna reforms should be a priority, before new reforms are initiated. Minimum standards of implementation are needed to deserve the “Bologna label” or it risks becoming an empty, expensive shell not changing higher education for the better

31 for all High quality Higher Education student-centred with student participation with academic freedom in a society where education is both a public good and a public responsibility an opportunity to be mobile

32 Thank you! More information or

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