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SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES “The gift that keeps on giving”

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1 SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES “The gift that keeps on giving”

2 L ET ’ S B REAK IT D OWN STI’s are real. Anyone who is sexually active is at risk of contracting one or more. 2 primary types: Bacterial & Viral Need to Know What are they? How do I recognize them? How do I avoid/prevent them? How do I treat them?

3 C OMMON STI’ S Chlamydia or “The Clam” Gonorrhea or “The Clap / Drip” Syphilis or “Pox / Bad Blood” Genital Warts Herpes or “Cold Soars on your parts” Public Lice or “Crabs” Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome {AIDS} & HIV Hepatitis A, B or C



6 B ACTERIAL STI’ S Chlamydia: Most common bacterial STI in US. Can be transmitted through vaginal, anal, or oral sexual contact. {Can be spread by fingers from one body site to another} When spread to the eyes it can cause blindness Symptoms: Women: Burning during urination, itching of genitals, discharge. Men: Burning during urination, itching near opening of penis, discharge, possible pain & swelling of testicles. Treatment: Treated with doxycyline or azithromycin prescribed by a doctor. Inform all partners exposed, and encourage them to get tested.

7 B ACTERIAL STI’ S Gonorrhea: Second most common STI Can be transmitted through vaginal, anal & oral sexual contact. **A Pap smear will not test for Gonorrhea** Spread to newborn eyes through vaginal birth of infected mother. Symptoms: Female: Little or no symptoms {early} it affects cervix. Can include: pain/burning urination, increase discharge Complicated: PID {Pelvic Inflammatory Disease} more severe. Ectopic pregnancy & sterility. Male: 2-5 days or up to 30 days. Foul smelling & cloudy discharge from penis. Burning urination, may cause swollen/pain lymph nodes by groin. Complicated: 2-3 weeks untreated spread to genitourinary track. Spread to testicles cause scar tissue. Both: 2% of infected spread bloodstream, can spread eyes through touch. If in anus, pain bowel movements {blood occasional}, itching, & discharge.

8 B ACTERIAL STI’ S Gonorrhea Treatment: Many strains resistant to normal antibiotics. Now use a comb of cephalosporin medication & azithromycin or doxycycline.

9 B ACTERIAL STI’ S Syphilis: 4 phases. Primary, secondary, latent & tertiary. Can be transmitted by oral, anal & vaginal sexual contact. Primary: 3 weeks a soar {Chancre: raised, red painless sore}. On genitals, mouth, rectum, anus, or breast. Secondary: 6 weeks a rash on palms/soles flu like symptoms. Latent: {years} No symptoms. Tertiary: 10-20 years after exposure. Very severe, often death. {heart failure, blindness, blood vessel rupture, paralysis & severe mental disturbance.

10 B ACTERIAL STI’ S Syphilis Treatment: Primary, secondary, latent less than 1 year can treat with intramuscular injection of benzathine penicillin G. Over 1 year same treatment for 3 weeks. Primary Syphilis Male & Female Chancres

11 B ACTERIA STI’ S Secondary Syphilis on the palms & soles

12 V IRAL STI’ S Herpes: Two types of Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Type 1 {HSV-1}: Lesion on mouth or lips {cold soars} Type 2 {HSV-2}: Lesion on/around genitals Transmitted through oral, anal, vaginal sexual contact with or with out soars. {Oral-Genital transmission is possible} Symptoms: Appear in 2-14 days from exposure & usually last 2- 4 weeks. 1 or more small painful red bumps called Papules. Women: Most common on labia. Can occur clitoris, vaginal opening, inner vaginal walls, & cervix. {wait 10 days after healed} Men: Most common on glans & shaft of penis. Both: Fever, muscle aches, headaches, & burning during urination. Recurrence: Virus stays in nerve cells in spine. Usually have at least 1 recurrence. Prodromal Symptoms: {warning} Itching, burning, tingling at site.

13 V IRAL STI’ S Treatment: no cure Medication to help control number & severity of recurrences. Genital Herpes {Male} Female Complications: High risk cervical cancer Infecting newborn Genital Herpes {Female}

14 V IRAL STI’ S Genital Warts: Caused by Human Papillomavirus {HPV}. HPV is most common viral STI. Can be spread by oral, anal, vaginal & finger/manual sexual contact. Symptoms: Most HPV no visible symptoms. Warts {HPV} usually appear 3 months after exposure. Women: Common on vaginal opening. Can occur on perineum, labia, inner vaginal walls, & cervix. Men: Glans, foreskin, & shaft. Both: Anus. Moist area: pink/red & soft Dry area: yellow/gray & hard

15 V IRAL STI’ S Genital Warts Complications Can move to urethra & cause obstruction HPV virus that cause warts is NOT associated with cervical cancer. Pass to baby during vaginal birth. {Respiratory Papillomatosis} Treatment: No single treatment to prevent or remove warts. Most common cryotherapy {Freezing off} Gardasil: Protects against “high-risk” strains of HPV. 70% associated with cancer 90% associated with warts

16 V IRAL STI’ S Hepatitis: Impairs liver function. 3 types: A, B, & C. All caused by different viruses. All can be transmitted sexually. B: most common. Blood, semen & vaginal secretions, & saliva. Anal contact {manual, oral or penile} should be avoided. A: Fecal-oral route. {oral-anal sexual contact} C: Blood-contaminated. Ex: Sharing needles. {sexual contact uncommon} Symptoms: None to severe Yellowing skin & eyes {Jaundice} Chronic infection of liver

17 V IRAL STI’ S Hepatitis: Treatment: A: No treatment. Rest & hydrate. B: No treatment. Rest & hydrate. Weeks to 6 months to subside. C: No treatment. 25% will have liver failure or cancer. ½ waiting on liver transplant list are related to Hep C

18 HIV & AIDS AIDS {Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome} is caused by HIV {Human Immunodeficiency virus}. Retrovirus: Reverse order of cell reproduction in infected cells. Transmitted through sexual contact & blood to blood contact. Blood, semen, vaginal secretions, urine & breast milk contain virus. Transmitted: Very common in men to men sex & unprotected anal sex by male & females. HIV can be transmitted oral sex HIV infected semen/vaginal secretions contact mucous membrane tissue in mouth. *not safe method of sex* Infected mother to baby in the uterus, birth, or breastfeeding. Viral load {how much HIV is present}

19 HIV & AIDS Symptoms : Brief flu like symptoms with in few weeks of exposure. Body creates antibodies Seroconversion {25 day-6 months} Incubation period 8-10 years in adults before AIDS. Treatment: No cure. “A cocktail” of drugs to help fight the virus & AIDS. Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy {HAART} Research & trials happening all over world Prevention: Avoid all varieties of sexual contact with HIV+ Condoms, avoid anal, avoid sharing of bloody fluids (cuts, urine, ect)

20 STI’ S P REVENTION Assess your risk & your partners risk Obtain frequent medical exams (before & after) Use Condoms every time Avoid multiple partners Inspect yours & your partners genitals Wash genitals before & after sexual contact Inform partner(s) if you have an STI’s

21 W ORKS C ITED Crooks, R., and K. Baur. Our Sexuality. 11. California: Wadsworth Pub Co, 2010. Print.

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