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1 Chapter 1: Parallax Serial LCD Display Smart Sensors and Applications Chapter 1: Parallax Serial LCD Display Presented by: Andy Lindsay Parallax, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Chapter 1: Parallax Serial LCD Display Smart Sensors and Applications Chapter 1: Parallax Serial LCD Display Presented by: Andy Lindsay Parallax, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Chapter 1: Parallax Serial LCD Display Smart Sensors and Applications Chapter 1: Parallax Serial LCD Display Presented by: Andy Lindsay Parallax, Inc.

2 2 Copyrights and Trademarks This documentation is copyright 2006 by Parallax Inc. By downloading or obtaining a printed copy of this documentation or software you agree that it is to be used exclusively with Parallax products. Any other uses are not permitted and may represent a violation of Parallax copyrights, legally punishable according to Federal copyright or intellectual property laws. Any duplication of this documentation for commercial uses is expressly prohibited by Parallax Inc. Duplication for educational use is permitted, subject to the following conditions: the text, or any portion thereof, may not be duplicated for commercial use; it may be duplicated only for educational purposes when used solely in conjunction with Parallax products, and the user may recover from the student only the cost of duplication. BASIC Stamp, Stamps in Class, Board of Education, Boe-Bot SumoBot, SX-Key and Toddler are registered trademarks of Parallax, Inc. HomeWork Board, Propeller, Ping))) Parallax, and the Parallax logo are trademarks of Parallax Inc. If you decide to use trademarks of Parallax Inc. on our web page or in printed material, you must state that "(trademark) is a (registered) trademark of Parallax Inc.” upon the first appearance of the trademark name in each printed document or web page. Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

3 3 Chapter 1, Activity #1, Page 1 LCDs in many common devices Chapter 1: The Parallax Serial LCD Display

4 4 Chapter 1, Activity #1, Pages 4 - 5 Circuit: Figure 1-4, p. 5 √ Follow the checkmark instructions on page 5.

5 5 Chapter 1, Activity #1, Pages 6 - 7 Testing the Serial LCD √ Follow the checkmark instructions on pages 6 and 7.

6 6 Chapter 1, Activity #1-2, Pages 8 - 9 Adjusting the LCD to Receive Messages from the BASIC Stamp √ Follow the checkmarks on page 7. Baudmode Argument “84” is the BS2’s baudmode argument for a 9600 bps, 8- bit, no-parity true signal. Read all about it in the BASIC Stamp Editor’s Help index.

7 7 Chapter 1, Activity #2, Page 11 LCD Control Codes 12 Clears the display 13 Carriage Return (next line) 21 turns the LCD off 22 Turns the LCD on Program: LcdTestMessage.bs2. √ Follow the checkmarks on pages 10 – 11.

8 8 Chapter 1, Activity #2, Pages 12 - 13 Program: LcdTestNumbers.bs2. √ Follow the checkmarks on pages 12 – 13.

9 9 Chapter 1, Activity #2, Pages 13 - 14 Control Codes for Cursor Position Program: CursorPositions.bs2. √ Follow the checkmark instructions on pages 15 – 16.

10 10 Chapter 1, Activity #1, Pages 3 - 4 Displaying Time Elapsed Program: LcdTimer.bs2 √ Follow the checkmarks on pages 17 -18. Using Descriptive Constants makes programs easier to understand, share and edit.

11 11 Chapter 1, Activity #4, Page 20 Predefined Custom Characters Program: PredefinedCustomCharacters.bs2 √ Follow the checkmark on page 20.

12 12 Chapter 1, Activity #4, Page 21 Defining Custom Characters Program: Hourglass.bs2 √ Follow the checkmarks on pages 23 – 24.

13 13 Chapter 1, Activity #5, Pages 25, 28-30 Program: TestScrollingSubroutine.bs2 √ Follow the checkmarks on page 28.

14 14 Chapter 1, Activity #5, Pages 31 - 33 Shifting Text through Window Steps 1 & 2 Setup & Step 0 Steps 3 & 4 Steps 9 & 10 Variables from TestScrollingSubroutine.bs2

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