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Prevention and Seeking Attenti on. PRIMARY PREVENTION: Five ways to protect yourself?  Abstinence  Monogamous Relationship  Protected Sex  Sterile.

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Presentation on theme: "Prevention and Seeking Attenti on. PRIMARY PREVENTION: Five ways to protect yourself?  Abstinence  Monogamous Relationship  Protected Sex  Sterile."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prevention and Seeking Attenti on

2 PRIMARY PREVENTION: Five ways to protect yourself?  Abstinence  Monogamous Relationship  Protected Sex  Sterile needles  Vaccines

3 Abstinence  It is the most effective method of not acquiring HIV/AIDS and other STI/STD’s.  Refraining from unprotected sex: oral, anal, or vaginal.  Refraining from intravenous drug use

4 Monogamous relationship  A mutually monogamous (only one sex partner) relationship with a person who is not infected with HIV  HIV testing before intercourse is necessary to prove your partner is not infected

5 Protected Sex  Use condoms every time you have sex  Always use latex or polyurethane condom (not a natural skin condom)  These can still transfer STI/STDs  Always use a latex barrier during oral sex such as a dental dam

6 When Using A Condom Remember To:  Make sure the package is not expired  Make sure to check the package for damages  Do not open the package with your teeth for risk of tearing  Never use the condom more than once  Use water-based rather than oil- based condoms

7 HPV Vaccine The vaccines Cervarix and Gardasil protect against two types of human papillomavirus (HPV) that cause cervical cancer. Gardasil also protects against two types of HPV that cause genital warts. Three shots are given over 6 months. The series of shots is recommended for girls age 11 or 12 and can be given to females ages 9 to 26.

8 Self Exams These are very important for in the early diagnosis for STI/STDs Checking your genitalia with a mirror is a very common way this can be done The body has its way of telling you if something is wrong…listen to it….

9 Seeking attention  I think something is wrong what should I Do?

10 Get Tested!!!!!!! You must ask your health care provider to give you an STD test.  Some people assume they will be tested for STDs when they have an exam for another reason, such as when a woman has a Pap test or when a man has a physical. This is not true — you will not automatically be tested for STDs.  If you are seeing your health care provider for another reason, and are not sure if you need an STD test, just ask. Your provider can help you decide if you need any tests, and which one(s) you may need.

11 Start Practicing Safe Sex Now!!!  If you think you might have an STD, and you are currently involved in a sexual relationship, it is your responsibility to protect both yourself and your partner from further infection.  What you can do, however, is start practicing safer sex -- if you haven't already been doing so. Safer sex may not be foolproof, particularly for diseases that spread skin to skin, but it will generally reduce the risk of transmitting any infection you have.

12 Stick with the Medications Complete a Full Treatment Regimen  If you are diagnosed with a bacterial STD, it is important to complete the full treatment regimen that your doctor prescribes for you -- even if you feel better before it is finished. Not taking all of your antibiotics increases your risk of developing an antibiotic-resistant infection

13 Stick with the Medications Cont.  If you are diagnosed with an incurable viral STD, you will want to have a long talk with your doctor about how you can best manage your infection -- both for reducing your own symptoms and lowering the risk of transmitting the virus to a new partner. These are diseases you can live long, happy, sexual lives with, but they do require management and care -- both for your body and your relationships.

14 What about my parents?  In general, parental permission is not needed for STD testing. However, there may be certain locations where, for one reason or another, a health care provider will require parental permission or may notify a parent about testing.  If you concerned about confidentiality, ask your health care provider about your local laws and policies.

15 Don’t just do nothing… do something!!!  If left untreated STD/STI’s can effect reproductive health (infertility) in the long run as well as become serious life threatening illnesses.

16 Websites and Help American Social Health Association Provides information, materials and referrals concerning sexually transmitted infections. Specialists will answer questions via phone or e-mail on transmission, risk reduction, prevention, testing and treatment. Voice: 1-800-227-8922 Website: http://www.ashastd.org CDC National STD/AIDS Hotline Education and research about AIDS, HIV and sexually transmitted diseases. Voice: 1-800-232-4636 Website: http://www.cdc.gov CDC National Prevention Information Network  Provides information on resources, educational materials, sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS/HIV, tuberculosis and communities at risk via touch tone phone or online. Many different services and publications offered. Voice: 1-800-458-5231 Website:

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