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-Destiny M. Mickell. Warts are a small rough tumor usually seen on the feet and hands but can be found anywhere. Warts are usually found singly or in.

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Presentation on theme: "-Destiny M. Mickell. Warts are a small rough tumor usually seen on the feet and hands but can be found anywhere. Warts are usually found singly or in."— Presentation transcript:

1 -Destiny M. Mickell

2 Warts are a small rough tumor usually seen on the feet and hands but can be found anywhere. Warts are usually found singly or in clusters in your skin (Warts.) NOT a THREAT!!

3 There is a good chance that you have a wart if:  You have a raised round oval growth anywhere on your skin  There is a spot that is lighter, darker or black compared to your skin  If the area is pained (warts do not usually cause pain, unless pressure is constantly being pressed on, such as on the feet)

4  Warts are caused only from the virus known as Human Papilloma Virus.  if you have a wart on one part of your body, you can not spread it to another  Skin warts can not spread to other people but Genital warts can (through sexual intercourse.)

5  Skin warts can NOT be prevented, however, Genital warts can.

6  WASH YOUR HANDS REGULARLY  keep skin healthy (Not just LOOKING healthy)  Keep skin moisturized and free of cuts  Try not to bite your nails  When you are in a public shower, pool etc. WEAR a flip flops or something to cover your feet.

7  Warts are not harmful, and they disappear within 6month- two years. however, because of self consciousness, many people try to have it removed by: 1. Freezing it off through cryotherapy 2. Prescribed medication 3. Minor surgery 4. And many other ways


9 1. Handling frogs/toads can give you warts  This is false  This was originated in the middle ages through the unpopularity of frogs  Warts are only through the Human Papillloma Virus (HPV)  Toads DO have warts but humans can NOT catch them

10 2. Warts have roots  This is false  Warts NEVER grow into the dermis layer of skin.

11 3. Warts can cause cancer  Fortunately this is false!!!  HPV can cause cancer but warts itself cannot.  “the two strands of HPV that cause cancer, are two strands that do not cause a wart (top 10 myths)

12 1. Elsevie, Mosby. “, NOV. 2011. 06 Feb 2012http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov 2. Desrosier, Chesney. “Top 10 Warts Myths.” Welcome to Wryte Stuff! 07 Jan 2007. Web 06 Feb.2012 3. “warts” Warts Treatment, Warts Removal Natural Remedies. Web. Of Feb2012 4. “warts on hands” Warts on hands. Web. 06 feb 2012 http://www.warts-on- hands.comhttp://www.warts-on- 5. URAC “10 answers to frequently asked questions.” Kostenlose Homepage Erstellen 100% Gratis! U.R.A.C web 06 feb 2012 http://www.webmd.com

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