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A Tool for Understanding Argument

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1 A Tool for Understanding Argument
The Toulmin Model A Tool for Understanding Argument

2 Learning Targets I can identify the components of the Toulmin Method.
I can use the Toulmin Method to analyze an argument and to structure a lit analysis.

3 Make some inferences based on this picture.

4 Possible Inferences The lady is the child’s mother because…
It is a hot day because… The lady is middle to upper class because… It is summer because…

5 Claim- Support- Warrant
The lady is the child’s mother because she is holding the child’s hand. Mothers often hold their children’s hands to protect them. (Think “rule” here) The lady is middle to upper class because she is talking on her cell phone. Cell phones are expensive, so they are typically owned by people in the middle to upper class. It is summer because the little boy is wearing shorts. Temperatures are hot during the summer, so people wear lighter clothing.

6 Why Warrants are Necessary
It is hot outside because the lady is holding an umbrella. Why is it so necessary to explicitly state your warrant in this argument?

7 Basic Elements of the Toulmin Method
Claim = Your assertion or your argument Support/ Data = Your evidence, reasons, or grounds for the claim Warrant = The assumption necessarily shared by the speaker and the audience Backing = Support for the warrant

8 The Toulmin Graphic Organizer
Data Claim Warrant Backing

9 A Sample Argument Support/ Data/ Claim Grounds Warrant
The Angels are likely to win the ballgame tonight They are playing at home Support/ Data/ Grounds Claim Warrant Generalization: The home team enjoys an advantage in baseball Backing?

10 The Structure in a Wordy Sentence
Because (support/ data), therefore (claim), since (warrant) because/ on account of (backing). Because the woman is holding an umbrella on a sunny day, therefore it must be hot outside, since people use umbrellas to shield themselves from the hot sun on account of the shade provided by the umbrella being cooler than the sun beating down.

11 Practice Color code the sentences on your worksheet according to the claim, support/data, warrant, and backing. Not all elements will always be present.

12 Color Coded Sentences People should become vegetarians because vegetarianism is a healthy choice since it eliminates the cholesterol from red meat. Since slaughtering animals for food is cruel, people should become vegetarians. Million Dollar Baby won several Academy Awards. Since world-renowned movie experts choose these awards, they are evidence of a movie’s greatness. Therefore, Million Dollar Baby is an excellent film.

13 Analyzing An Argument with Toulmin
The prompt: Defend, refute, or qualify the assertion that teaching to standardized tests such as the ACT hurts a student’s education. Only look at passage A for now. Color the claim, support/ data, warrant, and backing.

14 The Paragraph When teachers “teach to the test,” students lose the ability to think deeply and critically about subjects. Faced with increasing pressure to help students succeed on the ACT, teachers are modifying lesson plans to only teach the content on the test. Unfortunately, the content of these tests often reflects lower-level thinking, the type of thinking taught by “drill and kill” teaching methods. Teachers focus on making sure the students can regurgitate information rather than making sure they understand it. This type of teaching does not promote critical thinking.

15 Another Example Teachers who teach to the test are focused only on the skills measured by the tests. These skills usually represent lower-level thinking, and they are often not applicable outside of the educational setting. For example, the type of grammar questions asked by the ACT do not necessarily translate into grammatically correct writing, a skill necessary for real life. Also, students are not asked to explain why a sentence or correct or incorrect; they simply must make the correction and move on. When teachers focus on teaching for these type of questions, they don’t get students to think deeply about the material. The focus is just on covering the material. Therefore, “teaching to the test” hurts students’ ability to think critically and deeply.

16 Why should we care about this method?
It is NOT as important that you can accurately identify each part of the Toulmin method. It IS important that you recognize the importance of warrants for your own writing. It IS valuable and useful to attempt to label arguments according to the Toulmin method so we can understand how arguments are structured.

17 How does this apply to lit analysis?
Claim/Topic Sentence= Your assertion or your argument Romeo is a Petrarchan lover. Support/ Data/Example = Your evidence, reasons, or grounds for the claim He falls in love with Juliet at first sight. Warrant/Rule/HOW= The assumption necessarily shared by the speaker and the audience Backing/Quotes= Support for the warrant Explanation/WHY = Analysis – why this is important to notice with your claim in mind?

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