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Interpersonal Communication Skills Receiving Verbal and Nonverbal Messages: Finetuning Your Reception.

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Presentation on theme: "Interpersonal Communication Skills Receiving Verbal and Nonverbal Messages: Finetuning Your Reception."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interpersonal Communication Skills Receiving Verbal and Nonverbal Messages: Finetuning Your Reception

2 Today’s Menu Quiz Activities Discussion of Listening Skills Discussion of Nonverbal Skills A3 -- Listening Exercise due next Tuesday  pick pairs

3 Intro. Exercise #1 Name Favorite Color State your:

4 Perception Exercise

5 What do you see? Do you see what others see? Do you hear what others hear?

6 When is Listening Important?

7 Listening is Important in: Life Business Marketing


9 Is Listening Easy? “We were given two ears but only one mouth... listening is twice as hard as talking.” “The only easy listening is on the radio.”

10 Are you a good listener? Research shows:  Immediately after the average person has listened to someone talk, he remembers only about half of what he has heard – no matter how carefully he thought he was listening ½ ½

11 Listening is a Skill It can be learned It can be improved

12 CARESS Model Concentrate Acknowledge Research Emotional Control Sense Nonverbals Structure

13 Concentrate Focus attention on speaker Eliminate distractions  physical & mental Mentally paraphrase what is being said Maintain eye contact with speaker Take a deep breath before you interrupt

14 Acknowledge Eye contact Verbal responses Acknowledging gestures Ask questions or restate point to clarify your understanding

15 Research Gain knowledge about topic ahead of time While listening gain further knowledge by  asking questions  making clarifying statements Use empathy statements to get people to open up

16 Exercising Emotional Control Be aware of your biases & emotions Redirect your negative reactions  pause  find common ground  visualize calm

17 Sense the Nonverbal Message Be aware of different nonverbal signals the speaker is sending  Nervous?  Confident?  Bored?  Irritated? Get a baseline

18 Structure Take written or mental notes of main ideas  index or organize Listen for order of priority - sequence Make comparisons  facts vs. opinions  pros vs. cons  consistency

19 Pro/Con Exercise Complete handout individually Pair up with stranger Discuss a mutually important topic on which you have conflicting views

20 "When you speak, you can't listen. When you don't listen, you can't learn."

21 But Listening is Only Part... Messages are received verbally and nonverbally -- some say that 90% of a message is received nonverbally Verbal 10% Nonverbal 90% message

22 Nonverbal Communication

23 Types of NonVerbal Behavior Kinesics Occulesics Vocalics Proxemics Haptics Olfactics

24 Gestures Head movement Hand and arm movement Signals

25 Posture Sitting or standing? Slouched or erect? Crossed legs or arms? Leaning toward or away?

26 Facial Expression Smiles Frowns Furrowed brow Clenched jaws

27 Eyes Avoiding or maintaining eye contact? Raised eyebrows -- one or two? Blinking Staring Squinting Dilated pupils

28 Hands Hand shakes Open or clenched hands? Drumming fingers Cracking knuckles

29 Voice Pitch Speed Volume Clearing throat

30 Proximity Are you close or far? Listening zones  Intimate = 0-2 ft.  Personal = 2-4 ft.  Social = 4-12 ft.  Public = beyond 12 ft.

31 “Listening” to Nonverbals Get a baseline Read gestures together Different cultural norms

32 Listening Assignment Due Tuesday Instructions for Assignment 2 are on the Web Page  Pair up with someone  Use readings and CARESS model to reflect upon your listening experience  Describe specific ways that you worked to improve your own listening

33 Resources Courses Websites Books

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