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Desuperheaters on Residential Air-Source Heat Pumps

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1 Desuperheaters on Residential Air-Source Heat Pumps
August 5, 2008 Regional Technical Forum

2 Installation/Overview
Source: Turbotec Products, Inc. “ENVIRO-PAK Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual”

3 Manufacturers Trevor-Martin Corporation manufactures multiple models under various brand names Turbotec Products, Inc. manufactures the “Enviro-Pak” Others – Primarily Commercial/Industrial Equipment Therma-Stor LLC Doucette Industries, Inc.

4 Cost Cost Components Turbotec (source: Turbotec Representative)
Equipment Purchase Desuperheater Installation Mount desuperheater Recover Refrigerant Install Refrigerant Lines between desuperheater and compressor discharge line Install new storage tank (or drain existing tank if not using a storage tank) Install Water Lines between desuperheater and storage tank Charge heat pump with refrigerant Insulate refrigerant and water lines Commission the system Turbotec (source: Turbotec Representative) Trade Price: $583 Installation: about $1000 does not include storage tank option Total Installed Cost: about $1500 Trevor Martin (source: Trevor Martin Representative) Online Retail: $425 Total Installed Cost: $900 ORNL 1983 Report Total Installed Cost: $600 in 1983 (or $1100 in 2008) Does not include storage tank option Obtained through dealer quotes

5 Energy Savings ORNL 1983 Report: Method: Monthly Bin Analysis
Assumptions: 20% of heating and cooling capacity available to heat water. 75 gallons/day hot water use evenly distributed throughout the day Energy Savings: (kWh/year) Summer Winter Total Portland 693 1360 2053 Seattle 518 1385 1903 Phoenix 1946 580 2526 Los Angeles 1097 520 1617

6 Cost Effectiveness Assumptions: 5th Plan Assumptions
Measure Life: 10 years Measure Load Shapes Winter Savings: ResSpHtHP Summer Savings: ResCAC Category Measure Cost Site Savings (kWh) TRC B/C Ratio Desuperheater on ASHP Portland Low Cost $1200 2053 1.0 Desuperheater on ASHP Portland Medium $1500 0.8 Desuperheater on ASHP Portland High Cost $1800 0.7

7 Potential Issues Poor track record when installers are asked to add more complex equpiment to a heat pump. A second water tank should be installed to realize best savings. In retrofit cases, installation costs will vary widely, depending on location of HP with respect to the water heater. The desuperheater should be located near the water heater (non-freezing area). Summer savings will vary, depending on how much air-conditioning the house uses. How would a program pick out the high users effectively? High efficiency equipment has less superheat. In heating mode, how much is the supply air temperature affected (cooled)? Comfort issues? Others?

8 Next Steps Consensus on pursuing this measure further?
Perform more detailed modeling? Support a small real-world monitoring project? Obtain better cost data?

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