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American Society of Radiologic Technologists Audio Access: 866-740-1260 Access Code:2984500.

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Presentation on theme: "American Society of Radiologic Technologists Audio Access: 866-740-1260 Access Code:2984500."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Society of Radiologic Technologists Audio Access: 866-740-1260 Access Code:2984500

2 1. The importance of the governance process. 2. House of Delegates structure. 3. Role of a delegate and alternate. 4. Components of the Annual House of Delegates Meeting.

3 Board of Directors Commission Bylaws Practice Standards Chapters House of Delegates MembersAffiliatesCommittees

4 Six delegates from any branch of the military Four Delegates from each chapter Two Delegates from each affiliate Speaker and Vice Speaker House of Delegates


6 What?How?  Delegates primary duty is to represent the medical imaging and radiation therapy profession by establishing professional standards of practice in the House of Delegates.  Delegates complete their task by reviewing main motions, talking to constituents about the issues and attending the Annual meeting and representing the opinion of constituents.

7 Individual Delegate Responsibilities Respond to all communications Perform tasks Consult Familiarize yourself with ASRT Attend Annual meeting

8 Communicate Issues Disseminate Information Network Recruit Practice Standards Individual Delegate Responsibilities

9  Be familiar with the Delegate Handbook. ◦ Understand the basics of Robert’s Rules. ◦ Review Motions.  Be ready to vote on them on your chapter’s behalf.  Review ASRT Governance Documents. ◦ Bylaws, Position Statements, Practice Standards and the House Procedure Manual.

10 Delegate Education Commission hearing ASRT Update Delegate Report Second business meeting of the House Chapter Meeting Bylaws Open Forum First business meeting of the House Delegate Mandatory Attendance Delegate Orientation

11 Delegate Funding Make travel reservations. Make lodging reservations. Attend all mandatory delegate events. Delegate Report.

12 and the Delegate’s Role at the Meeting

13 ASRT Annual Governance and House of Delegates Meeting

14 Delegate Check-in Designated Section for Delegates

15  Call to Order.  Parade of Flags Ceremony.  Presentation of the Color Guard.  Introductions.

16  Credentials Report.  Establishment of a Quorum.  Test the voting system. Annual Meeting

17  Standing Rules.  Agenda.  Memorial Resolution. Annual Meeting

18  Annual Reports.  Late Motions. Annual Meeting

19  Speaker  Vice Speaker Elections During the House of Delegates

20  ASRT Update.  Bylaws Open Forum.  Commission Hearing.  Chapter Meetings.  Honors Evening  Installation of Officers Annual Meeting

21 Where Do You Start??





26 ASRT House of Delegates Community Pages




30 Did you know? Previous Delegates sharing knowledge!

31 ?????? Questions??Questions??


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