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Guest Speaker “The Swamp Fox: Lessons in Leadership from the Partisan Campaigns of Francis Marion” Col Scott D. Aiken USMC Fleet Marine Officer – US Fleet.

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Presentation on theme: "Guest Speaker “The Swamp Fox: Lessons in Leadership from the Partisan Campaigns of Francis Marion” Col Scott D. Aiken USMC Fleet Marine Officer – US Fleet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guest Speaker “The Swamp Fox: Lessons in Leadership from the Partisan Campaigns of Francis Marion” Col Scott D. Aiken USMC Fleet Marine Officer – US Fleet Forces Command, Norfolk Our Next Meeting 2015-2016 Officer Elections Nov. 11 th, 2014, Social 6:30pm – Cash Bar Meeting starts at 7pm. Baci Italian Ristorante located at 5101 Kilgore Ave. Hampton, VA 23666 (Review and Print Map on Page Six) Meal Cost: $25.00 Per Person RSVP By: NLT Wednesday November 9th, 2014 to Rick Elofson or 757-596-6825 relofson1@cox.net757-596-6825 The meeting was called to order by President Ken Wood at 6:30 p.m. The invocation was given by Chaplain Gary Hodges, the Pledge of Allegiance by Treasurer Rick Elofson and SAR Pledge by Vice President Bruce Meyer. President Ken Wood asked members to introduce their guests. Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation by President Ken Wood were given to USO volunteers Mike Humphrey, Walt Neville and John Priest. Walt Neville announced the Yorktown Day ceremony to be held on October 19, 2014,with parade to Yorktown Monument. Guest speaker was James A. Cameron, Jr. He portrayed John Rollinson (1732-1780) as “Free Man of Color in York County”. Rollinson apprenticed under Mr. Moreland who was a shoe and boot maker. Rollinson became successful and bought a tavern, had slaves, and owned many acres of land. A motto of his was “freedom is not free, and ignorance is not bliss”. President Ken Wood gave the Bronze Good Citizen Award to Walt Akers, a woodworker who built a windmill and a tobacco press for Yorktown. Law Enforcement Commendation Award was given to Officer Adam R. Stephens. President Ken Wood announced the next meeting will be held on November 11, 2014. The SAR Recessional was led by Secretary Mason Ware. Benediction was given by Chaplain Gary Hodges. Minutes by Secretary Mason Ware. Page One November 2014 Edition Minutes of Our Last Meeting September 9 th, 2014 November 2014 Edition Governor’sChronicle The A Newsletter Offering of theChapter, Virginia Society, Sons of the American Revolution 2015 Dues Sheet Attached

2 VSSAR The SAR Afield Upcoming Events in Our Region & Beyond November 08 th, 2014 Wreath Laying – Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Arlington VA November 11 th, 2014 Veteran’s Day November 11 th, 2014 SAR Wreath Laying Governor's Palace in Colonial Williamsburg November 22 nd, 2014 (1 pm) CAR, DAR, and SAR wreath laying Alexandria, VA December 05 th and 6 th 2014 (11am) Commemoration of the Battle of Great Bridge, Great Bridge, VA 2014 Chapter Officers PresidentKen Wood 1 st Vice-PresidentBruce Meyer 2 nd Vice PresidentJoe Shipes SecretaryMason Ware TreasurerRick Elofson RegistrarJim Sample ChaplainGary Hodges SurgeonWilliam Old, III M.D. 2014 Committee Chairmen CitizenshipVacant Eagle ScoutBruce Meyer FlagVacant GravesGerald Runyan NewsletterMark Carroll Public SafetyJeff Brown ROTC/JROTCKen Wood Veteran’s AffairsKen Wood Board of Managers Joe Shipes Jim Sample Gerald Runyan Page Two The Governor’s Chronicle November 2014 Edition Thomas Nelson, Jr. Chapter, SAR Announcements All Things in the Thomas Nelson, Jr. Chapter BINGO! VA Hospital, Hampton, Building 148 January 5 th, 2015, 7:00pm *Still Need Help* Meet at the Domiciliary at 6:30pm to set up for the games and refreshments. Bingo starts at 7:00pm and plays for one hour or until our money ($50) is gone, whichever comes first. We clean up and leave by 8:15pm. To do a respectable job takes a minimum crew of four, but the more volunteers, the higher our Stark score. If you can arrive earlier and/or stay later to visit with the long- term patients in Bldg. 146, that’s even better! NSSAR Vacant Committees need your help. Interested in Pitching In? Contact any of the Chapter Officers, Committee Chairmen, or Board of Mangers to see how you can make a difference. If those receiving a copy of this newsletter by USPS have an email account, please reply via email to: Mark Carroll at or Rick Elofson at

3 The Governor’s ChronicleThomas Nelson, Jr. Chapter, SAR Page Three November 2014 Edition (Left) VASSAR President Bill Broadus speaking at the St. George Tucker Wreath Ceremony at St. George Tucker's home in Colonial Williamsburg on the 18th of October. (Right) Compatriot Thomas Nelson, Jr. presented a wreath during a ceremony honoring his ancestor Governor Thomas Nelson, Jr. at the Grace Episcopal Church in Yorktown on Yorktown Day. (Bottom Right) Color Guardsman Jeff Brown and Chaplain Gary Hodges attended the Wreath Laying Ceremony on the (L to R) NSSAR President General Lindsey Brock, DAR Historian Bana Weems Caskey, CAR National President Besty Ehmcke and Senior National President Billie Spence presented wreaths at the ceremony honoring St. George Tucker 19th of October. Not shown Compatriot Bruce Phillips, Past President Walt Neville and President Ken Wood also attended or participated in the ceremony at Yorktown.

4 The Governor’s ChronicleThomas Nelson, Jr. Chapter, SAR Page Four November 2014 Edition President Wood presented Certificates of Appreciation to Compatriots John Priest, Everett Feldt, Mike Humphrey, and Past President Walt Neville for volunteering over 100 hours at the Raymond B. Bottom USO in Newport News. Our chapter was awarded the NSSAR USO streamer with three stars by participating in the NSSAR President General's USO Initiative. The award was presented during the National Congress in Greenville, South Carolina. (Right) President Wood presented Mr. James A. Cameron a Certificate of Appreciation for his program on John Rollison, a free man of color in colonial Williamsburg, during the September meeting (Left) President Wood presented Officer Adam R. Stephens of the Poquoson Police Department with the Law Enforcement Commendation Medal and Certificate.

5 The Governor’s ChronicleThomas Nelson, Jr. Chapter, SAR Page Five November 2014 Edition President Wood presented Mr. Walt Akers of York County with the Bronze Good Citizenship Medal and Certificate for his outstanding contributions to the community. Treasurer Rick Elofson was promoted to the rank of Colonel in the First Virginia Regiment by Past President General Joe Dooley during the September VASSAR Semi Annual meeting in Fairfax, VA. Photo taken at the Yorktown Tea Party reenactment on October 12th at Yorktown. Compatriot Thomas Nelson, Jr. and President Ken Wood were members of the cast in the play.

6 Page Six November 2014 Edition The Governor’s ChronicleThomas Nelson, Jr. Chapter, SAR


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