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BCM 3700.  Due Today:  Assignment 7: Negative Message (draft)  Think about… …something you love to do… something that drives you… something that you’re.

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Presentation on theme: "BCM 3700.  Due Today:  Assignment 7: Negative Message (draft)  Think about… …something you love to do… something that drives you… something that you’re."— Presentation transcript:

1 BCM 3700

2  Due Today:  Assignment 7: Negative Message (draft)  Think about… …something you love to do… something that drives you… something that you’re passionate about…  Business Presentations

3  Where do you see yourself in five years?  Where do you hope to be working?  What position?  What industry?

4  Facebook was launched in 2004  Market capitalization of $266 Billion (+$54B in 6 mo)  Twitter turns 10 next year  Market Cap: $23 Billion  Eight years ago, the iPhone didn't exist  4 th Q 2014: Apple shipped 74.5 million iPhones  Sold 700+ million iPhones to date.  Apple’s iPhone revenue alone is bigger than Microsoft, Boeing, or Procter & Gamble

5  1. Registered Dietitian-Advanced Practitioner – median salary: $49,834  2. Chief Listening Officer (CLO) – $45,717 to $70,000  3. App Designer and App Developer – – $43,575 to $112,032  4. Telework Coordinator – $76,378 to $99,296  5. Sustainability Manager – $74,000 to $100,000

6  iOS Developer  Android Developer  Social Media Intern  Data Scientist  UI/UX Designer  Big Data Architect  Cloud Services Specialist  Shift happens… embrace it.

7  DUE: July 29 (Wednesday)  Assignment 6: Job Package DUE  Assignment 5: Persuasive Messages (draft) DUE  (Presentation order assigned)  DUE: August 3 (One week from today)  Assignment 4: Positive Message DUE (updated: was 7/29)  Assignment 9: Individual Oral Presentations begin  DUE August 5 (One week from Wednesday)  Assignment 7: Negative Message DUE  Assignment 9: Individual Oral Presentations continue  DUE August 10 (Two weeks from today)  Assignment 8: Designing Flyers & Forms DUE  DUE August 12 (Two weeks from Wednesday)  Assignment 10: Visual Impression Analysis DUE  Blog post:  Describe how you feel about writing (of any sort). Is it difficult for you? How so? Or does it come easy? Do you enjoy it? Dislike it? What’s your favorite type of writing? (fiction, journaling, nonfiction, etc.) Least favorite? Why?

8 BCM 3700 Textbook Support: Ch 14: Developing Oral Presentations (p. 452-476)

9 Follow this format…  Opener  Introduction w/ overview  3-4 Main Points (signposts)  Summary w/ review  Conclusion

10  Opener – gain audience attention  Don’t forget to introduce yourself!  Give an overview of the presentation…  What you’re going to talk about…  Main point #1, Main point #2, Main point #3  No need for details, just the main points…  Tell what you’ll cover first… second… third…  Helps audience know what to expect  Prepares audience for tracking and remembering your points  Offers clear signpost as you end each point

11 Something to get things started… 1. Make a startling statement “Unemployment in our state was 9.1% last year!...” 2. Tell a brief story (narrative, anecdote) “ While I was driving to work this afternoon…” 3. Ask a question “How many of you view yourself as an effective public speaker?” 4. Give a related quotation “Shakespeare said, ‘Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.’”

12  Introduce your main point #1  …then talk about it  Draw to a logical conclusion  Introduce your main point #2  …then talk about it  Draw to a logical conclusion  Introduce your main point #3  …then talk about it  Draw to a logical conclusion

13  Summarize your presentation…  “We talked about… ▪ Main point #1 … ▪ Main point #2 … ▪ Main point #3 …  Conclusion(s) and/or action(s), position, recommendations, etc.

14  Opener  Gain their interest…  Introduction w/ overview of main points  “Tell the audience what you are going to tell them...”  3-4 Main points (signposts)  “... then tell them...” (this is the body of your talk)  Summary w/ review of main points  “... and then tell them what you just told them.”  Conclusion  Call to action – what do you want the audience to do?  Offer to answer questions

15  Be prepared!  Use only normal amount of caffeine  Avoid alcoholic beverages  Re-label your nerves  Practice! Practice! Practice!

16 “PowerPoint has produced more bad design in its day than perhaps any other digital tool in history with the possible exception of Microsoft Paint.” ~ Designing Presentations That Don’t Suck, Joshua Johnson (The goal is improved learning)

17 1. Keep it Simple  Plenty of “white space”  Be conservative 2. Limit bullet points & text 3. Limit transitions & builds (animation) 4. Use high-quality graphics  Use background patterns wisely *

18 5. Have a visual theme  Avoid using PowerPoint templates…  Most have been seen countless times  They’re not all that great to begin with 6. Use appropriate charts  Pie Charts (to show percentages)  Vertical Bar Charts (to show changes in quantity over time)  Horizontal Bar Charts (to compare quantities) *

19 7. Use color well  Color evokes feelings  Color is emotional  The right color can help persuade and motivate 8.Choose your fonts well  Be consistent  No more than two  Make sure it’s readable ▪ Use contrast (dark-on-light or light-on-dark) ▪ Limit use of boldface, italics, and underlining *

20 9. Use video or audio effectively  When appropriate  Avoid cheesy sound effects  Avoid awkward transitions  It should enhance the presentation, NOT BE the presentation 10. Spend time in the slide sorter  Be organized  Presentation should have a logical flow *

21 [Your name]

22  Topic #1 (Main idea without details)  Topic #2 (Main idea without details)  Topic #3 (Main idea without details)  Topic #4 (Main idea without details)

23 [image]






29 (Review your main points)  Main point #1 (Main idea without details)  Main point #2 (Main idea without details)  Main point #3 (Main idea without details)  Main point #4 (Main idea without details)  Conclusion(s) and/or action(s), position, etc.

30 [Your name] [Your Contact Info]

31  Speak up…  Speak clearly… articulate…  Slow down… don’t rush…  Don’t lean on the podium…  Maintain eye contact…  Don’t read off the slides or cards…  Present TO your audience (not the screen)  Sufficient content…  High quality visuals…  Be professional…  Be confident!

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