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BEWAG (UIP) General assembly European Railway Agency Jean-Marie DECHAMPS, Head of Sector (Safety) Brussels, 27 April 2015.

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1 BEWAG (UIP) General assembly European Railway Agency Jean-Marie DECHAMPS, Head of Sector (Safety) Brussels, 27 April 2015

2 ›Freight ›ERA activities associated to/impacting freight transport ›Implementation of ECM certification – extension of scope ›Exchange of information between railway actors ›Revision of CSM conformity assessment and supervision: Sidings and partnerships. ›Accreditation of Notified Bodies (no slide) ›4th Railway Package ›New tasks for the Agency ›Preparation Content


4 Reminder: The legal environment SupplierECM IM RU KEEPER STI conformity EC declaration ECM certificate Maintenance workshop certificate Safety certificate Safety authorisation

5 ›European Agency: 4 operational units: Safety, Interoperability, Cross- acceptance and ERTMS ›Safety unit: Activities related to freight transport coordinated by 1 sector. ECM certification, Transport of dangerous goods, Joint Network Secretariat, Freight Focus (working) Group. ›Interoperability Unit: Rolling Stock TSIs (Wagons, locomotives, passenger vehicles), Noise TSI, Telematic application for Freight TSI, Registers (National register and VKM), TSI Operation, …. ›Cross-acceptance unit: National rules and authorization of placing in service ›ERTMS: Control Command and Signaling TSI, Braking curves for freight trains ERA activities associated to/impacting freight transport

6 ›Following a survey performed in 2014 (210 answers), a report was addressed by ERA to EU Commission in March 2015 and will be published on ERA website in May 2015. ›Results: ›ECM certification and maintenance workshop certification implemented with success. ›In general the railway sector is satisfied. ›Exchange of information between RUs, keepers and ECMs not effective (see next slide) ›Report includes a proposal of mandate for starting the revision of Commission Regulation 445/2011 to extend certifications of ECMs and maintenance workshops to all vehicles including locomotives. New Regulation expected by end 2016. ›4th railway package should not have any impact on ECM certification Implementation of ECM certification – extension of sco pe

7 ›Commission Regulation 445/2011: Article 5(2) to 5(5): Obligation of exchange of information. ›Art 5(3): ECM  railway undertakings (return to operation + restrictions) ›Art 5(4): railway undertakings  ECM ›Art 5(5): Between RUs, IMs, keepers, ECMs: malfunctions, near- misses, incidents, accidents, other dangerous occurrences, restrictions of use. Exchange of information based on CONTRACTUAL ARRANGEMENTS ›Commission Regulation 445/2011: Article 10(4). Obligation to ERA to publish ECM certificates. ERA website: ERADIS ›Other tools: Telematic Application for Freight TSI, National registers Exchange of information (1)

8 ›ERA is involved for helping the sector to implement article 5.5 of Commission Regulation 445/2011. ›Long term solution ›ERA launched studies ›Specifications should be introduced in telematics application for Freight TSI (change request) ›Short term solution ›Implementation in 2015 ›Temporary solution ›Based on SIS application (Safety Information System used by NSAs and NIBs) or ERAIL. ›ERA support: Definition of use cases (business needs), Modification of SIS or ERAIL IT applications, administrative support. Exchange of information (2)

9 ›New guideline under development ›2 principles/1 obligation ›Safety principle No movement of trains can be performed on the network under the responsibility of an Infrastructure Manager without being covered by a safety certificate (RU) or a safety authorisation (IM) whoever is performing the movement. ›Economic principle Flexibility in business should not be limited unless safety is not ensured. ›Obligation for RUs RUs must document and trace, with a sufficient level of details to make it understandable to National authorities, all the arrangements in place regarding partnerships with other organisations including other RUs and use of sidings. Revision of CSM conformity assessment and supervision: Sidings and partnerships.

10 4th Railway Package

11 ›ERA will be entitled with activities related to conformity assessment acting as one stop shop. ›Delivery of safety certificates to RUs. ›Authorisation of placing in service of vehicles. ›Calendar ›2015-2017: Preparation ›2018: Shadow running (test): Agency + NSAs deliver single safety certificate and authorisation of placing in service of vehicles. ›2019: Agency + NSAs deliver effectively single safety certificate and authorisation of placing in service of vehicles. New tasks for the Agency

12 ›ERA responsible for: ›Drafting and submission of recommendations on implementing acts to European Commission ›Based on the implementing acts adopted by the European Commission: ›Setting up cooperation agreements with the National Authorities on time ›Implementing procedures and tools / databases (single rules database, accounting /planning system for staff and charges) ›ERA put in place a task force under the direct responsibility of the Executive Director. The task force is chaired by Thierry BREYNE. Preparation


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