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Reminders and Notes  Your slides are due on October 1 and are final as submitted: Changes past the deadline are only made in cases of significant errors.

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Presentation on theme: "Reminders and Notes  Your slides are due on October 1 and are final as submitted: Changes past the deadline are only made in cases of significant errors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reminders and Notes  Your slides are due on October 1 and are final as submitted: Changes past the deadline are only made in cases of significant errors in the original. If you are waiting on information that will be released between Oct. 1 and the Midyear, make the text on your slide less specific or insert a blank slide, and verbally announce the new information during your presentation.  We are not requiring a disclosure slide this year. Disclosures are printed in the Program Book.  Please use Calibri Font, minimum size 22.  Do not use copyrighted material without permission. If you want to change your presentation for the handout, you have 2 options: 1.(Preferred) If you simply do not want to include a slide in the handout, place this text box on the slide and it will be omitted in the handout. 2.If you have content changes for the handout (not just deleting a few slides) you may upload 2 slide sets. Name one “Presentation” and one “Handout Version.” Send an email to indicating that you have 2 versions (include the name of your session in the email). Slides 1 & 2 are for your information only Delete these slides before submitting your presentation DELETE FOR HANDOUT

2 Required: Active Learning Active learning is required for all CE sessions. See below for ideas. Interactive Scenarios o present a scenario, ask attendees to discuss possible solutions in small groups Application Exercise o ask attendees to think about how they will apply what they have learned Interactive Case Studies o present a case, ask attendees questions about the case Images o get permission to use them, or use images without copyright protection Videos o Do not embed videos in slide set – save the video file separately & upload under “Additional Materials” Active Learning Questions o present questions for attendees to reflect on what has been taught, to self-assess their learning. Utilize the color cards in the Program Book for Active Learning Questions: Sample templates for Active Learning Questions follow.

3 Presentation Title Speaker Information


5 Sample Question? Insert answer A B C D

6 Sample Statement. True False A B True or False:

7 Sample Question? Yes No A B

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