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The Research on Credibility of Knowledge Management System Wang FanLin Department of Accounting Capital University of Economic Business Beijing, China.

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Presentation on theme: "The Research on Credibility of Knowledge Management System Wang FanLin Department of Accounting Capital University of Economic Business Beijing, China."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Research on Credibility of Knowledge Management System Wang FanLin Department of Accounting Capital University of Economic Business Beijing, China Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Management Science (ICAMS), 9-11 July 2010, Chengdu, China.

2 Problem Knowledge management should be the important link of information chain The knowledge control information credibility the various factor influence, technical factor and the personnel factor is most important

3 Problem Economic crisis sweeping the globe In the traditional in the information age takes long time to be dominant disaster But in the information systems built up by the Internet era greatly shorten the process How to enhance the credible level of KMS?

4 Methodology Focus on the credibility issues of management information systems Use empirical methods to make mathematical analysis and a questionnaire survey

5 Analysis of the credibility of technical Simulation method for research can be used to evaluate the credibility of design process and the credibility of the knowledge platform 1. Design to determine the object of study and the goals to achieve 2. Identify evaluation index system and evaluation model 3. To determine the evaluation program set 4. Analyze the output results from business process simulation

6 Analysis of the credibility of staff Internal and external causes Analyzed staff’s credibility of description quality From: ◦ Human mind emotions ◦ Behavior

7 Result Indicators design to be the key of this study Design of technical analysis indicators paper attempts to identify the following seven indicators as object of study 1)the degree of application in modular design 2)complete degree of files design 3)application functionality degree of database design 4)the sole degree for code designed 5)the frequency of prompt error in input design 6)the accuracy of output design 7)the rating of security design

8 Result Design of personnel evaluation indicators  External Factors  The size of designer’s unit  Employee’s salary  Degree of competition in the industry  Internal Factors  Physical condition  Mental state  Technical capability  Work experience  Learning ability


10 Conclusion This article conducts a qualitative description and quantitative analysis about the credibility of management information system While the large international software companies performed better, will influence credibility of knowledge system design and level of credibility knowledge system The credibility of the knowledge system design are influenced by the external environment and internal factors, culture and identity of employees play an important role The more complex knowledge software systems, their requirements of the soft constraints on the credibility of the more obvious effects

11 Recommendations To improve a company's culture, and enhance the software development company employee identity A clear motive of the users' demanding should be reflected in the system design goals Quality assurance measures of knowledge information should be extended to the design and implementation aspects of the knowledge platform

12 Evaluating Papers 1. What related work is being undertaken? ◦ Defined knowledge credibility 2. What is the motivation for the work? ◦ Knowledge management should be the important link of information chain from the economic crisis of internet era the effect will must faster. How to enhance the credible level of KMS? 3. What techniques are in use? ◦ empirical methods to make mathematical analysis and a questionnaire survey

13 4. What are the findings of the papers? ◦ This article conducts a qualitative description and quantitative analysis about the credibility of management information system, Indicators design as a key of this study 5. How does it help me? ◦ Understand the aspect of design and acquired the Indicator to evaluate our design process and Security System 6. Why am I studying this aspect of the problem? ◦ My MKS design needs reference to gain credibility of system and the result of paper shows many reverent aspect to be a guidance to enhance my old function less KMS which just can be as a database and not many more

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