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Lab-To-Land Initiative – Kerala. Progress so far Meeting convened by Principal Secretary, LSGD. Attended by Commissioner, RD; Director, SIRD; officers.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab-To-Land Initiative – Kerala. Progress so far Meeting convened by Principal Secretary, LSGD. Attended by Commissioner, RD; Director, SIRD; officers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab-To-Land Initiative – Kerala

2 Progress so far Meeting convened by Principal Secretary, LSGD. Attended by Commissioner, RD; Director, SIRD; officers of CRD etc. Meeting convened by Principal Secretary, LSGD. Attended by Commissioner, RD; Director, SIRD; officers of CRD etc. Selected Sasthamcotta Block in Kollam district for the implementation of Lab-to-land initiative on pilot basis Selected Sasthamcotta Block in Kollam district for the implementation of Lab-to-land initiative on pilot basis Proposal for constitution of different committees submitted to government for final decision Proposal for constitution of different committees submitted to government for final decision Discussion with BDO and other officials in the block office Discussion with BDO and other officials in the block office Preliminary data collection completed Preliminary data collection completed Status Report relating to the implementation of various programmes namely MGNREGS, SGSY, IAY, PMGSY, NSAP etc. collected Status Report relating to the implementation of various programmes namely MGNREGS, SGSY, IAY, PMGSY, NSAP etc. collected

3 Sasthamcotta Block Total population – 1,94,015 Total population – 1,94,015 Seven Grama Panchayats Seven Grama Panchayats One of the better performing blocks One of the better performing blocks Backward area with sizeable SC population Backward area with sizeable SC population It has the largest fresh water lake – main source of drinking water for Kollam city - facing degradation It has the largest fresh water lake – main source of drinking water for Kollam city - facing degradation

4 Demographic Details Total Population 1,94,015 Male94379 Female99636 SC33159 ST123 No. of Grama Panchayats 7 No. of CDS 7 No. of ADS 124

5 Grama Panchayats S.No Name of the GP Population No. of GP divisions 1Sasthamcotta32,39119 2 West Kallada 18,03314 3 Soorinad South 23,73716 4Porruvazhy27,61218 5Kunnathoor25,02617 6 Soorinad North 27,88018 7Mynagapally39,33622

6 Composition of the Core Groups State Level Committee Principal Secretary, LSGDChairman Principal Secretary, LSGDChairman Commissioner for Rural DevelopmentConvenor Commissioner for Rural DevelopmentConvenor Executive Director, Kudumbashree Mission Executive Director, Kudumbashree Mission Director, MGNREGS Mission Director, MGNREGS Mission Director, SIRD Director, SIRD Director, Doordarshan Director, Doordarshan Director, All India Radio Director, All India Radio Director of Field Publicity Division/Song Drama Division Director of Field Publicity Division/Song Drama Division Chief Officer, RIB Chief Officer, RIB Director of Agriculture, Director of Agriculture, Director of Animal Husbandry, Director of Animal Husbandry, Director of Diary Development Director of Diary Development Director of Social Welfare Director of Social Welfare Director of SC/ST Director of SC/ST Director of Panchayats Director of Panchayats Chief Engineer, LSGD Chief Engineer, LSGD Director of Fisheries Director of Fisheries Director, Youth Welfare Director, Youth Welfare State coordinator, NYK State coordinator, NYK

7 District Level Committee District CollectorChairman District CollectorChairman Project Director, PAUConvenor Project Director, PAUConvenor Joint Programme Coordinator, MGNREGS Joint Programme Coordinator, MGNREGS DMC, Kudumbashree Mission DMC, Kudumbashree Mission Lead Bank Manager Lead Bank Manager Principal Agriculture Officer Principal Agriculture Officer District Animal Husbandry Officer District Animal Husbandry Officer Deputy Director,Diary Development Deputy Director,Diary Development District Soil Conservation Officer District Soil Conservation Officer District Development Officer, SC District Development Officer, SC GM, DIC GM, DIC District Social Welfare Officer District Social Welfare Officer Executive Engineer, PMGSY Executive Engineer, PMGSY Executive Engineer, LSGD Executive Engineer, LSGD

8 Block Level Committee Block Panchayat PresidentChairman Block Panchayat PresidentChairman Block Panchayat SecretaryConvenor Block Panchayat SecretaryConvenor Asst. Director, Agriculture Asst. Director, Agriculture SC Development Officer SC Development Officer Diary Extension Officer Diary Extension Officer Taluk Industries Officer Taluk Industries Officer Medical Officer, Public Health Medical Officer, Public Health ICDS Project Officer ICDS Project Officer Asst. Executive Engineer, LSGD Asst. Executive Engineer, LSGD Representatives of other line departments Representatives of other line departments

9 Lab to land initiative - Strategy Translating the objectives of the all flagship programmes(100%) Translating the objectives of the all flagship programmes(100%) IEC activities through Print and Electronic media – preparation of films, posters, conduct of quiz, debates, distribution of pamphlets, leaflets etc., Balasabhas – a vehicle for creating awareness IEC activities through Print and Electronic media – preparation of films, posters, conduct of quiz, debates, distribution of pamphlets, leaflets etc., Balasabhas – a vehicle for creating awareness Conduct TNA Conduct TNA Preparation of modules Preparation of modules Training for all functionaries Training for all functionaries ICT – Bio metric cards, setting up kiosks, ICT – Bio metric cards, setting up kiosks, Setting up community radio Setting up community radio Natural Resource Management Natural Resource Management

10 MGNREGS S.No Objective or Key Result Area Action Success Indicator with Unit 1 Awareness Generation IEC activities – exhibition of films, songs, dance, drama, wall newspapers, puppet shows, quiz and debate contests, distribution of pamphlets/leaflets, rally, Balasabhas Aware of rights and entitlements, More registration, better need based plans, more demand for work, redressal mechanism available, legal recourse available greater accountability, less delay in payment of wages 2Training Training the PR Members and officials of development depts. Training of village volunteers, VMC Members, NGOs, barefoot engineers, Mates, and CBOs Awareness of their roles and responsibilities Village volunteers mobilized, barefoot engineers in place 3 Grama Sabha Activation of Grama Sabha Distributing pamphlets/leaflets about the roles and responsibilities, door to door canvassing, Increased attendance, qualitative participation, better need based plans prepared, ensuring transparency in implementation

11 MGNREGS 4 Timeliness in allocation of work and payment of wages Shelf of projects with AS and TS, deploying additional staff, training barefoot engineers Data entry in MIS Employment provided on demand and less delay in payment of wages, increase in incomes, increased deposits in banks, Financial inclusion 5 Social Audit Campaign conducted about Social Audit, Training for Social audit members, Social Audit Grama Sabha held Findings acted upon, Irregularities detected and accountability fixed, recoveries made 6 Increase in productivity Fallow land brought under cultivation, reduction in soil erosion Rise in land productivity, Employment opportunities increased, More income generated, Increased food security

12 S.NoObjective or Key Result Area ActionSuccess Indicator with Unit 1234 1Awareness GenerationIEC activities – exhibition of films, songs, dance, drama, wall newspapers, puppet shows, quiz and debate contests, distribution of pamphlets/leaflets Awareness Generated about the self employment programme 2Training Training to PR members, Officials, Bankers, SHG members Exposure visit Awareness of their roles and responsibilities 3Enrollment in SHGsSocial Mobilisation, Formation of SHGs – universal coverage, training and grading of SHGs and their federation All BPL members enrolled into SHGs, better SHGs formed, NRLM

13 4Savings and CreditUniversal Financial inclusion, Credit mobilization from banks and financial institutions Thrift and credit mobilized, starting of micro enterprises 5Skill development and placement Identification of key activities and training institutions, Setting up micro enterprises, training for skill development and placement for wage employment Increase in income and improvement in quality of life NRLM

14 S.NoObjective or Key Result Area ActionSuccess Indicator with Unit 1234 1Health Awareness IEC activities – exhibition of films, songs, dance, drama, wall newspapers, puppet shows, quiz and debate contests, distribution of pamphlets/leaflets School campaign Attitudinal and behavioural changes Better sanitation and hygiene practices Aware of Solid/Liquid waste disposal 2Better planning and implementati on Training to PRI Members, officials, women, SHGs, Educational Institutions, Youth Clubs, CBOs Exposure visit Awareness of their roles and responsibilities TSC

15 3Community Oriented and Demand led Inclusive Community participation Total coverage of households with sanitation facilities Demand generation for sanitation facilities Women masons, sanitary ware & sanitary pad production 4 Social Audit Campaign conducted about Social Audit, Social Audit Grama Sabha held Findings acted upon, Irregularities detected and accountability fixed, recoveries made TSC

16 IAY S.NoObjective or Key Result Area ActionSuccess Indicator with Unit 1234 1Housing for all IEC activities – exhibition of films, songs, dance, drama, wall newspapers, puppet shows, quiz and debate contests, distribution of pamphlets/leaflets School campaign No houseless families 2Better planning and implementati on Training to PRI Members, officials, on cost effective technologies Awareness of their roles and responsibilities

17 PMGSY S.NoObjective or Key Result Area ActionSuccess Indicator with Unit 1234 1To connect all unconnecte d villages with all weather roads Habitations brought into road network Connectivity brought about and access to essential services, Markets connected 2Better planning and implementati on Training to PRI Members, officials, Exposure visit Awareness of their roles and responsibilities

18 Action Plan - Different Agencies

19 Action Plan –IEC Activities IEC IEC Van, stalls Quiz, debates Balasabhas Pamphlets, leaflets Wall Paintings Wall newspapers Community Radio KalajathasFAQsFolk arts

20 Action Plan – SIRD, Kerala ActionsNov-10 Dec- 10 Jan-11Feb-11Mar-11Apr-11 1. Mobilisation for cadre of Community Resource Persons  2. Training Need Assessment of CRP, Officials and elected officials on various thematic issues  3. Conduct of Thematic Training ( SIRD & Block level) 

21 Training Action Plan All the newly elected representatives and officials of the block panchayat and seven GPs will be trained on all aspects of RD programmes Identified 22571 stakeholders to be trained. Includes elected representatives of PRIs, officials at BP and GP level, CRPs, NHG members, ADS and CDS members, V&MC members etc. During the first phase, it is proposed to train 1090 functionaries

22 Objectives of training  Capacity building of all stakeholders to improve the performance and quality of implementation  To create awareness about the various rural development programmes  To develop their personality (knowledge, skills and attitude) in the implementation of the programmes  To create a pool of top class trainers and a set of outstanding training materials

23 Theme of the Training Programmes Flag ship programmes of Government of India and other programmes of state government Flag ship programmes of Government of India and other programmes of state government Social Audit Social Audit Revitalisation of Grama Sabha Revitalisation of Grama Sabha Decentralised Planning Decentralised Planning Natural Resource Management - Lake protection and Watershed development Natural Resource Management - Lake protection and Watershed development Role of V&MC Role of V&MC

24 Target group – Number to be trained S. No Clientele group Number 1 Block Panchayat Members 14 2 Grama Panchayat Members 124 3 Officials at Block level 15 4 Officials at Village level 41 5 Community Resource Persons 35 6 Neigbourhood groups 19047 7 ADS Members 2062 8 CDS Members 117 9 V&MC Members 868 10 Grama Sabha Facilitators 248 Total22571

25 Budget –Total S.NoName of the ProgrammeNo of participants Expenditure (`) 1ToT for Community Resource Persons35 1,53,400 2Training on Developmental programmes for elected members and officials of BP 29 1,33,260 3Training on Developmental Programmes for GP Members (Village level) 124 2,01,160 4Training on Developmental programmes for officials of GP 41 61,190 5Training on Developmental programmes CDS Members 117 1,93,530 6Training on Developmental programmes ADS Members 2062 33,86,080 7Training on Developmental programmes NHG Members 190473,12,38,630 8Training on Developmental programmes VMC Members 86814,24,620 9Social Audit Team14882758320 10Training for grama sabha facilitators2484,02,320 Total3,99,52,510

26 Budget – First Phase S.NoName of the ProgrammeNo of participants Expenditure (`) 1ToT for Community Resource Persons35 1,53,400 2Training on Developmental programmes for elected members and officials of BP 29 1,33,260 3Training on Developmental Programmes for GP Members (Village level) 124 2,01,160 4Training on Developmental programmes for officials of GP41 61,190 5Training on Developmental programmes CDS Members117 1,93,530 6Training on Developmental programmes for President and Vice-Chairperson of ADS 248 4,02,320 7 Training on Developmental programmes VMC Members 2484,02,320 8Training for grama sabha facilitators2484,02,320 Total19,50,000

27 Action Plan- PAU ActionsNov-10 Dec- 10 Jan-11 Feb- 11 Mar-11 1. Formulation of IEC Strategy (Print, Electronic and conventional)  2. Piloting of IEC Strategy and Publication of IEC material  3. Setting up ICT infrastructure - Kiosks 

28 Action Plan - Kudumbashree ActionsNov-10Dec-10June-11 July, 11 1. Proposal for Community Radio to I&B Ministry  2. Setting up of community Radio  3. Transmission of programmes 

29 Action Plan -MGNREGS Actions Current Status Planned Outcome 2011-122012-13 1. Preparation of Annual Action Plan In all GPs  2. Preparation of Labour Budget In all GPs  3. Employment provided to households 3434 Cover all job seekers 4. Average Persondays generated 24 days 70 days 80 days 5. Families completed 100 days of employment 65 50 % 60% 6. Participation of Women 90 % 90%90% 7. Social Audit All GPs  8. Participation of SC households 30%50%50% 9. Payment of wages within 15 days 75%100%100% 10. Increase in production Negligible20%30%

30 Action Plan- SGSY Actions Current Status Planned Outcome 2011-122012-13 1. Formation of SHGs - universalisation 18 50% coverage 100% coverage 2. Savings and credit mobilisation 62.32 lakhs 62.32 lakhs 85 lakhs 95 lakhs 3. Skill development training 13 groups 30% 50 % 4.Starting of micro enterprises In all GPs 5.Common Facility centres No centres Setting up in Block All GPs 6. Placement of youths Nil Nil50100 7. Creation of marketing facilities No marketing facilities Sales outlets in Block In all GPs

31 Action Plan-Housing Actions Current Status Planned Outcome 2011-122012-13 1. Number of Houseless families identified 2768 1.1House sanctioned and completed under IAY 253 1.2. Houses for SC/ST under IAY 115 1.3. Houses under EMS Housing Scheme 10071508Nil 2. Number of Houses to be built 1508

32 Action Plan – Activisation of Grama Sabha ActionsNov-10Dec-10Jan-11Feb-11Mar-11 1. Training of Grama Sabha Facilitators In all GPs 2. Holding of Grama Sabhas  3. Social Audit Grama Sabha 

33 Action Plan - Diary Actions Current Status Planned Outcome 2011-122012-13 1. Supply of calf to SHG groups 31525 2. Milk shed development programme 2 GPs All GPs 3. Farmers contact programme In all GPs 4. Farmers training 1540%60% 5. Exposure visit 105075 6. Fodder cultivation training and demonstration One GP In all GPs 20% increase 7. Cattle show seminar 1 GP All GPs

34 Action Plan - Agriculture Actions Current Status Planned Outcome 2011-122012-13 1. Production Improvement Programme in RKVY 500 hectares 700 hec. 900 hec. 2. Sustainable Development of Rice 2 GPs All GPs 3. Comprehensive Vegetable cultivation 2 GPs In all GPs 4. Fallow land cultivation for women groups 20 %40%60% 5 Exposure visit 105075

35 Action Plan-Animal Husbandry Actions Current Status Planned Outcome 2011-122012-13 1. Special Livestock Breeding Programme (General and SC) 125200250 2. Special Central Assistance in Special Component Plan (SCP) 2 GPs All GPs 3. Backyard Poultry In all GPs 4. Infertility camps 257 5. Distribution of Buffalo, goat In all GPs

36 Conservation and Management of Sasthamcotta Wetland Sasthamcotta lake also categorised as a wetland, is the largest fresh water lake in Kerala Sasthamcotta lake also categorised as a wetland, is the largest fresh water lake in Kerala Main source of drinking water for Kollam Corporation and surrounding three panchayats Main source of drinking water for Kollam Corporation and surrounding three panchayats The present surface area of the lake is 375 ha The present surface area of the lake is 375 ha Average Depth Average Depth - 6.53m

37 But over the years, lake affected by environmental pollution and climatic changes; silting, flow of effluents, encroachments, sand mining. But over the years, lake affected by environmental pollution and climatic changes; silting, flow of effluents, encroachments, sand mining. Area and capacity decreased Area and capacity decreased Management Action Plan (MAP) in place - comprehensive development and management of the Lake and its catchment for its sustainable utilization and conservation. Management Action Plan (MAP) in place - comprehensive development and management of the Lake and its catchment for its sustainable utilization and conservation.

38 District Administration, Council for Science Technology and Environment, CWRDM, govt. depts., panchayats, environmentalists actively involved in the process District Administration, Council for Science Technology and Environment, CWRDM, govt. depts., panchayats, environmentalists actively involved in the process Lab to land initiative is an excellent platform for accelerating the efforts and to bring out convergence of activities of various agencies Lab to land initiative is an excellent platform for accelerating the efforts and to bring out convergence of activities of various agencies

39 Action Plan ActionsAgencyActivities Planned Outcome 2011-122012-13 1. Soil and water conservation measures Soil conservation wing Contour bund, Agrostology, cross bar 2. Pollution abetment measures Kerala Water Authority Recycling plant, soap pits, 3. Weed control and removal of plastic Kerala Water Authority and Panchayats Removal of weeds 4. Water quality monitoring CWRDM Water quality monitoring 5. Social Interventions and awareness training CWRDM Awareness campaign, training programmes 6. Livelihood programme Local bodies Alternate livelihood 7. Afforestation Forestry Nursery raising 8. Community Mobilisation PAU Sanitation facilities

40 Action Plan -ICT Applications Installing Touch screen based Kiosks in all seven Panchayat Offices with thermal printer, finder print reader etc Capturing of biometric details of the workers (Finger Prints and Photographs. The IRIS details will also be captured as part of UID project). Issue of ID Cards (Smart Card / Plastic Card) Capturing of Attendances at worksite through handheld devices after biometric identification. The details of GPS correspondents, date and time will also be collected - 1 each in all wards (124 wards in 7 GPs of Sasthamcotta Block) Payment of wages through Bank ATM

41 Sl. NoItemQtyApproximate cost @ Rs. Total Amount Rs. Phase I 1Computer135000 2Panchayat level kiosk750000350000 3Hand held devices138300004140000 4Capturing of Biometric details & Issue of plastic ID cards 14000 workers 15 per worker225000 5Software & Implementation charges Software & data customization1,00,000 Help Desk – 1 year - 2 persons @ Rs.10000 per person 12 x 2 x 10000240000 Training to mates 375 persons @ Rs.175375 persons65625 Training to workers – 15000 workers @Rs. 50 15000750000 Training to NREGS Team – 25 persons @Rs. 150 253750 Awareness training to Peoples Representatives & Panchayat Secretaries – 131 persons @Rs. 150 13119650 Stationery (paper and printer ribbons) – Rs. 10000 per year per Panchayat 7+1 10000 x 880000 6Unforeseen expenses(Rs)100000 Approximate Cost

42 Phase II User fee - for job demand registration – 3 Akshya Centres @ Rs.500 per month 3 * 12 * 50018000 Service charge - Downloading of e-muster roll and uploading of attendance data – 3 Akshaya Centres @Rs.500 per month 3 * 12 * 50018000 Total6045025

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