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Presentation on theme: "Neurons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neurons

2 Do Now Do Now How does this relate to the Nervous System?

3 Homework Due Today Read Section 31.1 Answer question 1-3 on page 900

4 Homework Describe the function of the nervous system?
The functions of the nervous sustem are to collect information about the body’s internal and external environments, process that information and respond to it

5 Homework Describe how your peripheral nervous system and central nervous system were involved in a simple activity you performed today.

6 Homework Name and describe the three types of neurons
Sensory neurons carry impulses from the sense organs. Motor neurons carry impulses from the brain and spinal cord to muscles and glands. Interneurons process the information from sensory neurons and send commands to other interneurons or motor neurons

7 Homework The immune system of people with multiple sclerosis attacks myelin sheaths in the CNS. The myelin breaks down and scar tissue may result. How do you think this would affect the transmission of signals from the CNS?

8 Homework What happens when a neuron in stimulated by another neuron?
If the stimulus is grat enough, an impulse begins that travels rapidly along the axon toward the axon terminals, where the impulse may be passed on to other cells

9 Homework How can the level of pain you feel vary if a stimulus causes and all-or-none response? Although the response is all-or-none, the frequency of action potentials can vary depending on the strength of the stimulus

10 Homework Due Next Class
Finish Worksheet Define: Peripheral Nervous System Central Nervous System Axon Myelin Sheath Threshold Synapse Neurotransmitter

11 The Nervous System The Nervous System

12 The Nervous System The Nervous System responds to information collected from internal and external environments Comprised of Peripheral Nervous System and Central Nervous System

13 Central Nervous System
Consists of the brain and spinal cord

14 Peripheral Nervous System
All nerves and supporting cells that collect information about the body’s internal and external environment

15 PNS/CNS Constant communication is happening between the 2 nervous systems You’re walking around in the dark and can’t see anything. Your hands are reaching for the light switch and your PNS relays the message of what it is touching to the CNS, which relays back to the PNS as to what it is supposed to be looking for.

16 Neurons All impulses (messages) are transmitted by cells called neurons Sensory Motor Interneurons Process sensory information and send commands to other neurons

17 Structure of Neuron

18 Cell Body Largest part of a neuron
Houses the nucleus and most of cytoplasm

19 Homework Due Next Class
Finish Worksheet Define: Peripheral Nervous System Central Nervous System Axon Myelin Sheath Threshold Synapse Neurotransmitter

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