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H EAD E VALUATION AND V OCAB Sports Med 2. H EAD V OCABULARY Alert: awake and responds immediately and appropriately Confused: impaired memory, disorientation.

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Presentation on theme: "H EAD E VALUATION AND V OCAB Sports Med 2. H EAD V OCABULARY Alert: awake and responds immediately and appropriately Confused: impaired memory, disorientation."— Presentation transcript:


2 H EAD V OCABULARY Alert: awake and responds immediately and appropriately Confused: impaired memory, disorientation and confusion Lethargic: drowsy yet easily aroused, oriented to person, place and time Stuporous: asleep most of the time, difficult to arouse, responds inappropriately Semicomatose: no response to verbal stimuli, some response to painful stimuli Comatose: no response

3 Anterograde amnesia: length of time from injury until conscious memory returns Retrograde amnesia: loss of memory of events that occurred before the injury Immediate recall: can recite 4-5 words or numbers right after you say them Tinnitus: ringing in the ears Rhomberg’s Test: balance testing for intracranial damage

4 H EAD E VALUATION Scalp Mobility Highly vascular 5 layers

5 Skull (2-6 mm) 2 sections: cranium and face Cranium consists of large flat bones one frontal one occipital two sphenoid two parietal two temporal Landmarks External occipital protuberance (bump of knowledge) Mastoid process

6 Brain (3lbs) Brainstem: medulla (heart, lungs motor), pons and midbrain (reflexes) Cerebellum (small) Motor function, balance, posture Cerebrum (largest): voluntary movements sensory motor functions Consciousness depends on excitation of the cerebral cortex

7 Meninges: layers of tissue that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord Dura mater: dense, inelastic, outermost matter Arachnoid membrane: thin, delicate membrane. Attached to the spinal cord by small tissue strands Subarachnoid space: in between the arachnoid and the pia mater. Helps contain the spinal fluid Pia mater: innermost layer Cerebrospinal fluid: between arachnoid and pia mater (subarachnoid space) Suspends brain Cushions it from shock.

8 C RANIAL N ERVES olfactory : smell optic: vision oculomotor: eye movement, constriction of pupil trochlear: eye movement trigeminal: head and face sensation abducens: lateral eye movement facial: taste, facial movements acoustic: hearing and equilibrium glossopharyngeal : swallowing Vagus: speech Spinal accessory: movement of neck and shoulders Hypoglossal: movement of the tongue * On Old Olympus Towering Tops, A Finn And Greek Viewed Some Hops

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