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 The human brain has 13 billion cells and 1 trillion neurons, which are interconnected.

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Presentation on theme: " The human brain has 13 billion cells and 1 trillion neurons, which are interconnected."— Presentation transcript:

1  The human brain has 13 billion cells and 1 trillion neurons, which are interconnected.

2  The Brain is divided into two distinct parts – the Left and the Right brain connected by a thick cable of nerves at the base. One could compare it to a network connection between two immensely fast and powerful computer processors each running different programs from the same input or source.

3 The left brain is analytical, while the right brain is creative.

4  There is a myth that some people are born intelligent, while others are not so gifted. Neuroscientists have proven that the capacity of every normal human brain is the same and infinite.

5  Vast differences in accomplishments of people are due to differences in application (how the brain is used and conditioned)

6  There is another myth that the physical brain differs from person to person and depends on genes. And that some can use it in ways that others cannot.

7  The truth is that within us lies the equipment that will enable us to do and achieve whatever we want.

8  The brain is often compared to a computer which has a defined computing capacity. And Computers are made today in various models with different computing capacities.

9  However, no matter what the capacity, if the demands on the computer outstrips its design capabilities, it cannot get smarter. Not so with the living brain.  In contrast, the brain is an organ of mind-boggling elasticity and unlimited capacity.  It is molded by external and internal influences to enhance and fine tune its performance.

10 10% of neuron activity happens in the left brain (verbal, numerical, logical structural) and the rest 90% in the right brain. We spend a lifetime developing 10% of our potential.


12  Yet we spend less than 10% of our time on activities that can help us achieve 90% of our potential.  The creative ideation process is intuitive and requires tapping of the right brain power. More importantly, these right brain activities deserve deliberate time slots in ones daily diary. When did you last come up with a brilliant idea ?


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