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Week 8.  Recap  User Forms  Input Validation Message Boxes Input Boxes  Conversion Functions.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 8.  Recap  User Forms  Input Validation Message Boxes Input Boxes  Conversion Functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 8

2  Recap  User Forms

3  Input Validation Message Boxes Input Boxes  Conversion Functions

4  Message Boxes and Input Boxes are preset versions of User Forms  Known as Forms, User Forms, Dialog Boxes  Can be used to: Initialize variables Select ranges Input Data Return messages to the user Allow the user to select options that affect the way a sub will run

5  Look at the Project window for Week 08.xls  Note that there is now a Forms list in addition to the Modules list  The form has an object view and a code view (use F7/shift F7 to toggle between them.  Change form properties in the properties window  Add form content using the Toolbox

6  You can Run or Show a form from any sub (macro) using frmXXX.Show  If you want the form to show automatically when the workbook opens  Then select This Workbook and add the following code: Private Sub Workbook_Open() frmIntro.Show End Sub

7  In the Toolbox click the Multipage tool, then click the form. A multipage control is placed on the form displaying two tabs.

8  One of the first features of an Excel VBA application might be to provide facilities to move to a worksheet.  One way to achieve this is to provide Option buttons for a user to choose, and a Command button to put the option into effect.  A user can only select one option.

9  Usually as a minimum you will need 2 command buttons, OK and Cancel  For a Cancel button, set the Cancel property to True  In the form’s code window, add a Private Sub to control each button. Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub btnOK_Click() If option1 Then Sheets("Data").Select If option2 Then Sheets("Analysis").Select Unload Me End Sub

10  Events are changes of state For example  A mouse single or double click,  Open or Close  Activate  Some objects have a default event – e.g. the default event for a workbook is the Open event, the default event for a command button is the Click event.

11  Build the following form  Name the form frmBooking with the caption Course Booking Form

12 txtName txtPhone cboDept cboCourse btnClear btnCancel optIntro optInter optAdv btnOK

13  There are four procedures necessary, An initialize procedure to set the contents of the combo boxes and set the initial values of other options A procedure to exit the form on cancel A procedure to update the worksheet on ok A procedure to clear the selected values on clear

14 Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() txtName.Value = "" txtPhone.Value = "" With cboDept.AddItem "Finance".AddItem "Marketing".AddItem "Computer Services".AddItem "Personnel" End With cboDept.Value = "" With cboCourse.AddItem "Access".AddItem "Excel".AddItem "Word".AddItem "Powerpoint" End With cboCourse.Value = "" optIntro = True txtName.SetFocus End Sub

15 Private Sub btnCancel_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub btnClear_Click() txtName.Value = "" txtPhone.Value = "" cboDept.Value = "" cboCourse.Value = "" End Sub

16 Private Sub btnOK_Click() ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Course Bookings").Select Range("A1").Select Do While ActiveCell <> "" ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop ActiveCell.Value = txtName.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = txtPhone.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2) = cboDept.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3) = cboCourse.Value If optIntro = True Then ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4) = "Intro" ElseIf optInter = True Then ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4) = "Inter" Else ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4) = "Adv" End If Range("A1").Select End Sub

17  You can use one or more of the following options: Keyboard shortcut to a show form sub A button on the worksheet A menu or toolbar option (more on this next week) The Worksheet’s Activate event The Workbook’s Open event

18  You can fill list and combo boxes using data from your spreadsheet  You can run macros from the form by using: Call sub name  in your btnOK click code  You can extend the code inside your procedures to further calculations  You can have a sub which calls multiple forms  You will probably need to do some data validation when using forms for data input

19  Assessment 3 (revision in class)  Modifying toolbars, using buttons etc

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