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Snow Cover: Current Capabilities, Gaps and Issues (Canadian Perspective) Anne Walker Climate Research Branch, Meteorological Service of Canada IGOS-Cryosphere.

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Presentation on theme: "Snow Cover: Current Capabilities, Gaps and Issues (Canadian Perspective) Anne Walker Climate Research Branch, Meteorological Service of Canada IGOS-Cryosphere."— Presentation transcript:

1 Snow Cover: Current Capabilities, Gaps and Issues (Canadian Perspective) Anne Walker Climate Research Branch, Meteorological Service of Canada IGOS-Cryosphere Theme Workshop, Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada, March 2-4, 2005 Environment Canada Environnement Canada

2 Importance of Snow Cover  Largest areal extent of any component of the cryosphere (mean max. extent of ~47 x 10 6 km 2 )  High spatial and temporal variability in properties  Impacts both global/regional energy and water cycles  high reflectance, thermal insulation, storage of water Key variables:  extent (areal coverage), depth, water equivalent (water content), wet/dry state, grain size  Snowfall/solid precipitation Information requirements:  indicator of climate variability and change  Input/validation of models – NWP, hydrological, climate  Environmental monitoring/prediction – flood forecasting, severe weather (blowing snow), soil moisture/drought, forest fire risk, wildlife  Economic – hydropower production/management, agriculture, tourism

3 CliC Requirements for Observations and Monitoring  Validation of coupled climate models (gridded hemispheric-global datasets from observations)  Improved understanding of processes and improved model parameterizations (detailed field datasets)  Monitoring variability and change (long-term, homogeneous data series)  Diagnostic studies of climate-cryosphere interactions (combination of re-analyses, data and modelling)

4 Canadian Science Issues Related to Snow Observing Systems  Quantifying the spatial and temporal variability in snow properties (water resource planning, GCM/RCM evaluation, input to NWP)  Quantifying the spatial and temporal variability of liquid and solid precipitation (essential input to climate and hydrological models, operational decision making)  Improved understanding of snow interception, sublimation and redistribution (improved representation of snow in climate and hydrological models)

5 Snow: In Situ Observing Networks in Canada  temperature and precipitation network (MSC)  hourly/synoptic meteorological observations (MSC)  “snow on ground” (depth) network (MSC)  snow course observations (Provinces, MSC, hydro companies)

6 Current MSC Snow Depth Network Significant data sparse areas Network biased to coastal locations in Arctic Network biased to low elevations in cordillera

7 All active Synoptic Stations north of 50 N as of 29 Oct 2001 (WMO Publication No. 9 Volume A). 2477 Active Synoptic Stations

8 MSC networks are under pressure

9 Satellite Remote Sensing  alternative information source for remote areas where conventional data are sparse or unavailable  20-30+ yr data record for satellite-derived cryospheric information (sea ice, snow cover)  high repeat coverage of large regions (daily)  diurnal trends from multiple daytime passes  consistent spatial info. across coverage  gridded information for input/validation of models (climate, land surface process, hydrology, etc.)  requires development of retrieval techniques (algorithms) to derive information on snow cover properties  research MODIS image - composite

10 Snow: Remote Sensing/Satellite Capabilities Snow Extent – Areal Coverage  optical (visible/infrared) – AVHRR, Landsat, MODIS  30m to 1 km spatial information  long history of standard snow products (NOAA snow charts back to 1960’s)  dependent on solar illumination, limited by cloud cover NOAA daily IMS snow chart Global Daily Snow Cover from MODIS (Red – snow, Blue – clouds)

11 Snow: Remote Sensing/Satellite Capabilities Snow Depth/Snow Water Equivalent  passive microwave – only proven satellite technique for SWE retrieval  historical record back to 1978 (SMMR, SSM/I) available in consistent 25 km grid format  requires regionally-tuned algorithms to take into account landscape effects, variation in physical properties  validation a challenge!  On-going research into SWE retrieval from active microwave (SAR) – offers higher spatial resolution capability SSM/I SWE map for Canadian prairie region (produced by MSC weekly for 15+ years) Global SWE map from AMSR-E (limited validation)

12 Climate Research Applications of Passive Microwave SWE  Availability of SMMR and SSM/I in consistent gridded format (EASE- Grid)  25 winter seasons (1978/79 – 2002/03)  Investigation of spatial and temporal variations in snow cover in relation to climate/atmospheric circulation  Evaluation of climate model snow cover outputs – GCM, RCM Pentad winter season (DJF) SWE anomalies produced using passive microwave satellite data time series. Dashed line denotes transition from SMMR to SSM/I. Merging Conventional (1915- 1992) and Passive Microwave (1978 – 2002) Time Series

13 Summary of Measurement Capabilities ParameterTemporal Requirements AccuracyIn SituCurrent SatellitesFuture Satellites ExtentDaily to Monthly10%NoMODIS (500 m) AVHRR (1 km) SSM/I (25 km) AMSR-E (10-25 km) VIIRS CMIS Depth/WEDaily to Weekly10%YesSSM/I (25 km) AMSR-E (10-25 km) CMIS CLPP (500 m – 5 km) Radarsat-2 Grain SizeWeekly to MonthlyMODIS ASTER Wet/Dry StateDaily to WeeklyNoSSM/I AMSR-E Radarsat Envisat CMIS Radarsat-2 CLPP AlbedoDaily5%NoMODIS ASTER Landsat VIIRS Solid Precipitation (Snowfall) 6 hourly to Daily5% of absolute (corrected for errors) YesNoneCloudsat E-GPM/CGPM

14 Issues Related to Snow Observing Systems 1. Decline in in situ capabilities  decreasing networks  effects of automation  loss of manual measurements (e.g. snow survey), poor understanding of automated sensors  solid precipitation measurement 2. Development/validation of satellite remote sensing capabilities  validation of current snow retrieval products (esp. SWE)  support of new satellite systems (e.g. E-GPM/CGPM for solid precipitation)  support of algorithm development research 3. Data gaps in northern latitudes (> 60 N)  sparse in situ measurements  challenge to validate satellite retrievals 4. Development of techniques to merge in situ measurements and satellite retrievals 5. Canadian GCOS Cryosphere Plan – detailed summary of cryospheric data requirements and issues

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