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Superior Tanker Shuttle Service Accreditation “Changes in How we do Business”

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1 Superior Tanker Shuttle Service Accreditation “Changes in How we do Business”

2 Accreditation Overview Superior Tanker Shuttle Accreditation What is the Superior Tanker Shuttle Service Rating? The Superior Tanker Shuttle Service test administered by CGI (formerly the Insurers’ Advisory Organization) staff; forms part of the Fire Underwriters Survey Rating for a municipality. To achieve the accreditation the Fire Service must be able to: The Superior Tanker Shuttle Service test administered by CGI (formerly the Insurers’ Advisory Organization) staff; forms part of the Fire Underwriters Survey Rating for a municipality. To achieve the accreditation the Fire Service must be able to: Within five minutes of the first pump arriving at a fire scene, be pumping a minimum of 900L/min (200 gal/min) and Within five minutes of the first pump arriving at a fire scene, be pumping a minimum of 900L/min (200 gal/min) and Maintain water flow uninterrupted for two hours Maintain water flow uninterrupted for two hours The test site must be within 8 km of any fire station and must be at least 8 km from the water source where tankers are reloaded. For a rural commercial “8” accreditation the Department must maintain a minimum water flow of 1800L/min. (400 gal/min.) For a rural commercial “7” accreditation the Department must maintain a minimum water flow of 2700L/min. (600 gal/min.)

3 Accreditation Overview Many insurance companies recognize the Superior Tanker Shuttle Service rating. Those rural residents whose homes are within 8km of a fire station and those rural businesses that are located within 5km of a fire station may receive a reduction in insurance premiums. If residents drive directly from their home to the fire station closest to them, they can check the distance on their cars odometer. Rural residents will be instructed to contact their insurance agent and ask if they qualify for a rate reduction. Citizens who require additional information concerning superior tanker shuttle service ratings in their area may call Mike McKenna of the Fire Underwriters’ Survey directly at 1-905-474-7421.

4 The Test Using Pumper 1, Pumper 2 and Tankers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, staff were briefed on the process and prepared for the test on Sunday June 10 2007. The route chosen was as follows:

5 10k round trip Reg. Rd 1 Reg Rd 2 Reg Rd 3 Concession Rd. 4 Concession Rd. 3 hydrant Simulated Fire scene

6 Optimal Set Up – Fire Scene Rural – (long laneway) – initial response Rural – (long laneway) – initial response 3-pumpers – 5 tankers – rescue 1 – S/O Fire Bldg P-1 Hi-vol P-2 4” Porta-tanks 6’6” With draw down strainers (power siphon) Roadway – lane 2 (tanker access) Attack pumper Supply pumper 38mm

7 Draw Down Strainers and Numbered Porta-tanks... First three tankers in drop their tank and their 6” hard suction

8 4” hard suction to intake

9 Supply Pumper porta-tanks Dumping occurs in only the 2 outside porta-tanks minimizing turbulence in the draught tank (#1)

10 Porta-tank set up (disregard 6” into pump) Hard suction to 2 ½” intake is a 4”


12 Note 38mm discharges attached to power siphons ________ Hi vol on other side (not shown) supplies attack pumper

13 Attack Pumper supplies attack lines






19 Hydrant/Water Source set up

20 Integral Stortz 4” (black cap)

21 Stortz to pump intake. Additional 65 mm x 2 (not shown) or 65mm + short lay of hi vol, both to pump intake

22 Hi vol discharge to tanker 2 nd hi vol discharge (not shown) to 2 nd tanker Fill 2 tankers simultaneously

23 Once set up is complete, Pumper crew should endeavor to ride back with tankers to assist on the fire scene. A complement of 2 personnel can adequtely man the fill site 2 hi vol from hydrant pumper feeding 2 tankers

24 Traffic control at both hydrant/water source and at water supply (fire scene) Tankers radio Water Source sector Officer (hydrant) when they are 30 seconds out and Water Supply Sector Officer (at fire scene) when they are 30 seconds out – allows Officer to stage or accept apparatus Water Sectors, both source and supply, operate on alternative tactical channel i.e. CTACT 2 Traffic Control

25 No matter where you are have a spotter

26 Use courtesy when dealing with the public

27 Access to porta-tank 3 became bogged down with mud. We simply dropped another tank in front of the draught tank and moved the draw down siphon

28 water flow with hard suction water flow with hard suction 100mm (4”) = 4500 lpm (1000 + gpm) 2 -38mm hand lines and 2 – 65mm line 2 -38mm hand lines and 2 – 65mm line 150mm (6”) = (5000 lpm (1050 gpm) The rated capacity of the pump + The rated capacity of the pump +

29 Other Options You probably will not have wide open spaces to initiate your set up. 1 ½ lane dirt roads or narrow lane ways may impede the set up. The Officer must consider, visualize and map out the set up and its effectiveness prior to implementation. As an Officer use your best judgment.

30 Structure close to the road, narrow lane way: The supply pumper may be eliminated The supply pumper may be eliminated Attack pumper possibly 2 - 4” hard suction Tanker route Police

31 Tanker Shuttle Policies and Guidelines referencing the shuttle are being developed with a delivery target of Fall 2007 The set ups discussed are just other tools for your toolbox As always, the Officer must use his discretion on a call to call basis Hydrant flow rate data being collected Practical Application ……

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