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Day 68 French Revolution and Reform Marche Lugubre 222-227 Extra Credit/ Make Up Work/ Honors -Create a Children’s Story Book on the French Revolution.

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1 Day 68 French Revolution and Reform Marche Lugubre 222-227 Extra Credit/ Make Up Work/ Honors -Create a Children’s Story Book on the French Revolution - Art history Fashion in France (before school, lunch, after school) -Read and Take Cornell Notes The Scarlet Pimpernel - Skill Reinforcement French Revolution


3 National Assembly Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen Constitution adopted by National Assembly- New governing body Legislative Assembly Olympe de Gouges- Declaration of the rights of women

4 Church Church is brought under state control Take over of lands and sell them French peasants rallied to support their parish priests Wedge between peasant and bourgeoisie

5 Louis Runs Émigré Louis is captured fleeing to Austria King decided to sign constitutional decree but vetoed some of its key components.

6 Division Legislative Assembly- Limited Monarchy Factions- Radicals- Moderate- Conservative (where did they sit?) Georges Danton leads Sans Culottes Citizen Army


8 Execution Fear by other Monarchs- attempt to replace Louis XVI But in fact upset Left and forced Moderates to side with Radicals Royal Family found guilty of Treason by one vote Louis and Marie Executed by guillotine

9 War Other nations fearing revolution attack France French armies defeat foreign powers National Convention declares year 1

10 Maximillian Robespierre “The Revolution is the war waged by freedom against its foes…To good citizens, Revolutionary government owes the complete protection of the nation; to the enemies of the people it owes only death”

11 Robspierre on the Reign of Terror “ It is important to annihilate both the internal and external enemies of the Republic or perish with its fall. Now, in this situation your political maxim should be that one guides the people by reason, and the enemies of the people by terror. If the driving force of popular government in peacetime is virtue that of popular government during revolution is both virtue and terror: virtue, with out terror is destructive; terror without which virtue is impotent. Terror is only justice that is prompt severe and inflexible; it is thus an emanation of virtue; it is less a distinct principle than a consequence of the general principle of democracy applied to the most pressing needs of the patrie (nation)”

12 Jean-Paul Marat “I believe in the cutting off of heads.”

13 Reign Terror Jacobeans- Maximillian and the Committee of Public safety Trial by morning Guillotine at night Danton- Revolutionary leader is executed Frenzied Death rate (40,000 in 2 years) Assassination of Jean Paul Marat by Charlotte Corday End with Loss of Control and Death of Robespierre National Convention fearing for their own lives put an end to the reign of terror

14 The Directory 1795-1799 5 men lead corrupt government. Enemies included royalist who wanted a king back and radicals In 1799 a coup d'état (overthrow occurs) led by a popular general who was selected by the Directory

15 Georges Danton to executioner “Don’t forget to show my head to the people. It is well worth seeing”

16 Summary Questions 1)Where did the most conservative members of the Legislative Assembly sit? Most Radical? 2)Radical Group named after the pants they wore 3)Term that refers to the nobility who attempted to flee France 4)This government body replaced the National Assembly. 5)She wrote a response to the declaration of the Rights of Man because of it not including women 6)Who demanded a “republic of virtue”? 7)Who was the revolutionary stabbed by another revolutionary. 8)This was originally created as a humane way to execute people 9)Stated that his head would be well worth seeing

17 Reading Interpreting graph French Revolution Craze of Porcelain Fashion in France

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