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3M – Prairie du Chien 2013 SHWEC Internship Kara Klubertanz.

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Presentation on theme: "3M – Prairie du Chien 2013 SHWEC Internship Kara Klubertanz."— Presentation transcript:

1 3M – Prairie du Chien 2013 SHWEC Internship Kara Klubertanz

2 Outline Sustainability Background (3P) Project Objectives Water Reduction ▫Process A ▫Process B Discharge Investigation Site Wide Water Management

3 Pollution Prevention Pays (3P) Pollution Prevention Pays (3P) program in 1975. ▫Goal - eliminate or reduce sources of pollution in 3M products and processes 10,000 3p projects since 1975. ▫Prevented > 3.8 billion lbs of pollution ▫Saved > $1.7 billion in their first year.

4 Project Objectives Assess water management for potential reuse or reduction ▫Noncontact and contact cooling water  Main focus  Process A  Process B

5 Water Reduction Background ▫Two processes  Process A  Extrudes resin to form very thin nylon or polyester fibers  Process B  Extrudes resin to form vinyl or Nylon/polyester webbing material ▫Significant opportunity to improve water management

6 Process A

7 Current water usage ▫Extruder  10 GPM ▫Quench Tanks  1 tank = 6 GPM  All 8 tanks = 48 GPM  Each tank vol.= 45 Gal. ▫Orient Tank  Volume = 278 Gal. Gal/yrFt 3 /yr Extruder2,764,800369,654 Quench Tanks 13,271,0401,744,338 Orient Tank 26,6883,568 Total16,062,5282,117,560

8 Process A Suggestion ▫Reduce flow rate in Quench Tanks by 15% ▫Decrease each Quench Tank volume by 1/3  Evaluate tank design

9 Process A Water Reduced ▫2,003,136 gal/yr CO 2 Emission Reduction ▫6.016 Tons CO 2 /yr Cost Savings ▫$10,867/yr

10 Process A Potential future projects ▫Automatic valves ▫Reuse Quench Tank discharge to supply Orient Tank

11 Process B

12 Current water usage ▫Extruders  44 GPM ▫Quench Tank  6-12 GPM  Temperature dependent  435 gallon tank Gal/yrFt 3 /yr Extruders12,165,1201,626,477 Quench Tank 1,658,880- 3,317,760 221,792- 443,585 Total13,824,000- 15,482,880 1,848,269- 2,070,062

13 Process B Replace non-contact cooling water with an Air Cooled Oil Cooler ▫Cools oil in extruders Implement in 4.5” extruder

14 Process B – Heat Exchanger Water Reduction ▫6,082,560 gal/yr CO 2 Emission Reduction ▫ 16.843 tons CO 2 /yr Average Cost Savings ▫$10, 540/yr

15 Discharge Investigation Problem ▫2Q water bill increased Research Highlights ▫Discharge Monitoring Reports ▫Production Schedules  Inconsistent with chart recorder ▫Maintenance  Preparing Fire Water Tanks for inspection

16 Discharge Investigation Conclusion ▫Meter  Possible obstruction or mechanical upset ▫Evaluate data more frequently ▫Cost Savings  $43,181

17 Site Wide Water Management Accurately meter & evaluate usage Improve as products and operations expand

18 Thank you to all 3M-PdC employees and to SHWEC Special thanks to David Liebl and Mary Prisby

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