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The American and French Revolution & The Age of Anxiety BY Kami Knaudt.

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Presentation on theme: "The American and French Revolution & The Age of Anxiety BY Kami Knaudt."— Presentation transcript:

1 The American and French Revolution & The Age of Anxiety BY Kami Knaudt

2 Cause of the American Rev. 1775-87  Conflict between British Gov. and American colonies  Anger was due to the increase in tax because of the seven years war (1756-1763 Britain vs. France over colonies)  Immediate cause was Stamp Act which led to more anger and its repeal later  this lead to American's questioning British authority  AMERICAN REVOLUTION  The British didn’t want to compromise with the Americans about their government which lead to Britain loosing colonist support

3 American Rev. (continued)  Fighting broke out April 1775  With the help of the French, American’s won their freedom 1783  Created constitution 1787  The American revolution impacted Europe, especially France because Europeans were interested in the liberalist political ideas of the American Rev.

4 The Beginning of Revolution in France  Many French soldiers had fought in the U.S. when it was going through it’s revolution  to inspiration  Heavy debt left king Lous XVI with no choice but to raise tax  unhappy people  violence  1789 Louis called in the Estates General to change tax  to tension among the estates and led to the 3 rd estate calling itself the national assembly  June 20 th Tennis Court Oath to create constitution for France

5 The Storming of the Bastile July 13 th, 1789 Angry peasant stormed the Bastile This was caused by the heavy tax, unemployment, and bad harvests and rumors of the kings plan to attack them They attacked the Bastille and soldiers went on the revolutionaries side which led to them winning

6 Government Change  Following the storming of the Bastile Revolutionaries took over Paris and created a militia  More rumors about the nobles planning on attacking peasants  great fear, where peasants attacked nobles  The great fear  abolition of fuedal dues for peasants  The national assembly created a constitution called the declaration of the rights of man and created a constitutional monarchy with Louis XVI in 1791  Legislative assembly 1791-92

7 War with Austria  France went to war with austria and austria said that if any revolutionaries hurt the royal family they would attack paris  to mob killing royal family  National convention took over for leg. Assembly  National convention made france a republic, convention powered by jocobins (working class)

8 Robspierre  Leader of jacobins  He ruled like a dictator, his reign called reign of terror  Very violent, he guillotined Marie Antoinette  His fall due to rebellion among revolutionaries  his death and creation of new constitution and Directory (ruled by Napoleon)

9 Age of Anxiety  Existenitalism: 20 th century philosophy were the individual seeks identity and salvation in a meaning less world  Sartre: humans are defined by choices, also Camus : absurdity of human existance, but belivied in the human spirit

10 Architecture and Music  Architecture = funtiionalism, not decritve made for its function not how pretty it is, golden gate bridge / empire state building  Trend began in Bauhaus school in Germany  Art became abstract, picasso

11 QUESTION TIME!!  What led to the American Revolution?  Who helped American’s fight for their freedom?  What is the Great Fear?  What is important about the storming of the Bastille?  What did art become in the age of anxiety?

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