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Do Now Answer the following in a complete paragraph on a separate piece of white lined paper: How can nationalism be a unifying force? How can it be a.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Answer the following in a complete paragraph on a separate piece of white lined paper: How can nationalism be a unifying force? How can it be a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Answer the following in a complete paragraph on a separate piece of white lined paper: How can nationalism be a unifying force? How can it be a dividing force? HAND IT IN

2 “Let them eat cake...” And other gems from Revolutionary France

3 Essential Questions Define the Estates System in France Define the Old Regime Define Divine Right

4 Fundamental Causes of the French Revolution The Political, Social, and Economic system of 18th century France is referred to as the Old Regime. Characterized by deep rooted abuses of power for centuries

5 Political Abuses King is an absolute monarch rules by divine right Power is unlimited at this point (taxes, justice etc.) Selected ministers on the basis of noble birth not ability censored speech and the press

6 Legal Woes France uses lettres de cachet These are like royal warrants, but with no need for evidence Imprisoned enemies and offenders indefinitely No charges, bail, or trial needed

7 Social Distortion For centuries French society is divided into three rigid social classes (called Estates) First Estate is Clergy Second Estate is nobility Third Estate is literally everybody else

8 If you’re not First you’re last The First and Second Estates add up to only 3% of the population, but are considered the two privileged classes They own most of the land in France Get special taxes from peasants Are exempt from most taxes in France Special exemptions in the law

9 Economic Problems The 97% of the population in the Third Estate bore 95% of the tax burden in France Paid taxes on land for forced labor on roads and bridges tax on salt tithe feudal dues These taxes are more than half the amount of money a peasant makes

10 Who makes up that 97% The poor The bourgeoisie which are the middle class trade taxes government restrictions on manufacturing mercantilist regulations on life

11 Check Out Questions Why do we sometimes call the Old Regime the Old World Order? What are the characteristics of an absolute monarch? Who makes up each of the 3 Estates in the Estates System? Why is this unfair?

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