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International Symposium on City Planning 2000 in Kobe Port Island International Conference Center, Hyogo, Japan(7.17-18, 2000) Prepared by Deokho Cho (Taegu.

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Presentation on theme: "International Symposium on City Planning 2000 in Kobe Port Island International Conference Center, Hyogo, Japan(7.17-18, 2000) Prepared by Deokho Cho (Taegu."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Symposium on City Planning 2000 in Kobe Port Island International Conference Center, Hyogo, Japan(7.17-18, 2000) Prepared by Deokho Cho (Taegu University in Korea, Ph.D) ( Hoiseung Jeong ( Korea Environment Institute, Ph. D) Heenam Ahn(Taegu University in Korea, Ph.D) This study is performing with the financial supports of the Institute of Global Environmental Strategies. Sustainable Development and DPSER Model - The Case of Ulsan Metropolitan City

2 Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Sustainable Development and Development of Analytical Model - DPSER Model Ⅲ. DPSER Processes in the Ulsan Metropolitan City Ⅳ. Lessons and Policy Implication of the Ulsan Economic Growth and Environmental Policies

3 I. Introduction East-Asian Countries have experienced rapid economic growth, industrialization, and urbanization. They also created several environmental problems in local, national, and even global level. And then, the current economic growth policy reaches some limitations environmentally in sustaining an economic growth. Therefore, the goals of this research find a new paradigm for the sustainable development economically, socially, and environmentally in this area and suggest a new direction of economic development for the developing countries. This study reviews the Korean economic growth policies and environment policies, especially the economic development and environmental policies of Ulsan Metropolitan City. The objectives of this paper are to present innovative ideas and models to guide urban environmental management policies in the sustainability urban development. For this objective, this paper develops the Driving Force -Environmental Pressure –Environmental States - Its Effects –Government Response (DPSER Model), following development stages. And using this model it assesses economic growth and environmental policies of Ulsan Metropolitan City (UMC). And it draws the sustainable development policy and gets some lessons to apply it to other developing cities.

4 II. Sustainable Development and Development of Analytical Model –DPSER Model of Analytical Model – DPSER 1. Literature Reviews on Sustainable Development Anticipating and preventing problems are often better than trying to react and fix them after they occurred. One way to this approach is through sustainable development, which has recently become one of the most popular concepts in economic development. Since the United Nations’ Conference on Humans and Environment in 1972, the international concern surrounding sustainable development has increased (Korea Environmental Technology Research Institute, 1993). The concept of sustainable development is suggested as an alternative approach to solving the conflict between economic growth and environmental preservation. "Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987).” "Sustainability refers to the ability of a society, ecosystem, or any such ongoing system to continue functioning into the indefinite future without being forced into decline through exhaustion... of key resources." -- Robert Gilman, President of Context Institute (, 1998)

5 Figure 1. Economic Growth and Environmental Problems Resources Use Material Consumption Environmental Pressures Environmental Problem Cycle of Before ESSD Carbon cycle, Nitrogen cycle, Water cycle Environmental problem cycle of after ESSD GNP (time) Source: Velliga, Pier(1998), Industrial Transformation Research, p.2, Figure 2. Economic Growth and Resources (revised by an author).

6 3. Development of the Assessment Model for a Sustainable City The concept of sustainability this paper deals with is quite broad and abstract. Considering that the structure of a city is closely related with every element of a society, it could be very hard to assess a certain city's sustainability through the process of systematizing and modeling. Thus, this study intends to develop a more precise and practical city assessment model, using the Driving Force -Environmental Pressure – Environmental States -Its Effects –Government Response process (DPSER) for the environmental sustainability. DPSER Module views a city as a systematic structure. In this module a city is understood as it responds to various factors like human activities, the amount of environmental load derived, environmental conditions due to the environmental load, the influence of changed environment, and human response to the change. To do that, several indicators will be adapted or developed.

7 Figure 2. Development Framework of DSPER Structure

8 Figure 3. The Framework of DSPER Structure

9 III. DPSER Processes in the Ulsan Metropolitan City (UMC) UMC is one of the fastest industrialized cities within the country or in the world since 1962 when she became a city. She is a symbolic city of Korean development in terms of industrialization, urbanization, and even environmental problems. The Korean government nominated Ulsan as a special industrial area and established an industrial center by the 'Special Law of National Industry Site Development' (Corporation of Industry Site Development, 1987). Based upon this law, Ulsan National Industry Complex was constructed. 1. Driving Forces Indicators of driving force include the population, transportation, policies and planing for the economic growth. However, it is very difficulty to distinguish the national indicators from the local indicators because most of policies and planning were initiated by the central government. Local governments had just implemented the central government policies.

10 Table 1. The Changes of Population and Area of the UMC

11 Table 2. The Number of Cars of the UMC

12 Figure 4. The Location of Ulsan Industry Complexes

13 Table 3. The Growth of GNP, GDP and GNP per Capita in Korea

14 Economic Status of Ulsan Metropolitan Area in 1996

15 2. Environmental Pressure Environmental pressure indicators represent the pressure on the environment that affects sustainable development. As the above description, the environmental pressure of the UMC was initially begun by the central government in order to promote the economic growth through the building of heavy-chemical industry complexes but their results were shown in the local area. Two main components of environmental pressures are the increase of GDP and energy consumption. Figure shows the growth pattern of GDP and energy consumption since 1971. Both factors has maintained 5-10 percent growth rate during the same periods. These have contributed to deteriorate the environmental problems of the UMC and Korea. Environmental Pressures in UMC are summarized at Table 4-8. Urban areas, urbanization rate, land use change, the increase of oil consumption, the change of industrial structure effect on the local environmental pressures. Especially, oil consumption increased three times for 5 years from 1992 to 1997.

16 Table 5. Land Use by Land Category in the UMC

17 Table 6. The Number of Cars of the UMC

18 Table 7. Gas Consumption in the UMC

19 3. Environmental States These explosive urbanization and industrialization however created several environmental problems such air quality, sewage water, soil, and river and ocean pollution in UMC. Especially, Ulsan's environmental problems are serious more than that of any other city because most manufacturing plants are pollution-related industries such as petroleum-chemical or automobile and shipbuilding industries. At the initial stage of development of industry complex, there was no consideration on its environmental impacts (Department of Environmental Protection of UMC, 1998). Moreover, the characteristics of environmental problems are that its impacts slowly show up and last for the long time. Heavy chemical industry complexes were usually constructed in the 1960s but environmental problems actually were generated in the 1980s. Moreover most industrial complexes were located in the water front area. This resulted in the pollution of river and coastal water. Detrimental smog of manufacturing plants moved to the residential area from the spring to the fall, following the direction of the southeast wind (see Figure 4).

20 . Source Industries of Environmental Pollution in 1998 Source: This data is provided by the Department of Environmental Protection in UMC in 1998 ( ) is the number of source industry of two national industry complexes (Ulsan and Onsan)

21 . The Circumstance of Air Pollution in UMC 2.3 The Environmental States of the UMC Main pollutants of national complexes are air and poison pollution because major factories in these areas are petroleum chemical or heavy industries. More specifically, two major environmental problems in the UMC are air quality and water pollution. Source: Ulsan Commercial Chamber (1998), The Economic Status of Ulsan Metropolitan City in the Circumstances of Ulsan Commercial and Industrial Sites (p.2). 1). Each number is extracted from the Korean Census Survey on the Mining and Manufacturing Industry 2). 1 US dollars ($) = 900 Korean Won

22 Table 10. The Circumstances of Water Pollution in the UMC Water quality can be noted in Table 10. Water pollution exceeds the environmental criteria in most areas except coastal water. In other words, the UMC is experiencing serious water pollution. However, water quality has improved since the middle of the 1990s due to the same reasons which account for the improvement of air quality. Other environmental problems such as noise, soil, and poison also became better as the result of the effort of the local government and the public (UMC, 1997). In a broad sense, the environmental quality of the UMC has been improved but that of specific industrial complexes is still deteriorating.

23 Table 10. The Circumstances of Water Pollution in the UMC Figure 5. The Generation of Household and Industrial

24 4. Environmental Effects The environment problems became serious from the middle of the 1980s. Particularly, the environmental problems of heavy industry cities like Ulsan and Ansan have become serious social issues. The central government opened an Environment Administration (EA) in 1980 in order to consider the environmental problems. It surveyed the environmental damage caused by Ulsan and Onsan national industry complexes in 1984. Based upon the results of this survey, the government compensated citizens influenced by the environmental damage and made a plan to force them to move to other areas (Kim and Hong, 1997). Total numbers of households that had to be relocated were 8,138 and relocations are still not completed due to an insufficient budget (Department of Environmental Protection of UMC, 1998). Moreover, the relocation also must be implemented continuously because the spatial range of the environmental damage becomes larger. The central government designated the Ulsan industry complexes as a special management district of air quality in 1986. In spite of these governmental efforts, the environmental problems of other large cities including Seoul continuously worsen.

25 5. Environmental Responses of the UMC 1). Economic Instruments for the Environmental Response (ER) (1). The Emission Charge System (2). The Deposit-Refund System for Waste Disposal (3). The Waste Treatment Charge System (4). The Environmental Improvement Charge (5). The Volume-Based Collection Fee System for Domestic Wastes (6). The Special Account for Environmental Improvement 2). Political and Administrative Organizations for ER 3). The Decision-Making Processes for ER 4). NGO’s Activities 5). The Public-Private Partnership for ER

26 IV. Lessons from the Korean and Ulsan Experiences. Everything in Korea has been changed dramatically except human species during the last 40 years. In a broad sense, Korea has become a better society. However, this rapid growth created a serious negative result. In other words, 'environmentally,' "Samcheunri Gumsu Gang San" is altered to a serious polluted country. More specifically, the environmental problem of Ulsan is very serious like the above descriptions even if she has played the role of engine to promote the Korean economic growth. The reasons can be summarized as follows: 1) In order to promote economic growth, the Korean government adopted the growth strategy of heavy-chemical industry that is a pollution-related manufacture. Ulsan is a symbolic city of economic growth and environmental problems. Ulsan's economic growth indicated the deterioration of urban environments. It was a trade-off relation. Therefore, the government should adopt the environment friendly industry to stop the trade-off relation of economic growth and environmental problems. It is a sustainable development strategy. 2) The second is that the central government did not consider the environmental impacts of heavy-chemical industrial complexes. However, if the environmental problems occur once, it is very difficult to cure them by their inherent nature. Actually, even though the central government has tried to cure the environmental problems since 1984, it became worse so far. Fortunately, the central government had continuously reforested in mountain areas since 1960s and succeeded in building a green national land except urban areas.

27 3) The third is the management of environmental problems. In terms of political structure, the local autonomy was not established until 1995 and environmental policies were controlled by the central government. It resulted in the inefficient correspondence on the local environmental problems. Until now, national industrial complexes are regulated by the central government and local complexes are controlled by the local one but both complexes are located within the UMC. Two different organizations involved in the management of Ulsan environmental problems and it caused several problems on the management of several industrial complexes. 4) The non-profit organization and citizens must participate in the improvement of environmental problems because it is impossible to do it without their helps. Many environmental organizations and citizens and even some factories recently involved in the improvement of environments in the central and local level. The public concerns on the environmental issues increased explosively because the environmental problems such as fresh water, air quality, bad smell and so on are directly related with the quality of their lives. In summary, in the beginning stage of economic development, Korea made a mistake that did not consider negative impacts of rapid economic growth which are environmental problems. As a result, she has paid a lot of costs to cure these problems and still is undergoing. Very recently, the central and local government, citizens' organizations and even plants begin to take into consideration on the environmental issues. As a result of these efforts, the direction of environmental problems changed from the deteriorating trend to the improving one (Department of Environment Protection of UMC, 1998).

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