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SWAT gridification short summary

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1 SWAT gridification short summary
Łukasz Kokoszkiewicz

2 Contents EnviroGRIDS project overview SWAT gridification assumptions
SWAT explanation SWAT gridification assumptions Parallelization results SWAT model parallelization LH-OAT uncertainty analysis parallelization SWAT-CUP sufi2 parallelization EnviroGRIDS VO Monitoring Tools

3 Partners involved in grid computing in the project are circled in RED
DHMO Fortunately we have a large range of skills and expertise among the 27 partners of the project that all have particular tasks to fulfill in the project. Partners involved in grid computing in the project are circled in RED Project timeframe: April 2009 – March 2013 Total budget of €8.1 mio. (€6.2 mio. EC contribution) and 1367 man-months. The EnviroGRIDS Project Team includes 27 partners from 15 countries, representing also several European (CERN, EEA) and United Nations organizations (UNEP, UNESCO). Among these partners, 22 belong partially or entirely to the Black Sea Catchment. Eight partners belong to an International Cooperation Partner Countries (Ukraine, Georgia and Russian Federation) and five to Associated Countries (Switzerland and Turkey). Five partners can be defined as Small and Medium Enterprises (SME).

4 technical objectives data gap analysis
modeling of large scale, high resolution distributed hydrologic processes developing a grid-enabled Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) spatially explicit regional scenarios of development develop access to real time data from sensors and satellites develop early warning and decision support tools at regional, national and local levels Build capacities in the Black Sea region to enhance data interoperability, by promoting on OGC and open standards (ISO 19115/19119/19139; web services WMS, WFS, WCS) to run a gap analysis on existing regional observation systems to prepare recommendations for improvement of networks of data acquisition in each region/country, Create regional scenarios of development in function of expected climate, land cover and demographic changes to gridify the software that compute large scale resolution modeling of distributed hydrologic processes, to develop the access to real time data from sensors and satellites, to streamline the production of indicators on sustainability and vulnerability of societal benefits. Streamline data process from data warehouses, to scenarios, hydrological models, impacts assessments and finally to disseminations tools. to provide policy-makers and citizens with early warning and decision support tools at regional, national and local levels. to build capacities in the implementation of many new standards and frameworks (INSPIRE, GEOSS,..).

5 SWAT SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) is a river basin, or watershed, scale model. It predicts the impact of land management practices on water, sediment and agricultural chemical yields in large complex watersheds with varying soils, land use and management conditions over long periods of time. - SWAT widely is used around the world by entire hydrology community. SWAT and related software is constantly developed in many institutions around the world SWAT was developed since the early 1990s. - SWAT will the model every part of an hydrological model across the full landscape under study. - The main input of water is precipitation, which divides itself into Surface Runoff, Lateral flow, Return Flow, Recharge of Aquifer and of course evaporation.

6 swat Models We already used SWAT on Lake Balaton in Hungary and many users are using this tool around the world to study their river catchments. In order to run this model, we need relatively simple data: Altitude and slope Land cover Soil characteristics Climatic time series of temperature and rainfall data from weather stations Then, in order to calibrate the model we need hydrological data to fit the model to the observations

7 Hydrological modeling
This is visualisation of hydrological model of Balaton Lake. Blue lines are rivers Blue dots are rivers inlets Red lines are the borders of sub-basins used in calculating predictions for the hydrological model.

8 gridification assumptions
SWAT Gridification Creating EnviroGRIDS VO Research which use cases are possible to utilize on the GRID Creating easy to use monitoring tools for the community Envirigrids VO exists for few months now Easy to use client application called hBrowse framework was created and based on it Diane and Ganga monitoring tools were created 3 use cases, for the SWAT gridification, were found

9 SWAT MODEL gridification
Sub-basin based model splitting followed by routing The main idea is to split model itself based on sub-basins. Pre and post processing of the model is required to complete splitting and merging steps. After splitting, each sub-model can be run separately (in parallel) on the grid. Subbasin based parallelization is very interesting for large models. Mention: Splitting onto subbasns Run each subbasin on different node Merging results into full model Conclusions Not proven to be useful Maybe for a really big models with many HRU’s

10 Danube river 15K HRU's model grid runs
As was observed SWAT model sub-basin based grid executions show some promises but to be fully utilized it requires much bigger jobs. Ideal situation would be when single sub-basin execution time takes more than half an hour, in this kind of situations the grid overhead would be negligible. Time [s] Example chart showing execution times in a function of simulation length - Flat red line shows grid execution - Blue line is the non-parallel run - At the beginning we can see that parallelisation operations and grid overhead makes the execution slightly slower for a very short simulation time Simulation length [years]

11 LH-OAT sensitivity analysis alghoritm parallelization
LH-OAT is an uncertainty analysis method. In uncertainty analysis we are sorting out parameters sensitive to selected real world physical process (eg. nitrogen transport). Then an effective model calibration can be applied. The mechanism behind LH-OAT method parallel run is very similar to SWAT-CUP parallelization. We simply run many SWAT runs with a different parameters. SWAT Model LH-OAT Splitter GRID SWAT Model, params set 1 SWAT Model, params set 2 SWAT Model, params set n swat swat swat Latin Hypercube One factor At a Time Not properly tested yet It require some rethinking in a splitter section Not proven to be useful yet Output Output Output LH-OAT Merger

12 SWAT-CUP sufi2 algorithm parallelization
SWAT-CUP is an application for calibration of SWAT models. Calibration of SWAT models requires running SWAT simulations hundreds of times with different parameters set The idea here is to run them separately or in small independent groups and resolve the best parameter configuration that gives simulation effects most corresponding to reality We have “ready to go” example script set, to run swat sufi2 calibration efficiently from command line GRID Parameters New SWAT Inputs swEdit.exe MCMC swat SUFI-2 ParaSol SWAT Outputs SWAT-CUP sufi2 gridification brings the greatest promises to the SWAT gridification Gridified code proven to be most performance effective in comparison to non-parallelized one In theory, it allows to run calibration in a time close to time needed to run single SWAT simulation, and giving that calibration can take easily eg. 500 loops the time savings become very significant GLUE swExtract.exe Output SWAT-CUP algorithms

13 Envirogrids vo EnviroGRIDS VO is up and running since Autumn 2010
Resources from Romania were added shortly after the VO were started and are being used since CE - – 960CPUs SE - terabytes Registration Approval is automatic for a listed members of the EG project People that are not members should be “recommended” by a listed member VO configuration needs to be replaced by inside the VOMSES string CIC VO Identity card: EnviroGRIDS VO is up and running For now, only resources from Romania were added into pool As I’m the VO manager for now, I’m the one who approves new members So my policy is the following If one doesn’t appear on the official EG website then someone who does needs to “recommend” the user (totally informal, just send me an from your official EG mailbox) Listed EG members are automatically accepted Some configuration facts

14 Monitoring hBrowse framework It’s a common, easy to configure, client side, tool for creating job monitoring systems It can visualise any hierarchical data up to 4 levels deep in a neat, table based environment Google charts and highcharts can serve as renderer in creating visually attractive charts Based on hBrowse framewrok many monitoring tools was created including: The client can be configured in just one file Quite a success, used by many communities (basically can be used by everyone that used ganga and diane)

15 Hbrowse System architecture
Monitoring Hbrowse System architecture The main system component is a JavaScript client which serves as a presentation layer. Different server layers can be applied. Server layer serves only as a data source. Client and server communicates using JSON data transfer format. JSON in this case is a perfect solution because of its syntax: in most cases it is the same as in JavaScript and Python CLIENT JavaScript Ajax jQuery JSON HTTP REQUEST hBrowse framework is only the client side application, if one wants to used he have to provide his own server part that serves the data in the json format SERVER DATABASE WEB SERVER ActiveMQ messages





20 Final thoughts SWAT Gridification state
The state of the SWAT gridification is that we can run swat tasks on the grid With monitoring tools we can easily monitor our simulations/calibrations SWAT Gridifications final requirements Support of the linux executables (preferably both 32-bit and 64-bit) from SWAT developers is critically required Very important is to start official support for the linux swat executables!!! Officially certified executables are needed to ensure proper output data in all organisations that would want to use it

21 Thank you

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