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Presenters: Darla Magana and Jeni Johnson from St. Margaret’s Episcopal School Reproducibles at:

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Presentation on theme: "Presenters: Darla Magana and Jeni Johnson from St. Margaret’s Episcopal School Reproducibles at:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenters: Darla Magana and Jeni Johnson from St. Margaret’s Episcopal School Reproducibles at:

2  Darla Magana   Jeni Johnson   Lori Donchak

3  Ends with a debate—high motivation!  Emphasis on the Research Process.  Students will be able to access, evaluate, analyze, and synthesize of information.  Repetition of skills  New topic each year  “Foundational”unit Military Draft NASA Universal Health Care United Nations/ Humanitarian Assistance Net Neutrality Nuclear Energy US Social Services


5 Students introduced to this through the Research Process Tutorial!



8 Quiz screen shot

9  Defining the terms  Building background  What do we know? What do we need to know?  Statistical information  Key vocabulary  Understanding the end product  Research binder organization


11  Learning to access helpful resources  Know your resources  Database Searching  Web Evaluation






17  The HEART of the research unit!

18  Front side  Notes (pro and con)  Main idea  Summarize  Analyze  Categorize

19  Back side  Identify author and sponsor/publisher  Learn about them  Evaluate their credibility  Identify bias

20  What is Excellence?  Guidance for when all the different pieces of the notepacket.

21  3-4 “guided” notepackets  2 guest speaker notepackets  2-4 database resources  Total of 9-11 required notepackets

22  Outlines—pro and con  Essays—pro and con  Works Cited--Noodletools  Debate  Teams of 4 people—combine their best arguments  Panel judging  Best of the best move to school wide debate

23  Describe metacognition and growth mindset  What did you do well?  What could you do better next time?  Letter to your future self

24  What should we keep?  What should we toss?  What should we tweak and how?  Year one. A lesson in persistence.

25  Comprehensive process but the pieces could work alone.  Low tech—high tech  EVERYTHING is linked from the CSLA website (symbaloo link)  Happy to share! Email or call us!

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