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What’s Eating You?. How much do you need?  diet/a/calguide.htm diet/a/calguide.htm.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s Eating You?. How much do you need?  diet/a/calguide.htm diet/a/calguide.htm."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s Eating You?

2 How much do you need?  diet/a/calguide.htm diet/a/calguide.htm diet/a/calguide.htm

3 Example  Calories needed (no exercise)= 1900  1 hour of exercise/day= 2400 calories  What kind of calories?

4  Carbs= (50%) x 2400= 1200 kcal  Protein= (20%) x 2400= 480 kcal  Healthy Fat= (30%) x 2400= 720 kcal  In Grams:  Carbs= (4 calories/1 carb) 300 grams  Protein= (4 calories/1 protein) 120 grams  Healthy fat= (9 calories/1 carb) 80 grams  Should eat less than ¼ as saturated fat (20 grams)

5 Carbohydrates  Whole grains & complex carbohydrates  All fruits & vegetables!  Brown rice  Brown rice pasta  Potatoes (not french fries!)  Whole grain cereals (cheerios, corn chex, special k, raison bran)  Oatmeal (without gobs of brown sugar!)  Whole wheat pasta  Whole grain pasta’s usually have over 50% whole wheat & taste better than whole wheat pasta in my opinion!

6 Protein (lean)  Turkey  Chicken  Fish (salmon, shrimp, tuna, etc)  beans  Nuts (almonds, peanuts, cashews etc- watch calorie & fat content)  Peanut butter (high in saturated fat so don’t eat toooooo much)  Red meat (same as PB)  Protein bars (power bar recovery, myoplex, etc)  Protein powder (EAS, myoplex, etc)  Dairy (milk, yogurt, etc)- opt for the “light” versions

7 HEALTHY fats  Avocado  Nuts (& nut butters)  Fish oil (in pill form or straight from the swimmer... Mmm salmon!)  Pomegranate seeds  Sunflower seeds, flax seeds, etc  Other oils (peanut, canola, vegetable, olive etc)


9 Tips:  Eat when you’re hungry (Eating 6+ times a day is better than eating 3 whopping meals) It keeps your insulin levels steady instead taking you on a roller coaster ride!

10  Don’t cut out your favorite foods!  Do you love chocolate cake? Eat it! (just not every night… and the piece shouldn’t be bigger than your hand)  Do you love sour patch kids? Eat them! (just try to eat only the 1 serving bag… and not everyday)

11  Take smaller bites & stop eating when you are full (unless its Thanksgiving.. Then by all means have more mashed potatoes!)  EAT BREAKFAST  Have at least 1 nutrient packed snack before lunch

12 Lunch (pre practice/game/etc)  Have something w/ a good amount of carbs & protein- limit the fat (especially grease)  PBJ sandwich + (stick to 1-2 tbsp of pb & 1 tb of jelly) on whole wheat bread + a piece of fruit or veggies + WATER  Turkey/tuna/ham/chicken/etc sandwich (avoid the mayo) + fruit/veggies + WATER  Pretzels are a great addition to add extra carbs pre-workout!

13 AFTER:  Within 20 minutes of activity you should have a recovery snack w/ both carbs & protein:  Lara bar/ Bora bora bar/ cliff bar/ power bar (all good choices) + water!  Milk!  Protein is important to build and REPAIR muslces and other tissue  Carbs are important to replenish your glycogen stores (and they taste good)

14 Alcohol  1. Dehydration  2. Decrease mental acuity (focus) & reaction time for SEVERAL days!  3. Decreased abililty to break down lactice acid (you get sore sooner & stay sore longer)  4. Stores as fat in the body (breaks down amino acids which build proteins & turns them into fat!)  5. Disrupts your sleep cycle- which means the next day (or more) you are tired & lethargic, and can’t concentrate as well,  m?DB_OEM_ID=5800 m?DB_OEM_ID=5800 m?DB_OEM_ID=5800 

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