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Game Board Let’s Play Jeopardy Game Board Cell Jeopardy.

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2 Game Board Let’s Play Jeopardy

3 Game Board Cell Jeopardy

4 Game Board Cell Parts Jeopardy Categories Cell PartsMore Cell Parts Miscellane ous 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Miscellane ous 100 200 300 400 500

5 Game Board Cell Parts 100 The control center of the cell is the _______. See Answer

6 Game Board 100 A What is the nucleus?

7 Game Board Cell Parts 200 This controls the things that go in and out of the cell. Answer This guy

8 Game Board Cell Parts 200 A Answer What is the cell membrane?

9 Game Board Cell Parts 300 In plant cells this surrounds and supports. Answer

10 Game Board Cell Parts 300A Answer What is the cell wall?

11 Game Board Cell Parts 400 This organelle digests food and old cell parts. Answer

12 Game Board Cell Parts 400A Answer What is a lysosome?

13 Game Board Cell Parts 500 This is the site of ribosome construction. Answer

14 Game Board Cell Parts 500A What is the nucleolus?

15 Game Board More cell parts 100 These make proteins. Answer

16 Game Board More Cell Parts 100A What are ribosomes?

17 Game Board More Cell Parts 200 The power- house of cells. Answer

18 Game Board More Cell Parts 200A What are mitochondria?

19 Game Board More Cell Parts 300 These store food and water. Answer

20 Game Board More Cell Parts 300 A What is a vacuole?

21 Game Board More Cell Parts 400 In plant cells they contain chlorophyll. Answer

22 Game Board More Cell Parts 400A What are chloroplasts?

23 Game Board More Cell Parts 500 Tiny organs in the cell are called this. Answer

24 Game Board More Cell Parts 500 A What are organelles?

25 Game Board Miscellaneous 100 Group of organs that working together to do a job. Answer

26 Game Board Miscellaneous 100A Organ system?

27 Game Board Miscellaneous 200 During respiration animals take in this gas. Answer

28 Game Board Miscellaneous 200 A What is oxygen?

29 Game Board Miscellaneous 300 Describe a eukaryotic cell. Answer

30 Game Board Miscellaneous 300A A plant or animal cell that has organelles… little organs.

31 Game Board Miscellaneous 400 Describe a prokaryotic cell. Answer

32 Game Board Miscellaneous 400A Bacteria or pond scum, cells that do not have organelles or membrane-bound structures.

33 Game Board Miscellaneous 500 Cytoplasm is made mostly of this. Answer

34 Game Board Miscellaneous 500A What is water?

35 Game Board Miscellaneous 100 The basic unit of living things is a ______. Answer

36 Game Board Miscellaneous 100A What is cell?

37 Game Board Miscellaneous 200 What does the shape of the cell tell you? Answer

38 Game Board Miscellaneous 200A Its function or job.

39 Game Board Miscellaneous 300 These rod shaped structures are found in the nucleus of the cell and contain genetic material called DNA. Answer

40 Game Board Miscellaneous 300A What are chromosomes?

41 Game Board Miscellaneous 400 The word “cell” means______ _______. Answer

42 Game Board Miscellaneous 400A What is little room, or cells in a jail?

43 Game Board Miscellaneous 500 How many cells are in the average human body? Answer

44 Game Board Miscellaneous 500A What is one hundred trillion? 1,000,000,000,000

45 Game Board Miscellaneous 100 Uses light to magnify; two lenses Answer

46 Game Board Miscellaneous 100 A Compound Light

47 Game Board Miscellaneous 200 Uses light to magnify; gives a three dimensional view Answer

48 Game Board Miscellaneous 200 A stereomicroscope

49 Game Board Miscellaneous 300 Uses light to magnify; uses one lens Answer

50 Game Board Miscellaneous 300 A Simple microscope

51 Game Board Miscellaneous 400 Uses a magnetic field; magnifies up to 1 million times Answer

52 Game Board Miscellaneous 400 A electron microscope

53 Game Board Miscellaneous 500 Describe the ideas of Cell Theory Answer

54 Game Board Miscellaneous 500 A A.All organisms are made of one or more cells, B.that cells are the basic units of structure and function in all organisms. C. All cells come from cells.

55 Game Board Scoreboard Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5

56 Game Board References Microsoft Clipart To return to web-page click here: WebPage

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