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Quality Improvement in the ONS Cynthia Z F Clark Frank Nolan Office for National Statistics United Kingdom.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Improvement in the ONS Cynthia Z F Clark Frank Nolan Office for National Statistics United Kingdom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Improvement in the ONS Cynthia Z F Clark Frank Nolan Office for National Statistics United Kingdom

2 CONTENTS What I plan to cover ….. Introduction Quality Strategy ONS Framework External Influences Conclusion

3 1. Introduction ONS – NSI in UK UK statistical system decentralised Government Statistical Service National Statistician Chief statistical adviser –professional head of GSS

4 2. Quality Strategy Drivers Framework Document 2001 Improving trust in statistics National Statistician responsible for professional quality of outputs Code of Practice established

5 Quality Strategy Quality 1. Setting Standards 2. Sound Methodologies 3. Standardised Tools 4. Effective Leadership and management 5. Good Documentation 6. Quality Measures 7. Monitoring and Improving Quality

6 Quality Strategy Quality Standards and Guidance Risk Management Project Management Code of Practice Protocols Statistical Infrastructure Development Quality Assurance Survey Control Technology Management Quality Measurement & Reporting 7. Ongoing quality monitoring 1.Setting Standards 2. Sound methodologies 3. Standardised tools 6. Quality Measures 5. Good Documentation 4. Effective Leadership and Management Public Confidence Quality Reviews Self Assessment Tool Metadata Methodological Unit 1. Setting Standards 2. Sound Methodologies 7. Ongoing Quality Monitoring 3. Standardised Tools 4. Effective Leadership and Management 5. Good Documentation 6. Quality Measures Leadership & Training

7 3. ONS Progress against Framework 2002 - 2007

8 Setting Standards National Statistics Code of Practice –sets out professional standards 2002 –8 Principles: Relevance, Integrity, Quality, Accessibility Protocols –underpin the Code of Practice and provide the detail –12 Protocols Customers –Survey Charter –Service Level Agreement (key accounts) –Vision / Mission / Objectives / Values Self Assessment Tool –a tool to ensure adherence to the Code of Practice –Not Complete

9 Sound Methodologies Centralised Methodology unit –100 staff in 2007 Role in providing independent advice to the National Statistician Quality Assurance role of new and changed methods –Methods still implemented by business areas –Periodic survey redesign Strong Survey Control function –ONLY Business surveys

10 Standardised Tools Range of statistical tools agreed 2003 –ACTR, BANF, CANCEIS, X12 ARIMA –Process reengineering / standardised systems –Implementation started – slow progress Technology Development –Improved computing –Reduction in different systems –Reduced risk –Implementation slow ONS Functional Structure


12 Effective Leadership and Management Technical Training – MSc Official Statistics Project / Programme Management –Good training [PRINCE 2] –Professional project managers Risk Management –Strong Government Initiative [BSE] –Formal governance role –Closure too long Management Training –One off Henley work –Ongoing – new managers

13 Documentation Standards and Guidance –Centralised Database –Mostly populated –Currency Metadata –Part of Modernisation –Delayed

14 Quality Measurement Quality Measures –Developed and documented –Published –Implementation with Modernisation Quality Reports –Basic Quality Information –Standard Quality Reports –Developed and implementing National Accounts / other business surveys

15 Ongoing Quality Monitoring National Statistics Quality Reviews –Rolling programme of reviews of outputs Confidence Measures –Customer satisfactions surveys (web) –Evaluates relevance and methodology –Public confidence (Omnibus) –Staff perception survey Audits –Internal Audits – process –External reviews

16 4. External Influences European Statistical System –Code of Practice UK Statistical Law UK Government Efficiency Targets –Reduction of 5% in real terms UK Government Relocation targets –Move out of London (c 1000 staff)

17 EU Peer Reviews – 2006/07 Compliance against Code of Practice Set of Indicators for each Principle Self Assessment Peer Review of NSI Site visit / Documentation Standard Report Best Practice / Coordination role Improvement Actions

18 European Code of Practice Governance 1. Professional Independence 2. Mandate for Data Collection 3. Adequacy of Resources 4. Quality Commitment 5. Statistical Confidentiality 6. Impartiality and Objectivity Processes 7. Sound Methodology 8. Appropriate Statistical Procedures 9. Non- Excessive burden on respondents 10. Cost Effectiveness Outputs 11. Relevance 12 Accuracy and reliability 13 Timeliness and Punctuality 14 Coherence and Comparability 15 Accessibility and Clarity

19 UK Statistical Law UK Statistical and Registration Service Bill Statistical Board Objective: –to promote and safeguard the quality and comprehensiveness of official statistics Assessment process against Code of Practice

20 5. Conclusion Generally Good progress Code / documentation/ … in place Reliance on modernised systems - slow Generally slow Need to maintain momentum Quality in relation to leadership Champions

21 Thank You

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