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 A CAD platform based on human-molecule interface.

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Presentation on theme: " A CAD platform based on human-molecule interface."— Presentation transcript:

1  A CAD platform based on human-molecule interface

2 Why do we need a CAD platform based on human- molecule interface ?

3 Because It’s easier that way !!!11

4 The Table Case Or Why Modularity Is Essential

5 Alternatives - SARSE

6 Scheme

7 Graphical Interface

8 Graphical Engine  3D game design tool  Written purely in Java  Open source under BSD license

9 Grid

10 All Parts On Grid

11 All Parts Horizontal

12 Parts Menu

13 Assembly Of Blocks

14 Assembly Robot

15 Assembly Plates A. Building blocks D. ConnectorsE. Assembly B. Tips

16 Assembly Workflow Aspirating block part from parts plate Injecting part into a specific tube in Assembly Plate Aspirating connector from connectors plate into the same specific assembly tube Aspirating and injecting the part with connectors into assembly tube * Each part has a unique tube on the parts plate ! Plate APlate EPlate B+E Plate E Assembly cell

17 Demonstration  The machine will do a pipette routine  5 points for someone who notices something weird too

18 Precision X

19 Microscope

20 AFM Microscope  Provides images of atoms on or in surfaces.  Operates in ambient air or water, even in living cells.

21 AFM

22 Demonstration  LISA  Precision X

23 Educational Value  Multi disciplinary studies :  Biology  Chemistry  Physics  Computer Science

24 Missions  Basic missions :  Container  Rocket  Pyramid  Robot

25 Simple Container Side View

26 Simple Container Normal View

27 Rocket

28 Pyramid

29 Rocket construction levels as a function of time


31 Diagnosis – Long build phase  Can detect possible bugs like :  A piece that doesn’t behave properly  Can detect obscure mission description  Can suggest feature improvement or a new feature to be added  Height issue

32 Function Evaluation

33 Improvements  Tutorial  Brick texture + outline  Adding more types of building blocks  Adding binding sites as a brick  3D view mode – an example

34 3D view example

35 Summary  LEGO like interface of Nano molecules that is user friendly and robust  3 major goals :  1. Education  2. Research  3. Medicine

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