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Introduction Page On this page you will introduce yourself and why you are presenting this PowerPoint (type over existing textbox information for each.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction Page On this page you will introduce yourself and why you are presenting this PowerPoint (type over existing textbox information for each."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction Page On this page you will introduce yourself and why you are presenting this PowerPoint (type over existing textbox information for each slide). Remember to give this PowerPoint a unique and visually appealing look for your audience.

2 Water Cycle Picture Page Create a picture or copy a picture onto this page that shows the water cycle.

3 Description of water cycle stages Name each step in the water cycle and what occurs within it.

4 My selection of important part Determine a stage that you feel is important and present your choice on this page. (a simple identification of the stage and where it occurs in the process is sufficient for this page)

5 Evidence for Selection Provide information as to why you feel that this is the most important stage. Facts, statistics or other information to support your selection should be used on this page.

6 Effects of Removal What effect does the removal of your selection made to the water cycle? Our environment? To us as humans?

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