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Introducing Hybrid Public Transportation In Jordan BY : Thamer Khasawneh, Hadi Qasim, Bayan al-Omari, Mohammad odeh.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing Hybrid Public Transportation In Jordan BY : Thamer Khasawneh, Hadi Qasim, Bayan al-Omari, Mohammad odeh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing Hybrid Public Transportation In Jordan BY : Thamer Khasawneh, Hadi Qasim, Bayan al-Omari, Mohammad odeh

2 Contents. To be added later.

3 Goals and Expectations. To save the environment by plotting much less gasses into the air. To save money by spending much less on transportation. To decrease Jordan dependence on oil, which helps the national economy.

4 Introduction : Importance of Transportation. The world that we live in now will most likely be impossible had it not been for innovations in transportation. There would not have been any great infrastructure, industrialization, or massive production, if transportation was incompetent. Life would not have kept up with the fast changing times if there were no huge trucks, bulldozers, trailers, cargo ships, or large aircrafts to carry them to different places. In other words, the global society would not have experienced comfort and convenience had it not been for advancements in the transportation sector. BUT, with Great Industry and civilization, comes great risks. Risks of polluting our environment, our home, our Earth !.

5 Public Transportation Regulatory Commission (PTRC) PTRC is the governing body of public transportation in Jordan. It was established to : Organize and supervise public transport services. To meet the demand for public transport services ; satisfying a good level of services at an appropriate cost.

6 Set the necessary conditions for public transport to ensure public safety and also to preserve the environment. Contribute to the protection of the environment with the institutions and relevant authorities.

7 Hybrid cars ; is it really that green ? Hybrid vehicles have strong environmental advantages: they reduce noxious pollution, emissions of greenhouse gases, and energy consumption by half. They will be able to use all of the advanced fuels, such as ethanol, biodiesel, and natural gas, which will make them even more environmentally friendly.

8 Comparison of tail-pipe emissions

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