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Beetle Seth.

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1 Beetle Seth

2 Beetle Egg Interesting Facts:
The mom lays up to one hundred eggs at once. The mom will lay the eggs on a rotten log or leaf. The eggs take 4-19 days to hatch.

3 Beetle Larva Interesting Facts: They eat a lot of food.
They shed their skin a lot. Larva stage can take 30 stages.

4 Beetle Pupa Interesting Facts: This stage can take 9 months.
This usually happens in the winter. Then it becomes a real beetle.

5 Beetle Adult Interesting Facts:
When it is a adult it will eat a lot of food. If it is a female it will lay eggs very soon. If it is a female it will then start a new generation.

6 The Chicken Life Cycle Logan

7 Chicken EGG Interesting Facts:
It takes 21 days before the egg hatches. The mama hen will sit on their egg proudly The hen will say, ”look at me I have a egg.’’

8 Chicken hatchling Interesting facts
It is the nearest relative to the T-rex The chicks resemble their parents during their life cycle. It takes 6 months for a chick to become a fully grown chicken.

9 Chicken Hen or Rooster Interesting Facts:
The hen will tend to be fatter than the rooster. The hen has a place on it called a vent which is the place on her where she lays the egg. The rooster will stand handsomely when he sees a hen.

10 chicken Lilly

11 egg stage 1 Interesting Facts:
The egg hard shell protects it while is growing. The baby chicken will use it beak to breaks the egg.

12 Chick Stage 2 Interesting Facts:
The chick doesn’t need to eat for the first two days. The chick can see and hear well. If it gets lost it says “cheep!” And flaps it tiny wing.

13 Chicken Stage 3 Interesting Facts:
The young hens now have their adult feathers. Some hens roost on the lower branches of trees. Their wings are strong enough to fly.

14 Life Cycle of a Butterfly

15 Butterfly Stage 1:egg Interesting Facts:
egg is smaller than your pinky the eggs are laid in groups of at once stay in egg for 5-10 days

16 Butterfly Stage 2:Larva Interesting Facts: in stage for 3 weeks
when hatches as skinny as worm gets very fat and becomes a pupa

17 Butterfly Stage 3: Pupa Interesting Facts: sheds for last time
.atches to bottom of a branch stays in stage for 2-3 weeks

18 Butterfly Stage 4:Adelt Interesting Facts: when hatches wings are wet
move its blood to wings when move wings they dry

19 Beetles By Patrick

20 Beetles eggs Beetles eggs are usually white or yellow
Interesting Facts: Beetles eggs are usually white or yellow These eggs take 4-19 days to hatch The eggs come in packs of dozens or hundreds eggs

21 Beetles larva These periods have 3-5 stages Interesting Facts:
They eat tremendous amounts of food at this stage These periods have 3-5 stages Larva sheds its exoskeleton once in a while larva

22 Beetles pupa Interesting Facts: Pupas usually form in the winter
Pupas can take up to 9 months to hatch The pupa usually hangs in dead or buried in the dirt pupa

23 Beetles adult Interesting Facts: Adults have two sets of wings
Beetles use “pheromones” or sounds and vibrations to communicate Fireflies are beetles that communicate with light adult

24 Frog Life Cycle By: Victoria F

25 Frog Egg Interesting Facts:
only 1/3 of the eggs made survive and hatch 2/3 of the frog eggs don’t make it because they get eaten by birds and other creature or get dried up by the sun. The eggs hatch between 7-9 days The eggs stick together to form a Frog-Spawn and float up to the surface.

26 Frog Tadpole Interesting Facts:
A tadpole for the first 1 or 2 weeks eats the egg yolk leftover in it’s gut. The only parts to a tadpole is a tail, gill , and mouth. After 7 days of development the tadpole eats algae off of rocks.

27 Frog Froglet Interesting Facts:
In this stage, the tadpole grows front and back legs, and its tail vanishes or is almost gone. After 12 weeks the froglets can swim to the surface to breath air. The tadpoles body shrinks during this stage.

28 Frog Frog Interesting Facts:
Frogs have teeth on their upper jaw, but none on their bottom. The frog starts a new diet including flies and worms. The frog mostly lives on land, with occasional swims.

29 Life cycle of a frog Michael

30 Frog Stage 1:eggs Interesting Facts:
frogs lay thousands of eggs that don’t have shells the eggs stick together to form a frog spawn that floats to the top of the water a few days later the tadpoles hatch out

31 frog Stage 2:tadpoles Interesting Facts:
tadpoles have a head tail body they eat algae and other tiny animals as they swim after about a month a bludge appears at the base of there tail and that’s where the hind legs will grow

32 Stage 3:tadpoles to froglets
Interesting Facts: after 7 weeks their hind legs will began to grow after 9 weeks the front legs began to grow and there tails are almost gone after 12 weeks the tadpoles can swim to the surface of the water and breath air

33 frog Stage 4:Adult frogs Interesting Facts:
after about three months the tadpoles have became young frogs they can live in or out of water and eat insects or worms this frog will live mostly on land and sometimes swims

34 Chicken Life Cycle By: Elise

35 Chicken Egg Interesting Facts:
Each chick begins as a small dot in the egg. After 10 days inside the egg, the chick has grown larger. The chick pecks through its hard shell with a special, sharp part of the beak called the “ egg tooth. “

36 Chicken Hatchling Interesting Facts:
If the first thing a chick sees is a person it will follow that person as if it were its mother. Many birds stay in a safe, warm nest for the first few weeks. A hens chicks go wherever Mom goes. A day or two after starting, all the chicks are hatched.

37 Chicken Adult Interesting Facts:
An adult chicken has more than 5,000 feathers. There are over 60 different types of barnyard hen. Most barnyard hens live for 5-10 years. Some hens lay more than 200 eggs a year.

38 Life Cycle of a Beetle Wesley

39 EGG Stage 1 Interesting Facts: beetles lay eggs underground.
some lay 50 eggs The eggs remane in incubation for 3 to 4 months

40 Place picture of your stage here.
LARVA Stage 2 Interesting Facts: They eat rotting wood As the larva gets bigger they molt Larva feeds on a bed made for them Place picture of your stage here.

41 pupa Stage 3 Interesting Facts: they go throe methmorthes in the pupa
some are white

42 ADULT Stage 4 . They live underground .they make a bed for the eggs
They die after they lay eggs

43 Frog life cycle Blaze

44 eggs STAGE 1 Interesting Facts:
The eggs are called the spawn (frog eggs) The eggs are covered with jelly They are in groups

45 Newly hatched tadpole Stage 2 Interesting Facts: A new born baby frog
The new born tadpole is called a embryo After seven weeks their hind legs begin to grow

46 8 week old tadpole Stage 3 Interesting Facts: The hind legs are formed
The head becomes more distinct and the body elongates its front legs are coming in

47 12 week old tadpole Stage 4 Interesting Facts:
its front legs are formed looks like a small frog with a long tail And starts to lose its tail

48 Tail almost gone frog Stage 5 Interesting Facts:
when the tail disappears the frog will hop out of the water on the land When it loses its tail and becomes a adult

49 Adult frog Stage 6 Interesting Facts:
the adult frog is now not a tadpole the frog is now out of the tadpole stage and is an adult the adult mom is the one that lays the eggs

50 Life cycle of a frog By Landen

51 eggs Stage1 Interesting Facts: They hatch at about 10 days
Eggs are covered A lot of eggs in a jelly like substance are lyed becauses some are eaten by small animals

52 Tad pole Stage 2 Interesting Facts:
At about 8 weeks the tad poles front legs will start to appear. Some frogs take 2 months to change into a frog. The bullfrog takes 2 year to chnge into a frogs

53 frog Stage 3 Interesting Facts:
They find a matethey start the life cycle all over The average life spand of a frog is 4 15 years depending on the typ of frog. Eat live prey insects, worms, small fish

54 Life Cycle Of A Beetle Madison

55 Beetle Stage 1 3 Interesting Facts:
It begins with the female laying hundreds of eggs Some female beetles keeps their eggs inside of them and give birth to live in the larvae It usually takes from 4 to 19 days for the eggs to hatch

56 Place picture of your stage here.
Beetle Cycle Stage 2 Place picture of your stage here. 3 Interesting Facts: At this stage they will eat tremendous amount of food and continue to grow shedding is an exoskeleton many times while it grows Most beetles past through 3 to 5 stages

57 Place picture of your stage here.
Beetle Stage 3 Place picture of your stage here. 3 Interesting Facts: then it enter the pupa stage witch can take 9 months and it usually happens over the winter period after pupating an adult emerge ,and there’s your beetle

58 Place picture of your stage here.
Beetle Stage 4 Place picture of your stage here. 3 Interesting Facts: then the beetle will then feed ,mate and if it is a female she will lay eggs of the begging of another generation witch is called life cycle

59 Beetle Life Cycle Piper

60 Beetle Egg Interesting Facts: The eggs take three weeks to hatch.
They are oval shaped and white. They are laid 4-5 eggs at a time Often found on a leaf or a rotten piece of wood

61 Beetle Larvae Interesting Facts:
They eat lots of food and continue to grow In this phase they will shed there exoskeleton Most beetles pass through 3-5 stages at larvae period but others can have up to 30

62 Beetle Pupa Interesting Facts: This stage can take up to 9 months
This stage usually happens during the winter period After pupating an adult will emerge

63 Beetle Adult This beetle will then feed , mate and if it is a female , she will lay eggs for the beginning of a new generation.


65 BLISTER BEETLE EGG Interesting Facts:


67 PUPA BLISTER BEETLES Interesting Facts:

68 BLISTER BEETLE ADULT Interesting Facts:

69 Chicken Life Cycle Sarah

70 Chicken Stage 1:Egg Interesting Facts:
Some hens lay more than 200 eggs a year. That’s four ever week! The hen lays one egg every day or until she has about 12. After ten days the chick inside the egg grows larger. Its head, body, wings, and legs form.

71 Chicken Stage 2:Chick Interesting Facts:
The chick does not need to eat for the first two days. If the first moving thing a chick sees is a person, it will follow that person like it is its mom. Many baby birds stay in safe, warm nests for the first few weeks. But the hen’s chick goes anywhere its mom goes.

72 Chicken Stage 3:Adult Interesting Facts:
A hen uses its beak to keep its feathers clean and tidy. This is called preening A adult chicken has more than 5,000 feathers. But swans have more than 20,000. Most hens live for five to ten years. But Matilda from New Jersey reached the grand age, 14!

73 Beetles Abbey

74 Beetles #1: Eggs Interesting Facts:
First, the female lays hundreds of tiny, oval white, or sometimes yellow eggs, on a leaf or in rotten pieces of wood. It normally takes from 4-19 days to hatch.

75 Beetles #2: Larvae Interesting Facts:
Second, they eat a tremendous amount of food. The beetle will shed its exoskeleton many times while it grows. Some beetles pass through 3-5 stages during the larval period and others can have up to 30 stages, whereas others can have only 1 stage as a larvae #2: Larvae

76 Beetles #3: Pupa Interesting Facts:
Third, it enters the pupa stage, witch can take up to 9 months and usually happens during winter. After pupating an adult will emerge, and there you have your beetle.

77 Beetles #4: Adult Interesting Facts:
And finally, you have your adult beetle. It will feed, mate, and if it is a female, she will lay eggs for the beginning of another generation.

78 Butterflies by: Taco Nicolas

79 Butterflies egg EGG Interesting Facts: Butterfly eggs are hard.
Butterfly eggs have a ridged outer layer called a chorion. The eggs have a little layer of wax which keeps the egg from drying out.

80 Butterflies Larva . larva Interesting Facts:
Larva consume plant leaves. They spend most of there time in search of food. When big enough it will form in to a pupa. .

81 Butterflies pupa pupa Interesting Facts:
The pupa will turn red to warn predators . The larva transforms in to a pupa by anchoring its self to a substrate and molting for the last time. The pupa is usually incapable of movement.

82 Place picture of your stage here.
Butterflies adult adult Place picture of your stage here. Interesting Facts: The Butterfly is a day flying insect. Butterflies often have large beautiful wings. After it emerges it has to wait till its wings fold out.

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