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Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice National Practice Standards in a Mathematics Classroom?

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Presentation on theme: "Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice National Practice Standards in a Mathematics Classroom?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice National Practice Standards in a Mathematics Classroom?

2 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Icebreaker Compromise Without talking, write down the answers to the three questions presented.

3 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Icebreaker Compromise What is your favorite Ice Cream flavor?

4 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Icebreaker Compromise What is your favorite genre of book?

5 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Icebreaker Compromise Where do you like to go on vacation?

6 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Icebreaker Compromise: As a team, compromise on one thing for each question, that your whole team can agree on. What is your favorite Ice Cream flavor? What is your favorite genre of book? Where do you like to go on vacation?

7 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Icebreaker-Debrief Compromise What might be the reason we did this icebreaker?

8 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Agenda/Goals Opening CCSS practices Doing Mathematics Looking at a lesson Closure

9 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) were:  developed by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the National Governor’s Association (NGA) Center for Best Practices  formally released on June 2, 2010  adopted by 45 states and territories

10 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice CCSS: A Major Challenge/Opportunity COLLEGE and CAREER readiness expectations  Rigorous CONTENT and APPLICATIONS  Stress CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING as well as procedural skills  Organized around MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES FOCUS and COHERENCE  Designed around RESEARCH-BASED LEARNING PROGRESSIONS whenever possible.

11 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice CCSS: A Major Challenge/Opportunity COLLEGE / CAREER readiness expectations  CONTENT / APPLICATIONS  CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING as well as  MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES FOCUS / COHERENCE  RESEARCH-BASED LEARNING PROGRESSIONS whenever possible.

12 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice What’s different about CCSS? These Standards are NOT intended to be NEW NAMES FOR OLD WAYS OF DOING BUSINESS. They are a call to take the next step. It is time for states to work together to build on lessons learned from two decades of standards-based reforms. It is time to recognize that standards are not just promises to our children, but promises we intend to keep. — CCSS (2010, p.5)

13 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice What’s different about CCSS? These Standards are NOT intended to be NEW NAMES FOR OLD WAYS OF DOING BUSINESS. They are a call to take the next step. It is time for states to build on lessons learned from two decades of standards based reforms. It is time to recognize that standards are not just promises to our children, but promises we intend to keep. — CCSS (2010, p.5)

14 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice

15 #1 is Detective

16 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice #2 is Escher

17 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice #3 is Debaters

18 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice #4 is Models

19 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice #5 is Toolbox

20 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice #6 is Compass

21 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice #7 is Construction

22 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice #8 is Fractal

23 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice #1-8 Can you repeat all the numbers and words?

24 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice How did you do? 1. Detective 2. Escher 3. Debaters 4. Models 5. Toolbox 6. Compass 7. Construction 8. Fractal

25 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Two Types of Standards:  Mathematical Content (different at each grade level for K-8 and by content strand for 9-12)  NEW!!!…MATHEMATICAL PRACTICES (recurring throughout the grades)

26 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice  Standards for Mathematical Practice  Describe HABITS OF MIND of a mathematically expert student

27 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice 1. MAKE SENSE of problems and persevere in solving them 2. REASON abstractly and quantitatively 3. CONSTRUCT viable ARGUMENTS and CRITIQUE the reasoning of others 4. MODEL with mathematics CCSS Standards for Mathematical Practice

28 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice CCSS Standards for Mathematical Practice 5. Use APPROPRIATE TOOLS strategically 6. Attend to PRECISION 7. Look for and make use of STRUCTURE 8. Look for and EXPRESS REGULARITY in repeated reasoning

29 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice The Standards for Mathematical Practice Take a moment to examine the first three words of each of the 8 mathematical practices… what do you notice? Mathematically Proficient Students…

30 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice The Standards for [Student] Mathematical Practice What are the VERBS that illustrate the student actions for your assigned mathematical practice? CIRCLE, HIGHLIGHT or UNDERLINE them for your assigned practice…

31 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice The Standards for [Student] Mathematical Practice Take 3 minutes to prepare a 2 minute ELEVATOR TALK explaining your practice standard.

32 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice

33 Connecting the pictures to the practices

34 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Detective 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

35 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Escher 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

36 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Debaters 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

37 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Models 4. Model with mathematics.

38 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Toolbox 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.

39 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Compass 6. Attend to precision.

40 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Construction 7. Look for and make use of structure.

41 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Fractals 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

42 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Think-Pair-Share Imagine what a lesson would look like if it had the practices embedded.

43 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice NEWTON’S REVENGE Task Have you heard about Newton’s Revenge, the new roller coaster? It’s so big, fast, and scary that people are already starting to talk. Some people are worried about the tunnel that thrills riders with its very low ceiling. The closest the ceiling of the tunnel ever comes to the seat of the roller-coaster car is 200 cm. Although no accidents have been reported yet, rumors have been spreading that very tall riders have broken their arms as they went through the tunnel with their arms raised over their heads. Unfortunately, due to these rumors, many tall people have stopped riding the coaster. Algebra Connections

44 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Teammates Consult Participants will be organized into teams…  Step 1: Pencils down… individuals read silently and then come up with ideas.  Step 2: Teams discuss the problem and develop a plan.  Step 3: The team will share the plan with the facilitator.  Step 4: The team can pick up their pencils and begin working on the problem.

45 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice NEWTON’S REVENGE Task Have you heard about Newton’s Revenge, the new roller coaster? It’s so big, fast, and scary that people are already starting to talk. Some people are worried about the tunnel that thrills riders with its very low ceiling. The closest the ceiling of the tunnel ever comes to the seat of the roller- coaster car is 200 cm. Although no accidents have been reported yet, rumors have been spreading that very tall riders have broken their arms as they went through the tunnel with their arms raised over their heads. Unfortunately, due to these rumors, many tall people have stopped riding the coaster. Your Task: Consider how you could determine whether the tunnel is actually safe for any rider, no matter how tall. Be ready to share your responses with the rest of the group. Algebra Connections

46 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Discuss the Standards for Mathematical Practice that were employed as you worked through this lesson…

47 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Balancing Procedure and Understanding… Content standards that begin with “UNDERSTAND” connect practice to content.  Lack of understanding prevents students from engaging in the mathematical practices.

48 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice CCSS standards build in complexity and provide more clarity for expected student performance.

49 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice If your goal truly is only to get the answer, then the ‘butterflies have it’…

50 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Butterfly Method:

51 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice








59 Now try using butterflies on this TIMSS* item… 1/2 + 1/3 +1/4 = *Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study

60 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Walk and Talk… What are the implications of teaching strategies like “the butterfly method”? How will implementation of the Practice Standards impact our teaching?

61 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Let’s see what you remember… Turn to your elbow partner. See how many of the practices you can remember without looking at the posters.

62 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice CCSS Standards for Mathematical Practice 1. MAKE SENSE of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. REASON abstractly and quantitatively. 3. CONSTRUCT VIABLE ARGUMENTS/ critique the reasoning of others. 4. MODEL with mathematics. 5. Use APPROPRIATE TOOLS strategically. 6. Attend to PRECISION. 7. Look for and make use of STRUCTURE. 8. Look for and EXPRESS REGULARITY in repeated reasoning.

63 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Looking at a lesson Take the lesson that you are given. Go through the lesson, citing all practices that students are expected to be engaged in. Make sure this is written down.

64 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Jigsaw/Table Carousel All participants with the same lesson gather at the same table. Put your citations together with the lesson you were using. Pass the papers to another pair to give feedback on what you found. The feedback should be written on post-its and put on the back of your paper. Repeat, if time.

65 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice The Standards for Mathematical Practice will be assessed…

66 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice So What’s Different About the CCSS? Accountability

67 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Implementing CCSS: Where NOT to start  Do not begin by aligning CCSS standards grade-by-grade with existing mathematics standards.  Do not start by focusing on teaching “a” standard.

68 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Implementing CCSS: Where TO start The Eight Standards for Mathematical Practice

69 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Implementing CCSS: Where TO start There is research on PD practices that are most effective in supporting teacher learning; use it! Pres. J. Michael Shaughnessy, NCTM Summing Up, 12-2011

70 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Implementing CCSS: Where TO start Target a few selected practices to address in depth. These practices must be embedded in discussions about content. Pres. J. Michael Shaughnessy, NCTM Summing Up, 12-2011

71 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Implementing CCSS: Where TO start Avoid a fragmented menu of varied professional development offerings! Pres. J. Michael Shaughnessy, NCTM Summing Up, 12-2011

72 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice Implementing CCSS: Where TO start Include a variety of stakeholders in whatever PD is offered – don’t compartmentalize it; bring groups together. Pres. J. Michael Shaughnessy, NCTM Summing Up, 12-2011

73 Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice


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