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Published byAngel Rose Modified over 9 years ago
ALMA: Capabilities and Status Al Wootten NRAO, ALMA/NA Project Scientist
ALMA is governed by a Board, with representatives from each of the partners (Chile, NSF/NRC, ESO/Spain, NINS) [~10 folks+] Board committees include ALMA Science Advisory Committee (ASAC) [~14 folks], AMAC ALMA construction activities are conducted by joint teams which report to the Joint ALMA Office (Tarenghi, Director; Beasley, Project Manager) in Santiago [four+] Regional Managers, Project Scientists, Advisory Committees (e.g. NA, EU, JP ALMA Project Manager) ; ANASAC, ESAC, JSAC Regional ALMA Resource Centers (ARCs) in partner regions support users in the respective astronomical communities [NAOJ, NRAO, ESO] Who is ALMA?
ALMA Observes the Millimeter Spectrum Millimeter/submillimeter photons are the most abundant photons in the cosmic background, and in the spectrum of the Milky Way and most spiral galaxies. Most important component is the 3K Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) After the CMB, the strongest component is the submm/FIR component, which carries most of the remaining radiative energy in the Universe, and 40% of that in for instance the Milky Way Galaxy. ALMA range--wavelengths from 1cm to 0.3 mm, covers both components to the extent the atmosphere of the Earth allows. COBE observations
Telescopealtitude diam. No. A max (feet) (m)dishes (m 2 ) (GHz) NMA 2,000 10 6 470 250 CARMA 7,300 3.5/6/10 23 800 250 IRAM PdB 8,000 15 61060 250 SMA13,600 6 8 230 690 eSMA13,600 6/10/15 10 490 690 ALMA 16,400 12 505700 950 ACA16,400 7 12 460 950 Summary of existing and future mm/sub-mm arrays ALMA will have >6x more collecting area, and will be 10-100 times more sensitive and 10-100 times better angular resolution compared to current mm/submm telescopes
Contributors to the Millimeter Spectrum In addition to dominating the spectrum of the distant Universe, millimeter/submillimeter spectral components dominate the spectrum of planets, young stars, many distant galaxies. Cool objects tend to be extended, hence ALMA’s mandate to image with high sensitivity, recovering all of an object’s emitted flux at the frequency of interest. Most of the observed transitions of the 142 known interstellar molecules lie in the mm/submm spectral region— here some 17,000 lines are seen in a small portion of the spectrum at 2mm. However, molecules in the Earth’s atmosphere inhibit our study of many of these molecules. Furthermore, the long wavelength requires large aperture for high resolution, unachievable from space. To explore the submillimeter spectrum, a telescope should be placed at Earth’s highest dryest site. Spectrum courtesy B. Turner (NRAO)
Forests of Spectral Lines Schilke et al. (2000)
N Where is ALMA? El llano de Chajnantor AOS TB Toco Chajnantor Negro Macón Honar Road 43km=27 miles Chascón OSF
5000m Chajnantor site ALMA APEX CBI Site Char
Transparent Site Allows Complete Spectral Coverage 10 Frequency bands coincident with atmospheric windows have been defined. Bands 3 (3mm), 6 (1mm), 7 (.85mm) and 9 (.45mm) will be available from the start. Bands 4 (2mm), 8 (.65mm) and, later, some 10 (.35mm), built by Japan, also available. Some band 5 (1.5mm) receivers built with EU funding. Pwv = 0.5mm 15% of time
Receivers/Front Ends ALMA Band Frequency Range Receiver noise temperature Mixing scheme Receiver technology T Rx over 80% of the RF band T Rx at any RF frequency 131.3 – 45 GHz17 K28 KUSBHEMT 267 – 90 GHz30 K50 KLSBHEMT 384 – 116 GHz37 K62 K2SBSIS 4125 – 169 GHz51 K85 K2SBSIS 5163 - 211 GHz65 K108 K2SBSIS 6211 – 275 GHz83 K138 K2SBSIS 7275 – 373 GHz147 K221 K2SBSIS 8385 – 500 GHz98 K147 KDSBSIS 9602 – 720 GHz175 K263 KDSBSIS 10787 – 950 GHz230 K345 KDSBSIS Dual, linear polarization channels: Increased sensitivity Measurement of 4 Stokes parameters 183 GHz water vapour radiometer: Used for atmospheric path length correction
Antennas Demanding ALMA antenna specifications: Surface accuracy (25 µm) Absolute and offset pointing accuracy (2 arcsec absolute, 0.6 arcsec offset) Fast switching (1.5 deg sky in 1.5 sec) Path length (15 µm non-repeatable, 20 µm repeatable) To validate these specifications: two prototype antennas built & evaluated at ATF (VLA)
Prototype Antenna Testing at VLA Photogrammetry, January 2005
Antenna Configurations (min) 150 m
ALMA + ACA First ACA 12m – Dec 2007, 7m – Nov 2008
Big tractor picture These vehicles must lift the 110 ton antenna systems and transport them over the ALMA road, often for several tens of kilometers at 7% avg grade, to and from the antenna stations and the OSF. To do this, these vehicles are equipped with twin 1340 horsepower engines; the transporters measure 33 feet wide, 52 feet long, and 15 feet high.
10,000m 4 mas @ 950 GHz Antenna Configurations (max) Site infrastructure (AOS/OSF) + inner array completed 2008
Summary of detailed requirements Frequency30 to 950 GHz (initially only 84-720 GHz fully instrumented) Bandwidth8 GHz, fully tunable Spectral resolution31.5 kHz (0.01 km/s) at 100 GHz Angular resolution30 to 0.015” at 300 GHz Dynamic range10000:1 (spectral); 50000:1 (imaging) Flux sensitivity0.2 mJy in 1 min at 345 GHz (median conditions) Antenna complement64 antennas of 12m diameter, plus compact array of 4 x 12m and 12 x 7m antennas (Japan) PolarizationAll cross products simultaneously
Schedule June 1998Phase I: Design & Development November 2001Prototype antennas at VLA site December 2001US/European ALMA Agreement September 2004Enhanced ALMA Agreement (JP) 2005Antenna Contract Awarded 2005-7Prototype System Testing 2007-8AOS/OSF completed 2009 - 2010 Commissioning & early science operations 2012Full Operations
Evaluation of Early Science Array Complete Projected Science Summary Schedule 20072006 20092008 201120102012 4123 4123 4123 412341234123 4123 (Data as of 2006Aug06) ATF Testing Support OSF/AOS Commissioning Antenna Array – Finish dates 16 th 32 nd 50 th Science Verification ATF ` July ’10 Early Science (+24) Sept ’09 Early Science Decision Point Call for Proposals / Early Science Preparation Sept ’12 Start of Full Science 8 th OSF Integration – Start dates 1 st 16 th 32 nd 50 th 3 rd 2 nd SE&I Reference ATF Testing 8 th Nov ’06 ATF First Fringes SCIENCE SUMMARY Site Characterization Science Support OSF Time Now March ’09 Limited call for SV proposals +6 antennas NOT YET BOARD APPROVED 3 rd
Highest Level Science Goals Bilateral Agreement Annex B: “ALMA has three level-1 science requirements: 1) The ability to detect spectral line emission from CO or C+ in a normal galaxy like the Milky Way at a redshift of z = 3, in less than 24 hours of observation. 2) The ability to image the gas kinematics in a solar-mass protostellar/ protoplanetary disk at a distance of 150 pc (roughly, the distance of the star-forming clouds in Ophiuchus or Corona Australis), enabling one to study the physical, chemical, and magnetic field structure of the disk and to detect the tidal gaps created by planets undergoing formation. 3) The ability to provide precise images at an angular resolution of 0.1". Here the term precise image means accurately representing the sky brightness at all points where the brightness is greater than 0.1% of the peak image brightness. This requirement applies to all sources visible to ALMA that transit at an elevation greater than 20 degrees. These requirements drive the technical specifications of ALMA. “ A detailed discussion of them may be found in the new ESA publication Dusty and Molecular Universe on ALMA and Herschel.
ALMA Design Reference Science Plan (DRSP) Goal: To provide a prototype suite of high-priority ALMA projects that could be carried out in ~3 yr of full ALMA operations Started planning late April 2003; outline + teams complete early July; submitted December 2003; updated periodically 128 submissions received involving ~75 astronomers Review by ASAC members completed; comments included Current version of DRSP on Website at: New submissions continue to be added.
Frequency band capabilities Band 3: 84-116GHz. FOV = 60 arcsec Continuum: ff/dust separation, optically-thin dust, dust emissivity index, grain size SiO maser, low excitation lines CO 1-0 (5.5K), CS 2-1, HCO + 1-0, N 2 H+… Band 6: 211-275GHz. FOV = 25 arcsec Dust SED Medium excitation lines: CO 2-1 (16K), HCN 3-2, … Band 7: 275-373GHz. FOV = 18 arcsec Continuum: most sensitive band for dust. Wave plate at 345GHz for precision polarimetry Medium-high excitation lines: CO 3-2 (33K), HCN 4-3, N 2 D +, … Band 9: 602-720GHz. FOV = 9 arcsec Towards peak of dust SED, away from Rayleigh Jeans; hence T(dust) High excitation lines e.g. CO 6-5 (115K), HCN 8-7 in compact regions
Synthesising the Aperture: “Homogeneous Imaging” weight uv distance U=D/ λ Single dish Cross correlation mosaic Reduced sensitivity at D/2
12m Aperture Synthesis with ALMA 12-m cross-correlations from 60 dishes measure spacings from 12m up to maximum baseline e.g. 10km Auto-correlations from 4 12-m dishes measure from zero up to ~6m spacings Extra measurements here help imaging precision: Cross-correlations from 7-m dishes, or Large single dish observations Up to 15km
Initial Conditions: Pre-collapse Cores L1498: Tafalla et al. Strong chemical gradients and clumpiness Indicates depletion and chemical evolution ALMA mosaic at 3mm: 100 pointings plus single-dish data needed ALMA can resolve 15AU scales in nearby cores, or study cores at 1000AU scales out to 10kpc
Core dynamics: infall Di Francesco et al (2001) Small-scale Extended 0.1 - 0.3 pc Walsh et al
Starless Core Chemistry: probing the depletion zones Complete CNO depletion within 2500AU? ALMA can study this region, in objects as far as the GC, in H 2 D + CS, CO, HCO + NH 3, N 2 H + H2D+D2H+H2D+D2H+ Walmsley et al. 2004; Caselli et al 2003 372GHz line 8,000AU 2,500AU 15,000AU
Polarized CO Line Emission NFC1333IRAS4A Goldreich-Kylafis Effect Girart, Crutcher, Rao 1999 SiO J=1-0 Choi 2005 A1 A2
Polarization and the Role of Magnetic Fields Girart, Rao, Marrone 2006 Polarization hole Polarization peak is offset Hour glass shape of the magnetic field structure in the circumbinary envelope The large scale field is well aligned with the minor axis We will need some higher angular resolution observations to map the structure of the field between the two cores Contours - I Pixel - polarized flux density sqrt(Q^2+U^2) RMS = 3 mJy/bm Peak pol = 9 % at PA 153 degrees At the peak of Stokes I - pol = 1% Averaged pol = 4.7% @ 145 degrees E-Vectors B-Vectors The data indicate that, in the case of IRAS 4A, magnetic pressure is more influential than turbulence in slowing star formation within the cloud core. The same likely is true for similar cloud cores elsewhere.
Role of Magnetic Fields? (Figure by A. Chrysostomou) (Crutcher et al) L1544: Ward-Thompson et al 2000
CO polarisation: Goldreich-Kylafis effect Detection of polarised CO J=2-1 NGC2024FIR5 Greaves et al (2001)
Star formation in crowded environments ALMA can resolve 15AU scales at Taurus Clump mass function down to 0.1 Jupiter masses Onset of multiplicity BD formation Internal structure of clumps Turbulence on AU scales Bate 2002 Protostars and Clumps in Perseus: Hatchell et al 2005.
Cores and Filaments: Are Hydrodynamical Simulations Realistic? Clump mass spectrum Relation to IMF? Low mass limit? Dependence on age? Clump structure – transient or bound? Filaments are they omnipresent? thermal/density structure Motte et al Klessen 2004
Molecular Outflows Origin of flows down to 1.5AU scales 10 mas resolution at 345 GHz: 24 hours gives 5K rms at 20 km/s resolution Resolve magnetosphere: X or disk winds? Flow rotation? Proper motions 0.2 arcsec per year for 100km/s at 100pc Resolve the cooling length Resolve multiple outflow regions Beuther et al, 2002 Chandler & Richer 1999 170AU resolution
Spatially-resolved Spectral Surveys 8GHz bandwidth Schilke et al Kuan et al 2004
Looney et al, 2000 “Hot Core” chemistry around low mass protostars 300AU sized molecular structures around protostellar candidates Different chemical signatures
Circumstellar Disks: Structure and Evolution Dutrey et al
= 333 m = 870 m M planet / M star = 0.5M Jup / 1.0 M sun Orbital radius: 5 AU Disk mass as in the circumstellar disk as around the Butterfly Star in Taurus Maximum baseline: 10km, t int =8h, 30deg phase noise pointing eror 0.6“ Tsys = 1200K (333mu) / 220K (870mu) Sebastian Wolf (2005) 50 pc 100 pc
Protoplanetary disk at 140pc, with Jupiter mass planet at 5AU ALMA simulation 428GHz, bandwidth 8GHz total integration time: 4h max. baseline: 10km Contrast reduced at higher frequency as optical depth increases Will push ALMA to its limits Wolf, Gueth, Henning, & Kley 2002, ApJ 566, L97 Imaging Protoplanetary Disks
“Debris” disk spectroscopy with Spitzer Rieke et al 2004
“Debris” Disk imaging with ALMA Wyatt (2004) model: dust trapped in resonances by migrating planets in disk ALMA will revolutionise studies of the large cold grains in other planetary systems Vega (Holland et al) Fomalhaut (Greaves et al)
ALMA could map one square degree at 350GHz in 180 hours to 0.7mJy sensitivity This is 0.15 solar masses at 20K confusion limited unless resolution high 1 arcsec beam (8500AU) would give Δ T=0.6K at 1 km/s resolution Possible lines in 2x4GHz passband: USB: SiO 8-7, H 13 CO + 4-3, H 13 CN 4-3, CO 3-2 LSB: CH 3 CN, CH 3 OH Or USB: HCN 4-3, HCO + 4-3 LSB: H 13 CN 4-3, CS 7-6, CO 3-2 Pierce-Price, Richer, et al 2000 SCUBA 850 micron: Pierce-Price et al 2000 SCUBA 450 micron Star Formation at the Galactic Centre
Science group suggestions: * predictions about how gas lifts off of the surface of the disk and what the physical conditions of that gas might be - we need to know what tracers ALMA can use are likely to probe this effect and how those tracers are likely to evolve as the protostar heats up or for higher luminosity protostars. * when the material accretes from the "envelope" to the disk and starts to "pile-up” in the disk (in the scenario for episodic accretion), there should be a second, lower energy accretion shock in the outer disk. What are the atomic/molecular/continuum diagnostic of that shock? Any chance we could observe it with ALMA?
44 The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) is an international astronomy facility. ALMA is a partnership between Europe, North America and Japan, in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. ALMA is funded in North America by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) in cooperation with the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), in Europe by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and Spain. ALMA construction and operations are led on behalf of North America by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), which is managed by Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI), on behalf of Europe by ESO, and on behalf of Japan by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.
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