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Set 3 Vocabulary By: Priya Varma. Bluff (verb) Synonym- deceive Antonym- truth,

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Presentation on theme: "Set 3 Vocabulary By: Priya Varma. Bluff (verb) Synonym- deceive Antonym- truth,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Set 3 Vocabulary By: Priya Varma

2 Bluff (verb) Synonym- deceive Antonym- truth, honest - to engage in a false display of strength or confidence, usually in order to deceive someone Franklin wanted to seem like he had an advantage on what would be on the test, but he was bluffing, he had no idea what was on it.

3 Brackish (adjective) -Salty The bunny pursed his lips after ate the pretzel it was way too brackish, all of the pretzel was covered in salt, not one open area. Synonym- salty Antonym- fresh water

4 Circumference (noun) Synonym- perimeter Antonym- area -the boundary of an area, an object, or geometric figure; especially a circle. Franklin got in trouble for missing the corners while running in P.E. so his punishment was to run around the circumference of the school.

5 Headway (noun) Synonym- Advance Antonym- Block -to progress towards a place or a goal. Franklin made headway down the street as he almost was able to see the finish line.

6 Ignite (verb) Synonym- light Antonym- extinguish -to cause something to start burning; to catch on fire. While Franklin was cooking, he smelled something burning and then found out he accidently ignited his hair on fire.

7 Illuminated (verb) Synonym- clarify Antonym- dull -to cast light upon someone or something. All Franklin wanted for Christmas was an illuminated keyboard; he thought it was cool how it lit up in all sorts of colors.

8 Impending (adjective) Synonym- approaching Antonym- distant -about to occur. An alert sign popped up at the bottom of my laptop saying “About to download.” The download was impending.

9 Repugnant (adjective) Synonym- horrid Antonym- friendly -causing disgust; offensive or repulsive. The two whispering girls were being repugnant to the new girl by ignoring her and making fun of her behind her back.

10 Restitution (noun) Synonym- amends, due Antonym- fee -to pay money or make up for damage or injury that you have caused. Since Franklin accidently hit a baseball into his neighbors’ window, he had to make restitution to them by mowing their lawn for a year.

11 Sabotage (noun) (verb) Synonym- destruction Antonym- fix, repair (n) A deliberate act that causes damage or stops activities. (v) To commit sabotage against something. (n) Franklin threw a banana peel on the ground so he could sabotage his archenemy who would slip, get badly injured and not be able to play in the basketball championship. (v) Maggie sabotaged the game by greasing the ball to foil her adversary, so it would be slippery and hard to catch.

12 Scarcity (noun) Synonym- lack, rarity Antonym- abundance -insufficient supply; a shortage. For Franklin’s cupcake party someone had mysteriously eaten half of the cupcakes, so now they had a scarcity of cupcakes.

13 Zeal (noun) Synonym- determination Antonym- lethargic -Great enthusiasm or devotion to a cause, idea or goal. For Maggie’s basketball championship everyone showed great zeal for the upcoming showdown.


15 Ambrosial (adjective) Synonym- heavenly Antonym- disgusting -delicious, fragrant, divine As Franklin walked into the garden he smelled the ambrosial flowers which made him feel ecstatic.

16 Halcyon (adjective) Synonym- tranquil Antonym- wild -calm, peaceful In Hawaii, Franklin went to many halcyon spots, such as many waterfalls with beautiful scenery.

17 Metamorphosis (noun) Synonym- develop Antonym- stagnation -a transformation, a marked alteration During the Winter, metamorphosis occurred and the cocoon turned into a very beautiful butterfly.

18 Labyrinthine (adjective) Synonym- complex Antonym- straight-forward, easy -complicated, perplexing, mazelike Franklin was put in a labyrinthine situation, which was very complicated and hard to figure out.

19 Titanic (adjective) Synonym- colossal Antonym- miniature, small -huge, powerful At the dinosaur museum, Franklin saw many titanic dinosaurs, so colossal and scary.

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