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PowerPoint® Presentation for Specialty Chairside Assisting with Labs

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1 PowerPoint® Presentation for Specialty Chairside Assisting with Labs
Module: Oral Pathology Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

2 Module: Oral Pathology
Part A: Cause and Effect of Oral Diseases Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

3 Module: Oral Pathology
Learning Objectives 1. Define the Key Terms. 2. Define oral pathology and etiology. 3. List the signs of inflammation. 4. Describe oral lesions caused by biological, physical, and chemical agents. Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

4 Module: Oral Pathology
Learning Objectives 5. Distinguish oral conditions related to hormonal, developmental, and nutritional disturbances. 6. Demonstrate the knowledge and ability to assist during a surgical biopsy procedure. Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

5 Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Part A: Key Terms Abscess Actinomycosis Angular cheilitis Ankylosis Anodontia Aphthous ulcers Biopsy Blister Bulla Candida albicans Canker sores Cleft lip Cleft palate Cyst Dysplasic cells Ecchymosis Etiology Fissured tongue Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

6 Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Key Terms Fordyce’s spots Granuloma Hematoma Herpes labialis Herpes zoster Herpetic gingivostomatitis Herpetic whitlow Histamine HIV Hyperkeratinized Hyperplasia Innocuous Kaposi’s sarcoma Lesions Macule Neonatal teeth Neoplasm Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

7 Part B: Cause and Effect of Oral Diseases
Classifications of lesions: Above the surface Below the surface Even or flat with the surface Flat or above the surface Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

8 Diseases Caused by Biological Agents
Actinomycosis Syphillis Herpes simplex Herpes zoster Aphthous ulcers Thrush Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

9 Diseases Caused by Physical Agents
Denture irritation leading to hyperplasia Amalgam tattoo Radiation injury Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

10 Diseases Caused by Chemical Agents
Aspirin burn Nicotine stomatitis Snuff lesion Hairy tongue Gingival hyperplasia Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

11 Oral Conditions Caused by Hormonal Disturbances
Puberty gingival enlargement Pyogenic granuloma Pregnancy gingivitis Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

12 Oral Cavity Conditions Caused by Developmental Disturbances
Clefting in the oral cavity Disturbances in tooth development Oral tori Exostoses Fordyce’s spots Fissured tonge Bifid tongue Ankyloglossia Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

13 Oral Conditions Due to Nutritional Deficiencies
Angular cheilitis Glossitis Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

14 Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Neoplasms Leukoplakia Lichen planus Erythroplakia Squamous cell carcinoma Basal cell carcinoma Papilloma Fibroma Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

15 Oral Cancer Warning Signs
Sore in the oral cavity that does not heal within one month Lumps and swelling in the oral cavity, on the lips, or on the neck White lesions or rough lesions in the mouth or on the lips Dryness in the mouth over a period of time for no apparent reason Numbness in or around the oral cavity Soreness or burning sensation in or around the oral cavity Difficulty speaking, chewing, or swallowing Repeated bleeding in a specific area of the mouth for no apparent reason Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

16 Lesions Caused by AIDS and HIV
Hairy leukoplakia Candida albicans Kaposi’s sarcoma Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

17 Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Other Oral Disorders ANUG Mucocele Varix Geographic tongue Conditions caused by: Anorexia nervosa Bulimia Bell’s palsy Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

18 Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Assessment Questions Why should the cotton roll be moistened before being removed from the patient’s mouth? A dry cotton roll may tear the oral mucosa. What is the most common treatment for oral conditions caused by hormonal disturbances? Good oral hygiene Name the common lesions for AIDS and HIV patients. Hairy leukoplakia, candida albicans, and Kaposi’s sarcoma Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

19 Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Summary of Module Key Terms Classifications of lesions Diseases caused by biological, physical, and chemical agents Oral conditions caused by hormonal and developmental disturbances Oral conditions caused by nutritional deficiencies Oral cancer Copyright © 2006 Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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