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Section 13.1 Standardized Recipe Basics
Section Recipe Measurement and Conversion
Section 13.1 Standardized Recipe Basics
Recipes provide specific instructions to prepare food items. A recipe includes details on how to use ingredients, procedures, and cooking instructions.
recipe quantity standardized recipe quality control product name yield portion size preparation procedure formula ingredient list baker’s percentage consistent hallmark
Standardized Recipes Standardized recipes can be changed, but each change must go through quality control. quality control A system that ensures that everything will meet the foodservice establishment’s standards.
Standardized Recipes Standardized recipe benefits:
consistent quality and quantity standard portion size/cost fewer errors in food orders less waste more easily meet customer expectations quantity The total amount a recipe makes.
Standardized Recipes The success of any standardized recipe depends on the experience of the person who uses it. standardized recipe A set of written instructions used to consistently prepare a known quantity and quality of food.
Standardized Recipes Describe the different parts of a standardized recipe. Recipe Part Description Product Name The name given to the recipe; should be consistent with the name of the dish on the menu Yield The number of servings, or portions, that a recipe produces Portion Size The amount or size of an individual serving
Standardized Recipes Describe the different parts of a standardized recipe. Recipe Part Description Ingredient Quantity Directions on how to measure each ingredient that is listed Preparation Procedures Steps that you must take to prepare the dish Cooking Temperatures and Times The temperatures and times that must be used for the dish to cook properly; these are usually listed together on a recipe
Standardized Recipes Baking is different from cooking because it involves chemical reactions. Baked goods require precise formulas to work. formula A special type of recipe used in the bakeshop.
Standardized Recipes Three major differences between formulas and recipes are: order of how ingredients are listed inclusion of preparation instructions baker’s percentage baker’s percentage In a formula, includes the percentage of each ingredient in relation to the weight of flour in the final baked product.
Section 13.2 Recipe Measurement and Conversion
Sometimes, foodservice professionals need to adjust recipes to meet their needs. Adjusted recipes should be tested before preparation, as many factors can affect conversion.
convert metric system balance scale electronic scale volume measurement count recipe conversion conversion factor shrinkage precise alter
Standardized Recipe Measurements
Sometimes it is necessary to convert recipes to make more or less of a dish. convert To adjust ingredient quantities in a standardized recipe.
Standardized Recipe Measurements
Standardized recipe ingredients are measured by: weight volume count count The number of individual items used in a recipe.
Standardized Recipe Measurements
Recipes measured using the metric system are easy to convert from one unit to another by simply moving the decimal place. metric system A mathematical system that uses powers of 10 to measure things.
Standardized Recipe Measurements
Standardized Recipe Measurements
Standardized Recipe Measurements
Scales for measuring weight come in different types, sizes, and price ranges. If you needed to purchase a scale, what factors would you use to decide which one to buy?
Standardized Recipe Measurements
Volume measurements are used most often to measure liquids, such as cups and gallons. volume measurement A measurement that is expressed in cups, quarts, gallons, and fluid ounces.
Recipe Conversion The conversion factor helps you increase or decrease the yield in a recipe. ÷ = Desired Yield Existing Yield Conversion Factor conversion factor The number that comes from dividing the yield you want by the existing yield in a recipe.
Recipe Conversion Multiply the existing quantity of an ingredient by the conversion factor to find the new ingredient quantity. Existing Quantity Conversion Factor x = New Quantity
x = Recipe Conversion Convert Portion Size
Multiply the number of existing portions by the existing portion size. Existing Portions x Existing Portion Size = Existing Yield
x = Recipe Conversion Convert Portion Size
Multiply the desired portions by the desired portion size to find the new yield. Desired Portions x Desired Portion Size = New Yield
÷ = Recipe Conversion Convert Portion Size
Divide the new yield by the existing yield to get the conversion factor. Conversion Factor ÷ Existing Yield = New Yield
x = Recipe Conversion Convert Portion Size
Multiply each ingredient by the conversion factor to get the new ingredient yield. New Ingredient Yield Old Ingredient x Conversion Factor =
Recipe Conversion Conversion calculations do not take into account certain factors: equipment mixing and cooking time cooking temperatures shrinkage recipe errors shrinkage The percentage of food lost during its storage and preparation.
Chapter Summary Section 13.1 Standardized Recipe Basics
A standardized recipe helps ensure consistency in quality, quantity, and portion size. Every standardized recipe provides information for foodservice to plan, prepare, and use the food product.
Chapter Summary Section 13.2 Recipe Measurement and Conversion
Recipes list ingredient amounts by weight, volume, or count. You must use a formula to adjust a standardized recipe’s total yield or portion size. Baking formulas may list ingredients in a different order, use a baker’s percentage, and may lack specific instructions.
Do you remember the vocabulary terms from this chapter
Do you remember the vocabulary terms from this chapter? Use the following slides to check your knowledge of the definitions. The slides in this section include both English and Spanish terms and definitions.
recipe receta An exact set of directions on how to use ingredients, equipment, and cooking techniques for a certain dish. Un conjunto exacto de instrucciones sobre cómo usar los ingredientes, el equipo y las técnicas de cocina para un determinado platillo.
quantity cantidad The total amount a recipe makes.
La cantidad total que hace una receta.
standardized recipe receta estándarizada
A set of written instructions used to consistently prepare a known quantity and quality of food. Un grupo de instrucciones escritas que se usan para preparar cantidades y calidades conocidas de comida.
quality control control de calidad
A system that ensures that everything will meet the foodservice establishment’s standards. Un sistema que garantiza que todo va a cumplir con las normas del establecimiento de comida.
product name nombre del producto
A name given to a recipe. El nombre de una receta.
yield rendimiento The amount of servings in a recipe.
El número de porciones que da una receta.
portion size tamaño de la porción
The amount or size of an individual serving. La cantidad o el tamaño de lo que se le sirve a una persona.
preparation procedure procedimiento para la preparación
The steps you must take to prepare a dish. Los pasos que deben seguir para preparar un platillo.
formula fórmula A special type of recipe used in the bakeshop.
Tipo especial de receta utilizada en una panadería o pastelería.
ingredient list lista de ingredientes
In a recipe, includes all ingredients that will be used in the dish. En una receta de cocina, incluye todos los ingredientes que se necesitan para la preparación del platillo.
baker’s percentage porcentaje para hornear
In a formula, includes the percentage of each ingredient in relation to the weight of flour in the final baked product. En una fórmula que incluye el porcentaje de cada ingrediente en relación con el peso de la harina en el producto final horneado.
convert convertir To adjust ingredient quantities in a standardized recipe. Ajustar las cantidades de ingredientes en una receta estandarizada.
metric system sistema métrico
A mathematical system that uses powers of 10 to measure things. Un sistema matemático que utiliza múltiplos de 10 para medir las cosas.
balance scale balanza A scale with two platforms. One platform holds the item being weighed. The other platform holds weights. These weights are added or removed until the two platforms are balanced. Una pesa con dos plataformas. En una plataforma se pone el artículo que se está pesando. En la otra plataforma se ponen pesas. Se agregan o quitan pesas hasta que las dos plataformas están equilibradas.
electronic scale balanza electrónica
A scale that has a spring that is depressed when an item is placed on its platform. The weight is displayed on a digital readout. Una balanza que tiene un resorte que se baja cuando un artículo se coloca en la plataforma. El peso se muestra en forma digital.
volume measurement medida de volumen
A measurement that is expressed in cups, quarts, gallons, and fluid ounces. Medida que se expresa en tazas, cuartos de galón, galones y onzas líquidas.
count cantidades The number of individual items used in a recipe.
El número de artículos que se usan en una receta.
recipe conversion receta de conversión
A change in a recipe to produce a new amount or yield. Un cambio en una receta para producir una nueva cantidad o rendimiento.
conversion factor factor de conversión
The number that comes from dividing the yield you want by the existing yield in a recipe. El resultado que viene de dividir el rendimiento deseado por el rendimiento de la receta.
shrinkage reducción The percentage of food lost during its storage and preparation. El porcentaje de comida que se pierde durante su almacenamiento y preparación.
consistent consistente
Free from variations. Que no tiene variaciones.
hallmark sello Distinguishing feature. Característica distintiva.
precise preciso Exact. Exacto.
alter alterar To change. Cambiar.
Using Standardized Recipes
End of Chapter 13 Using Standardized Recipes
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