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Sean A. McKitrick, Ph.D. Vice President Middle States Commission on Higher Education March 23, 2012 Palm Springs, CA Basic Assessment Expectations and.

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Presentation on theme: "Sean A. McKitrick, Ph.D. Vice President Middle States Commission on Higher Education March 23, 2012 Palm Springs, CA Basic Assessment Expectations and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sean A. McKitrick, Ph.D. Vice President Middle States Commission on Higher Education March 23, 2012 Palm Springs, CA Basic Assessment Expectations and Context in an Accreditation Perspective Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions

2 A Brief History Pre-1980s1980-20002000-20102010-??? Curriculum and Peer Review Nation at Risk: Outcomes Spellings Commission: Outcomes and Accountability

3 The Triad U.S. Department of Education State GovernmentsAccreditors Institutions and Programs

4 Student Learning Program Assessment: What is Expected? Approvals (often) Clear, aligned student learning outcomes Meaningful student learning assessments (direct assessment + legitimacy), well-aligned with student learning outcomes and courses Periodic (not episodic) review/discussions of quality of student learning, with recommendations Demonstration that recommendations have been acted upon and that this process in systematic Hope or horror? Demonstration of enhancements in student learning

5 Example Student Learning Outcomes Assessment ResultsRecommendations Stemming from Faculty Discussions Record of Action Students will organize their written work through effective paragraphing A review of student papers using a rubric developed by the AACU demonstrated that students are good at writing effective topic sentences, but could improve with regard to the use of evidence to demonstrate the validity of their assertions In our annual faculty meeting on student learning, faculty recommended: (1) Library staff be invited to WRIT100 and WRIT 200 courses to discuss appropriate use of database resources; and, (2) WRIT100 and WRIT200 instructors use new textbook, Writing as an Action Verb. 1.Dean of the Libraries allocated library staff time to research librarians presenting on use of database resources in WRIT100 and WRIT200 courses; 2.Curriculum committee discussing use of appropriate textbook

6 Future DirectionsWhat We Are Hearing Placement rates Salaries Graduation Rates Default Rates More frequent reviews Time to degree Student Learning Role of accreditors as accreditation police

7 Missing?? Student learning assessment in alignment with institutional mission and vision?? Faculty role?? General education/Liberal arts?? Connections between learning and graduation and retention rates, salaries, etc.

8 What We Really Want… Institutions and programs that demonstrate that students are learning what we (faculty and the higher education community) say we want them to learn Institutions and programs that demonstrate that they are achieving their individually-defined missions Institutions and programs that use this process for their own purposes and not for the satisfaction of accrediting organizations

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