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EMTA European issues: EMTA General meeting 27-28 April 2009 VALENCIA.

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Presentation on theme: "EMTA European issues: EMTA General meeting 27-28 April 2009 VALENCIA."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMTA European issues: EMTA General meeting 27-28 April 2009 VALENCIA

2 Manifesto and Questionnaire Manifesto sent 8 March to leaders of political groups at EP EPP chairman of Group at EP Joseph Daul + president of EPP Wilfried Martens PES chairman of Group at EP Martin Schultz +president of PES Poul Nyrup Rasmussen ALDE Chairman Graham Watson (Beaupuy REGI Interg) Union for Europe of the Nations co-presidents Brian Crowley (Ireland) Cristiana Muscardini (Italy) The Greens/ European Free Alliance co-presidenst Monica Frassoni (It)& D.Cohn-Bendit Confederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left chairman Francis Wurtz ID co-president Mrs Hanne Dahl (DK)& Nigel Farage (UK) Group non attached: Ph Claeys, R. Fiore, JM Le Pen  Have responded: EPP, PES, ID ALDE is to come

3 Manifesto responses Content  EPP gives global support  ID says EMTA should remain a forum and not advocate policies and EU cannot and shouldn’t help, EU’s consultative assembly is powerless and not democratically elected  PES: Q1 Agrees with vision. Bigger emphasis on PT to help European competitiveness (high speed rail, intermodality, exchange practices) Q2 Yes PT is major player Shift from car to PT necessary. Make PT more attractive is question of affordability and availability (tariff, service integration, accessibility) Q3 On how can EU help OAs to give their contribution to attain Energy package goals. EU can through legal certainty, Energy package is one and a directive on Services of General interest for minimum criteria in quality and accessibility would be a second Q4 Can EU help on financial issues, what about a TEN-T urban transport scheme. PES acknowledges problems on connecting TEN-T schemes and the cities. Structural & cohesion funds aren’t enough & EU needs new policy to stimulate existing funds. Effort on funding research & innovation and also framework for procurements to help green the fleets, important role of EIB and local authorities should provide incentives to enhance cleaner modes. Finally a warning about the particularly difficult situation of New Member States Follow Invitation to present EMTA at working group of PES (16/04/09) on economic crisis, contribution of different sectors of the economy in supporting recovery, and creating jobs (mainly construction, alternative energies, transport). Brief note sent to complement.

4 PES asked for a presentation of EMTA  at a working group on 16 April. Subject focussed on economic recovery and how sectors of the economy can contribute to employment and help recover growth (building, renewable energies, transport ).  EMTA attended made preliminary remarks on our approach, & Sent brief note following days. Next step (to debate)  Sound economic paper on contribution of PT to the economy, how Transport authorities are instrumental in the contribution of urban transport to economic recovery. Build a better case for funding  Topic for next workshop in Warsaw (5/11/09) Build on Questionnaire on economic crisis impact Hire consultant (3 names for tender), set up quickly a team have a referee among the Board  Presentation to EP & EC DGs new crew early December as part of event to introduce EMTA with Brussels offices Next steps

5 EMTA EMTA Current activities EMTA General meeting 27-28 March 2008

6 News from membership As of April 2009  31 paying members of which 1 non European partner institution Montreal  1 Long time Observer Portugal ( temporary seat to IMTT which together with municipalities act as OA? ), need to formalise Observers and Candidates :  Bucharest (Municipality, Metrorex) formalise, WYPTE  Hannover Region 2010  Rome ATAC 2010 (ex member) Enlarging the network: « Friends of EMTA »  UITP (MoU ), POLIS  Regional offices : 10 offices (Barcelona, Berlin, Bilbao, Ile de France, Helsinki, London, Madrid, Manchester, Stuttgart, Vienna) Facilitate information (intelligence) on EU & EC various DGs & committees and on Regions Organise focused events with EC and EP

7 Current activities Barometer Questionnaire on Economic Crisis Autumn workshop  Format (2 and ½ days)  Objective

8 As of Agenda  25/05/09 PSO- WG Brussels at IdFE. need for more registration (6 only) Read carefully the consultant paper (1-current situation, 2-purpose and scope 3- Pub serv contracts 4- rules for awarding-5 transition period 6-conclusion) Point 3 contracts exclusive rights & compensation. Provide examples need to implement the study  1-2/06/09 Barometer improvement Madrid CRTM Preparation tasks – C. Cristobal/Ldelgado Proposition from STIF O.Nalin  11-12/06/09 Accesssibility- WG Barcelona ATM Actively lead by Manchester (last Jan 09 Conf travel -training + Wkg session) Audition of EdF in Barcelona – how well have transport systems achieved Foresee a presentation of the work in Warsaw with WG leader D.Partington (tbc) Working groups...

9  Financing issues- Workshop November Set up group now need for a leader and a referee in Board Immediate Tasks find external resources, outline a working paper, build on Questionnaire on crisis  E-ticketing-WG sometime between 21-25/09/09? Possibly meet during ITS world Congress in Stockholm? (enhance role of OAs in ITS, CRTM) Other topic is tariff policies possibly linked to economic context  Questionnaire on economic crisis Carmen Sanz/ Carlos Cristobal  EMTA and European Projects CAPRICE CEO VBB Hans Werner Franz see ppt AENEAS see ppt call for good practices among EMTA members  New logo for EMTA Working groups...

10 EMTA Thanks for your attention EMTA General meeting 27-28 March 2008

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